Status of Initial License Renewal Applications and Industry Initiatives

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Plant Applications for License Renewal

Future Submittals of Applications:

Fiscal Year License Renewal Application (LRA) Applicant Letter of Intent
(ADAMS Accession No.)
Submission Date
2026 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 Tennessee Valley Authority ML24085A212 Oct. to Dec. 2026

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Applications Received and Under Acceptance Review:

Plant Name and Unit(s) Application Received
Currently No Applications Recieved and Under Acceptance Review

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Applications Currently Under Review:

Plant Name and Unit(s) Application Received
Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 07/03/2023
Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Units 1 and 2 11/07/2023
Clinton Power Station, Unit 1 02/14/2024

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Completed Applications:

(Includes application, review schedule, supplemental environmental impact statement, and safety evaluation report.)

Plant Name and Unit(s) Application Received Renewed License Issued Date Entering Extended Operation
Calvert Cliffs 1 & 2 04/10/98 03/23/00 07/31/14 (Unit 1)
08/13/16 (Unit 2)
Oconee 1, 2 & 3 07/07/98 05/23/00 02/06/13 (Unit 1)
10/06/13 (Unit 2)
07/19/14 (Unit 3)
Arkansas Nuclear One 1 02/01/00 06/20/01 05/20/14
Turkey Point 3 & 4 09/11/00 06/06/02 07/19/12 (Unit 3)
04/10/13 (Unit 4)
Edwin I. Hatch 1 & 2 03/01/00 06/15/02 08/06/14 (Unit 1)
06/13/18 (Unit 2)
North Anna 1 & 2 05/29/01 03/20/03 04/01/18 (Unit 1)
08/21/20 (Unit 2)
Surry 1 & 2 05/29/01 03/20/03 05/25/12 (Unit 1)
01/29/13 (Unit 2)
Peach Bottom 2 & 3 07/02/01 05/07/03 08/08/13 (Unit 2)
07/02/14 (Unit 3)
St. Lucie 1 & 2 11/30/01 10/02/03 03/01/16 (Unit 1)
04/06/23 (Unit 2)
Fort Calhoun* 01/11/02 11/04/03 08/09/13
McGuire 1 & 2 06/14/01 12/05/03 06/12/21 (Unit 1)
03/03/23 (Unit 2)
Catawba 1 & 2 06/14/01 12/05/03 12/05/23 (Unit 1)
12/05/23 (Unit 2)
H.B. Robinson 2 06/17/02 04/19/04 07/31/10
V.C. Summer 08/06/02 04/23/04 08/06/22
R.E. Ginna 08/01/02 05/19/04 09/18/09
Dresden 2 & 3 01/03/03 10/28/04 12/22/09 (Unit 2)
01/12/11 (Unit 3)
Quad Cities 1 & 2 03/03/03 10/28/04 12/14/12 (Unit 1)
12/14/12 (Unit 2)
Joseph M. Farley 1 & 2 09/15/03 05/12/05 06/25/17 (Unit 1)
03/31/21 (Unit 2)
Arkansas Nuclear One 2 10/15/03 06/30/05 07/17/18
D.C. Cook 1 & 2 10/31/03 08/30/05 10/25/14 (Unit 1)
12/23/17 (Unit 2)
Millstone 2 & 3 01/22/04 11/28/05 07/31/15 (Unit 2)
11/25/25 (Unit 3)
Point Beach 1 & 2 02/26/04 12/22/05 10/05/10 (Unit 1)
03/08/13 (Unit 2)
Browns Ferry 1, 2 & 3 01/02/04 05/04/06 12/20/13 (Unit 1)
06/28/14 (Unit 2)
07/02/16 (Unit 3)
Brunswick 1 & 2 10/18/04 06/26/06 09/08/16 (Unit 1)
12/27/14 (Unit 2)
Nine Mile Point 1 & 2 05/27/04 10/31/06 08/22/09 (Unit 1)
10/31/26 (Unit 2)
Monticello 03/24/05 11/08/06 09/08/10
Palisades 03/31/05 01/17/07 03/24/11
FitzPatrick 07/01/06 09/08/08 10/17/14
Wolf Creek 1 10/04/06 11/20/08 03/11/25
Harris 1 11/16/06 12/17/08 10/24/26
Oyster Creek****** 07/22/05 04/08/09 04/09/09
Vogtle 1 & 2 06/29/07 06/03/09 01/16/27 (Unit 1)
02/09/29 (Unit 2)
Three Mile Island 1 01/08/08 10/22/09 04/19/14
Beaver Valley 1 & 2 08/28/07 11/05/09 01/29/16 (Unit 1)
05/27/27 (Unit 2)
Susquehanna 1 & 2 09/13/06 11/17/09 07/17/22 (Unit 1)
03/23/24 (Unit 2)
Cooper 09/30/08 11/29/10 01/18/14
Duane Arnold 10/01/08 12/16/10 02/21/14
Kewaunee 08/14/08 02/24/11 **
Vermont Yankee*** 01/27/06 03/21/11 03/21/12
Palo Verde 1, 2 & 3 12/15/08 04/22/11 06/01/25 (Unit 1)
04/24/26 (Unit 2)
11/25/27 (Unit 3)
Prairie Island 1 & 2 04/15/08 06/27/11 08/09/13 (Unit 1)
10/29/14 (Unit 2)
Salem 1 & 2 08/18/09 06/30/11 08/13/16 (Unit 1)
04/18/20 (Unit 2)
Hope Creek 1 08/18/09 07/20/11 04/11/26
Columbia Generating Station 01/20/10 05/22/12 12/20/23
Pilgrim 1 01/27/06 05/29/12  +++
Crystal River 3 12/18/08 ****  
Limerick 1 & 2 06/22/11 10/20/14 10/26/24 (Unit 1)
06/22/29 (Unit 2)
Callaway 1 12/19/11 03/06/15 10/18/24
Sequoyah 1 & 2 01/15/13 09/24/15 09/17/20 (Unit 1)
09/15/21 (Unit 2)
Byron 1 & 2 05/29/13 11/19/15 10/31/24 (Unit 1)
11/06/26 (Unit 2)
Davis-Besse 1 08/30/10 12/08/15 04/22/17
Braidwood 1 & 2 05/29/13 01/27/16 10/17/26 (Unit 1)
12/18/27 (Unit 2)
LaSalle 1 & 2 12/09/14 10/19/16 04/17/22 (Unit 1)
12/16/23 (Unit 2)
Grand Gulf 1 11/01/11 12/01/16 11/02/24
Fermi, Unit 2 04/30/14 12/15/16 03/21/25
South Texas Project 1 & 2 10/28/10 09/28/17 08/21/27 (Unit 1)
12/16/28 (Unit 2)
Diablo Canyon 1 & 2 11/24/09 *****  
Indian Point 2 & 3 04/30/07 09/17/18 09/17/18 (Unit 1)
09/17/18 (Unit 2)
River Bend 05/31/17 12/20/18 08/30/25
Waterford 3 03/23/16 12/27/18 10/19/24
Seabrook 1 06/01/10 03/12/19 03/15/30
Comanche Peak 1 & 2 10/03/22 07/30/24 02/08/30 (Unit 1)
02/02/33 (Unit 2)

* Fort Calhoun Station was permanently shut down on October 24, 2016.

** Kewaunee Power Station was permanently shut down on May 7, 2013.

*** Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station was permanently shut down on December 29, 2014.

**** The Crystal River Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit 3 application was withdrawn by the licensee on February 6, 2013.  The facility was permanently shut down on February 20, 2013.

***** The previous Diablo Canyon 1 & 2 license renewal application was submitted on November 7, 2018 and withdrawn by the licensee on March 7, 2018. On October 31, 2022, Pacific Gas and Electric sent in a letter to “Request to Resume Review of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant License Renewal Application or, Alternatively, for an Exemption from 10 CFR 2.109(b), Concerning a Timely Renewal Application.”  On March 2, 2023, the NRC granted the exemption.

****** Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station was permanently shut down on September 7, 2018.

 +++ Pilgrim 1 permanently shut down on May 31, 2019

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Industry Activities

Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) -- Industry representatives also participate in working groups and technical committees, coordinated by the Nuclear Energy Institute, to address generic technical and process issues, and to develop additional guidance related to scoping and aging management programs. The NRC has established a formal feedback process by which the resolution of the generic renewal issues and lessons learned during the review of the initial renewal applications is documented and included in revisions to the implementation guidance. These activities are expected to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of future license renewal reviews.

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To subscribe to all outgoing public correspondence for a specific license renewal application by e-mail, simply go to our Operating Reactors Correspondence page enter your email address, name, select the plant(s) of interest and Subscribe. This correspondence will include all publicly available information for a specific plant.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, October 22, 2024