Sites Undergoing Decommissioning (by Location or Name)
The nuclear regulatory activities of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) include decommissioning nuclear facilities. This involves safely removing a facility or site from service and reducing residual radioactivity to a level that permits the license to be terminated, with the property released either for unrestricted use or under specified restricted conditions.
Under certain conditions (as allowed by the Atomic Energy Act), the NRC enters into agreements with State governors. Those agreements authorize individual States to regulate the decommissioning of materials facilities within their borders. States that meet these conditions and agree to use the same regulatory standards as the NRC are called Agreement States. In States that do not have agreements with the NRC, the Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) and the NRC's regional offices exercise regulatory authority over the decommissioning of materials facilities. In addition, the NRC retains regulatory authority over decommissioning in certain portions of Agreement States that are subject to "exclusive Federal jurisdiction," including most American Indian reservations and certain areas of military bases.
The following map depicts the locations of sites that are currently decommissioning, while the Alphabetical List of Sites Undergoing Decommissioning (by Name) provides links to their descriptions, which include site status summaries, any major technical or regulatory issues, and the estimated date for closure of each site. For additional detail by type of facility, see Complex Materials Sites, Power Reactors, Research & Test Reactors, Uranium Recovery Sites, and Fuel Cycle Facilities.
Restarting Reactors
Alphabetical List of Sites Undergoing Decommissioning (by Name)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W
The site descriptions (site status summaries, major technical or regulatory issues, and estimated closure dates) for facilities regulated by Agreement States were provided by the respective States, and the NRC makes no claim regarding the validity of that information.
Facility |
Location |
Type |
Bear Creek |
Powder River Basin, WY |
Uranium Recovery |
Facility |
Location |
Type |
Oyster Creek |
Forked River, NJ |
Power Reactor |
Facility |
Location |
Type |
Safety Light Corporation (SLC) |
Bloomsburg, PA |
Complex Materials |
San Onofre – Unit 1 |
San Clemente, CA |
Power Reactor |
San Onofre – Units 2 & 3 |
San Clemente, CA |
Power Reactor |
Sequoyah Fuels Corporation |
Gore, OK |
Uranium Recovery |
Shallow Land Disposal Area (BWX Technologies, Inc.) |
Vandergrift, PA |
Complex Materials |
Shieldalloy Metallurgical Corporation |
Newfield, NJ |
Complex Materials |
Sigma-Aldrich |
Maryland Heights, MO |
Complex Materials |
Solvay USA, Inc. |
Freeport, TX |
Complex Materials |
Starmet CMI |
Barnwell, SC |
Complex Materials |
Starmet Corporation (formerly Nuclear Metals) |
Concord, MA |
Complex Materials |
Superbolt (formerly Superior Steel) |
Carnegie, PA |
Complex Materials |