Public Meeting Schedule

NOTE: When a meeting offers video conferencing at multiple locations, these details will be provided.

Detailed information for each meeting is available by selecting [more...]

Meetings presently scheduled from 12/02/2024 forward

Date/Time Purpose Location Contact
1:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff and representatives of the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Regulatory Issues Task Force (RITF) to discuss several regulatory issues regarding licensing processes, oversight processes, and other topics. The meeting will be conducted in a hybrid format (i.e., in-person, online, and teleconference). [more...]

Participation: Observation


NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
James Delosreyes
(301) 415-4141

8:30AM -
12:00PM ET

Meeting info
Discuss Oklo's approach to material categorization and physical protection for its fuel recycling facility [more...]

Participation: Partially Closed


NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Victoria V. Huckabay
(301) 415-5183

10:00AM -
3:00PM ET

Meeting info
Oral Argument in the matter of Powertech (USA) Inc. (Dewey Burdock In-Situ Uranium Recovery Facility) License Renewal proceeding [more...]

Participation: Open

Whitlee Dean
(301) 415-1583

Twana Ellis
(301) 415-6094

* Date/Time Change *
12/03/24 -
10:00AM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is for the NRC staff to meet directly with individuals to discuss regulatory and technical issues. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions of the NRC staff or make comments about the issues discussed throughout the meeting, however, the NRC is not actively soliciting comments towards regulatory decisions at this meeting. The workshop is being held in coordination with the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy and the Electric Power Research Institute, with assistance from the Center for Nuclear Regulatory Waste Analyses. This is part of the Agency’s efforts to enable efficient and safety and licensing reviews. #ADVANCENRC [more...]

Participation: Information with Q&A

Aditya Savara
(301) 415-1049

1:00PM -
2:30PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss opportunities to increase efficiencies for the subsequent license renewals reviews. [more...]

Participation: Information with Q&A

11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Angela Wu
(301) 415-2995

2:00PM -
3:30PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting between Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation (WCNOC, the licensee) and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff, is to provide information to the NRC staff regarding a potential license amendment request that would add a new license condition to allow for the implementation of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Section 50.69, “Risk-informed categorization and treatment of structures, systems and components for nuclear power reactors.” Section 50.69 of 10 CFR allows adjustment of the scope of structures, systems, and components (SSCs) subject to special treatment requirements (e.g., quality assurance, testing, inspection, condition monitoring, assessment, and evaluation) based on an integrated, systematic, risk-informed process for categorizing SSCs according to their safety significance. Publicly available presentation slides for this meeting can be found in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) at Accession No. ML24311A157. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Samson Lee
(301) 415-3168

12/04/24 -
8:30AM -
6:00PM ET

Meeting info
721st ACRS Full Committee Meeting [more...]

Participation: Open


NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Quynh Nguyen
(301) 415-7360

8:30AM -
10:00AM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of the meeting is for Constellation to discuss a proposed license condition concerning equipment qualification that it plans to submit as part of the Limerick digital instrumentation and controls license amendment request. [more...]

Participation: Partially Closed


Robert "Rob" Kuntz
(301) 415-3733

Michael Marshall
(301) 415-2871

9:30AM -
11:30AM ET

Meeting info
NRC staff will meet with the Pressurized Water Reactor Owners Group to discuss an On-Line Monitoring Program for Technical Specification Instrumentation pertaining to a proposed Topical Report. This is a follow-up to previous discussions on this topic. [more...]

Participation: Closed

Leslie Fields
(301) 415-1186

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss Kairos Power LLC's forthcoming topical report on the operator training and testing program and the exemption necessary to apply the topical report. Approval of the topical report and granting of the exemption will allow Kairos to administer their own reactor operator licensing exams for Hermes 1 and Hermes 2 reactor operators instead of the NRC performing that task. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Michael Orenak
(301) 415-3229

10:00AM -
12:00PM ET

Meeting info
Briefing on Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Employment, and Small Business (Public Meeting) [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Erin Deeds
(301) 415-2887

1:30PM -
2:30PM ET

Meeting info
Tennessee Valley Authority is seeking clarification on the following scenario: When the Spent Fuel Pool and Reactor Cavity pool water volumes are cojoined during refueling operation (Pool divider gate removed), is the Regulatory Guidance provided in RG 1.13 and SRPs 9.1.2 & 9.1.4 applicable to the contiguous volume of water? [more...]

Participation: Observation


Allen Fetter
(301) 385-5342

1:30PM -
3:30PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is to continue an ongoing discussion of the proposed guidance document developed by members of TRTR on compliance with the regulations in Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 50.59 “Changes, tests and experiments,” emphasizing aspects of digital upgrades specific to research and test reactors. NEI 23-03 was submitted to the NRC for endorsement as a supplement to NEI 21-06. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Norbert Carte
(301) 415-5890

Dave Beaulieu
(301) 415-3243

Duane A. Hardesty
(301) 415-3724

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

10:30AM -
11:30AM ET

Meeting info
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff and NextEra representatives to discuss a proposed LAR permanently modifying the Seabrook licensing basis for the Reserve Auxiliary Transformers (RATs) and Unit Auxiliary Transformers (UATs), using a deterministic approach with risk insights and demonstrating GDC 17 compliance. [more...]

Participation: Open


R Lantigua

V Sreenivas
(301) 415-2597

9:30AM -
12:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss proposed revisions to operating reactor oversight and inspection programs with the nuclear industry and the public. #ADVANCENRC [more...]

Participation: Observation


11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Brian Benney
(301) 415-2767

9:50AM -
12:40PM ET

Meeting info
Orano has requested this meeting with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff to discuss its plans for submitting an application for a Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 70, "Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material," special nuclear materials license for a uranium enrichment facility to be located in Oak Ridge, TN. The last portion of the meeting will be closed to the public in order to give the NRC staff an opportunity to discuss security-related and proprietary information. [more...]

Participation: Partially Closed


TWFN 03D06
Rockville MD
Osiris Siurano-Perez
(301) 415-7827

1:00PM -
2:30PM ET

Meeting info
Pre-Application Meeting for the Model No. MAP 12-13 Packaging [more...]

Participation: Observation

Pierre Saverot
(301) 415-7505

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this virtual workshop is to engage stakeholders for input on guidance development for assessing safety culture in support of the ARCOP, including a presentation on previous safety culture assessment during construction and exploring options for ARCOP application. The feedback collected during the workshop discussions will be considered for preparation of inspection guidance. [more...]

Participation: Comment-Gathering


Phil O'Bryan
(301) 415-0266

James Gaslevic
(301) 415-2776

* Date/Time Change *
10:00AM -
12:30PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this pre-application meeting is to have a discussion of GEH's select topics that will be part of the submittal of a future License Topical Report (NEDC-33913P) in 2025. [more...]

Participation: Partially Closed


NRC Headquarters
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Jordan Glisan
(301) 415-3478

James Shea
(301) 415-1388

8:00AM -
11:00AM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) proposal for the inspection and enforcement of voluntary Early Warning Systems (EWS) at operating nuclear power plants and NEI guidance document NEI 11-02, Change Management Plan for Evaluated Force-on-Force Exercises. The NRC will not endorse a position during this meeting but will seek input and feedback on these regulatory topics. [more...]

Participation: Closed

NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Jeff Bream
(301) 415-0256

* Date/Time Change *
9:00AM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of these periodic advanced reactor stakeholder meetings is to share information and discuss topics related to the licensing and regulation of advanced reactors with the nuclear industry and other stakeholders. This meeting will be a hybrid meeting and use Microsoft Teams. This meeting will include a presentation regarding the requirements in ADVANCE Act Section 207 - Combined License Review Procedure and an opportunity to discuss the NRC staff initial plans to address the requirements in this section (#ADVANCENRC). The agenda also contains presentation of ADVANCE ACT topic section 203 - Nonelectric Uses (see Agenda below). [more...]

Participation: Information with Q&A


NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
The Commission Hearing Room
Rockville MD
Ram Subbaratnam
(301) 415-1116

9:00AM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
Constellation Energy Generation, LLC (Constellation) and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff will discuss aspects of the Quality Assurance Program and system development for a proposed amendment to support an emergency core cooling system digital instrumentation and controls upgrade for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3. [more...]

Participation: Closed

NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Robert "Rob" Kuntz
(301) 415-3733

Rachael Davis
(301) 415-0805

Michael Marshall
(301) 415-2871

12:30PM -
2:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this public meeting between NRC and Duke Energy on the current status of the environmental review supporting the future Early Site Permit application for the Belews Creek, NC Site [more...]

Participation: Observation


Billy Gleaves
(301) 415-5848

Sean Gallagher

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

1:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff and Disa Technologies, Inc., (Disa) is to provide information to the NRC staff regarding a potential application for a performance-based, multi-site source materials license to use its High-Pressure Slurry Ablation technology to remediate abandoned uranium mine waste. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Christopher Grossman
(301) 415-0140

* Date/Time Change *
1:00PM -
3:30PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss plans for revisions to RG 1.200 and updates to technical guidance related to risk-informed activities. [more...]

Participation: Information with Q&A


Jeffery Wood
(301) 415-0953

* Date/Time Change *
12/17/24 -
8:30AM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on Regulatory Rulemaking, Policies, and Practices: Increased Enrichment Rule Making and Multiple Associated Regulatory Guides [more...]

Participation: Partially Closed

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Zena Abdullahi
(301) 415-7360

8:30AM -
5:00PM ET

* Meeting Canceled *
Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on Regulatory Rulemaking, Policies, and Practices: Increased Enrichment Rule Making and Multiple Associated Regulatory Guides [more...]

Participation: Partially Closed

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Zena Abdullahi
(301) 415-7360

* Date/Time Change *
8:30AM -
12:00PM ET

Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on Fuels, Materials, and Structures: Increased Enrichment Rulemaking- RG 1.183 Tech Topics [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Weidong Wang
(301) 415-7360

* Date/Time Change *
1:00PM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on Fuels, Materials, and Structures: RG 3.78 Rev 0, Acceptable ASME Section XI Inservice Inspection Code Cases for 10 CFR Part 72 [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Christopher Brown
(301) 415-7360

1:00PM -
2:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this virtual pre-submittal public meeting is for Westinghouse (WEC) to present its plans for its future Licensing Application Approach White Paper on AP300 SMR and receive any feedback that the staff may offer. This session is for public observation and may be followed by a closed meeting between NRC and Westinghouse to discuss proprietary information on this same topic. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Jordan Glisan
(301) 415-3478

Billy Gleaves
(301) 415-5848

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

8:30AM -
12:00PM ET

Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on Regulatory Rulemaking, Policies, and Practices: Information Briefing on Updates to 10 CFR Part 53, "Risk Informed, Technology-Inclusive Regulatory Framework for Advanced Reactors" [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Derek Widmayer
(301) 415-7360

8:30AM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on Design-Centered Review: NuScale Standard Design Approval Chapter 16 and Loss of Coolant Accident Methodology Topical Report [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Michael Snodderly
(301) 415-7360

8:30AM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on Regulatory Rulemaking, Policies, and Practices: Increased Enrichment Rulemaking and Regulatory Guides [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Weidong Wang
(301) 415-7360

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

8:30AM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on Regulatory Rulemaking, Policies, and Practices: Increased Enrichment Rulemaking and Regulatory Guides [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Weidong Wang
(301) 415-7360

8:00AM -
5:00PM ET

8:00AM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
To facilitate an exchange of technical information about current and emerging NDE in nuclear industry [more...]

Participation: Partially Closed


NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Karen Sida
(301) 415-3517

Stephen Cumblidge
(301) 415-2823

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

02/05/25 -
8:30AM -
6:00PM ET

Meeting info
722nd ACRS Full Committee Meeting [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Quyhn Nguyen
(301) 415-7360

12:00PM -
1:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Southern Nuclear Operating Company's (SNC's) plan to submit a AST LAR to adopt RG 1.183, Rev. 1 (ML23082A305), "Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents [DBA] at Nuclear Power Reactors," at Vogtle, Units 1 and 2, for fuel optimization. [more...]

Participation: Observation


John G. Lamb
(301) 415-3100

03/05/25 -
8:30AM -
6:00PM ET

Meeting info
723rd ACSR Full Committee Meeting [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Quynh Nguyen
(301) 415-7360

04/02/25 -
8:30AM -
6:00PM ET

Meeting info
724th ACRS Full Committee Meeting [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Quynh Nguyen
(301) 415-7360

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, November 19, 2021