Public Meeting Schedule

NOTE: When a meeting offers video conferencing at multiple locations, these details will be provided.

Detailed information for each meeting is available by selecting [more...]

Meetings presently scheduled from 07/26/2024 forward

Date/Time Purpose Location Contact
6:00PM -
8:00PM CT

Meeting info
The NRC will present and be available to discuss its assessment of safety performance at Wolf Creek Generating Station during calendar year 2023, as described in the attached 2023 annual assessment letter. NRC resident inspectors will be available to answer questions about the safety performance of the station and the NRC's role in ensuring safe plant operations. [more...]

Participation: Information with Q&A

County Fair Grounds Kelley Park 11.
3rd Street and Alleghany Street
Burlington KS
Chris Henderson
(817) 200-1997

8:30AM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
During this presubmittal meeting, NEI plans to describe changes or planned changes to NEI 20-07, Draft Revision E. [more...]

Participation: Partially Closed


NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Michael Marshall
(301) 415-2871

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is to communicate the staff's plan for finalizing RG 1.247 Acceptability of Probabilistic Risk Assessment Results for Advanced Non-Light Water Reactor Risk-Informed Activities”, and to discuss comments from NEI on the trial RG. [more...]

Participation: Information with Q&A


One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Donna Williams
(301) 415-1322

2:30PM -
3:30PM ET

Meeting info
Prehearing Conference in the matter of Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3) Subsequent License Renewal Proceeding [more...]

Participation: Open

Sara Culler
(301) 415-5694

12:30PM -
1:30PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss security-related information related to the SNC Fleet Physical Barrier Exemptions. [more...]

Participation: Closed

John G. Lamb
(301) 415-3100

1:00PM -
3:00PM ET

Meeting info
To engage with the public to explain the NRC staff’s regulatory approach to proposing to amend its regulations on categorical exclusions for licensing, regulatory, and administrative actions that individually or cumulatively do not have a significant effect on the human environment. To describe the rulemaking, and to answer questions to facilitate meaningful comments on the proposed rule. [more...]

Participation: Open


Gregory Trussell
(301) 415-6244

10:30AM -
12:30PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is for X-energy to discuss the Reactor Cavity Cooling System (RCCS) system-specific design criteria and related performance requirements during design basis accidents (DBAs). [more...]

Participation: Closed

Ondra Dukes
(301) 415-0537

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

5:15PM -
9:00PM ET

Meeting info
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff will discuss the NRC’s Restart Panel activities including licensing reviews and inspections for the Palisades Nuclear Plant potential resumption of power operations. Holtec Decommissioning Inc. (HDI) will discuss current and planned activities for the Palisades potential restart. The public is encouraged to ask questions about the NRC’s oversight pertaining to the potential Palisades restart. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Grand Upton Hall at Lake Michigan College
2755 E. Napier Avenue
Benton Harbor MI
April Nguyen
(630) 829-9587

Ngola Otto
(301) 415-6695

Justin Poole
(301) 415-2048

1:00PM -
2:00PM ET

Meeting info
To Discuss technical details of non-mechanistic tipover analysis for proposed submittal for Amendment 19 to the HI-STORM100 storage system to add multipurpose canisters (with continuous basket shim (CBS)) [more...]

Participation: Closed

Bernard White
(301) 415-6577

1:00PM -
3:00PM ET

Meeting info
The meeting is to discuss a license amendment request to be submitted by Dominion Energy that would modify the MTC TSs for Millstone Power Station, Unit 3, North Anna Power Station, Units 1 and 2, and VC Summer, Unit 1. [more...]

Participation: Observation


NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Ed Miller
(301) 415-2481

10:00AM -
11:00AM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is for Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) representatives and NRC staff to discuss EPRI's RAI responses to EPRI Report BWRVIP-100, Revision 2, BWR Vessel and Internals Project, Updated Assessment of the Fracture Toughness of Irradiated Stainless Steel for BWR Internal Components. [more...]

Participation: Closed

Demetrius Murray
(301) 415-7646

Lois James
(301) 415-3306

10:00AM -
12:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this regulatory conference is to discuss the safety significance of a preliminary White finding and associated apparent violation of NRC requirements involving the licensee’s failure to maintain design control for the emergency diesel generator ventilation system. The preliminary White finding and apparent violation are discussed in NRC Inspection Report 05000414/2024090, dated June 24, 2024 (NRC's Agency wide Documents Access and Management System [ADAMS] Accession No. ML24166A010 (EA-24-049)). Questions may be provided in advance by sending an email to [more...]

Participation: Observation


NRC Region II Office, Marquis One Tower
245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE
8th Floor Conference Center
Atlanta GA
Eric Stamm
(404) 997-4575

* Date/Time Change *
9:00AM -
12:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss technical issues and administrative processes related to technical specifications and Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Travelers. [more...]

Participation: Observation


NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Michelle Honchariik
(301) 415-1774

Andrea Russell
(301) 415-8553

9:00AM -
10:15AM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss a program that will provide a basis for extending the liquid penetrate testing (PT) examination frequency for embedded flaw repairs (EFR) performed on reactor vessel head penetrations discussed in WCAP-15897-NP-A, Rev. 2. "The NRC Safety Evaluation for WCAP-15897-NP-A, Rev. 2 requires a PT examination of an EFR every refueling outage.” [more...]

Participation: Observation


Virtual Only
Leslie Fields
(301) 415-1186

9:00AM -
12:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss technical issues and administrative processes related to technical specifications and Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Travelers. [more...]

Participation: Observation


NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Michelle Honchariik
(301) 415-1774

Andrea Russell
(301) 415-8553

1:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss the the traveler TSTF-585, "Provide an Alternative to the LCO 3.0.3 One-Hour Preparation Time," specifically TSTF questions regarding NRC staff's comments to draft Revision 3 (ML24067A163). TSTF-585, Revision 3 (draft) is in ADAMS at ML24016A270. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Michelle Honchariik
(301) 415-1774

Khadijah West
(301) 415-3220

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

5:00PM -
6:00PM CT

Meeting info
The NRC staff will host a webinar to present the NRC‘s assessment of safety performance at the Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3 for 2023, as described in the 2023 annual assessment letter. Following the presentation, the NRC will respond to questions specific to the safety performance of the station and the NRC’s role in ensuring safe plant operations. [more...]

Participation: Information with Q&A

Robert Ruiz
(630) 829-9732

9:30AM -
11:30AM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is for Energy Northwest to provide an overview of their planned project. [more...]

Participation: Partially Closed


11555 Rockville Pike
06B02 -Tech
Rockville MD
Jackie Harvey
(301) 415-7534

Denise McGovern
(301) 415-0681

1:00PM -
3:00PM ET

Meeting info
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission plans to meet with the Pressurized Water Reactor Owners Group to provide clarification on draft responses to PWROG-22021 RAIs. [more...]

Participation: Observation

Virtual Only
Leslie Fields
(301) 415-1186

1:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this public meeting is to share information regarding an NRC initiative to modernize reactor accident analysis regulatory framework and provide interested stakeholders an opportunity to share their perspectives. [more...]

Participation: Information with Q&A


India Banks
(301) 287-0787

Chris Van Wert
(301) 415-3217

Sunil Weerakkody
(301) 415-2870

1:00PM -
2:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is to share the staff’s changes to the preliminary proposed rule, that would develop a regulatory framework under 10 CFR Part 30 for fusion machines, as a result of the ADVANCE Act of 2024 signed into law on July 9, 2024 (Public Law No: 118-67). The NRC is not actively soliciting comments towards regulatory decisions at this meeting. [more...]

Participation: Comment-Gathering


Dennis Andrukat
(301) 415-3561

10:00AM -
12:00PM ET

Meeting info
Kairos Engineering Test Unit Overview [more...]

Participation: Closed

Michael Orenak
(301) 415-3229

Cayetano Santos
(301) 415-7270

Matthew Hiser
(301) 415-2454

10:30AM -
2:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is to continue an ongoing discussion of the proposed guidance document developed by members of TRTR on compliance with the regulations in Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 50.59 “Changes, tests and experiments,” emphasizing aspects of digital upgrades specific to research and test reactors. NEI 23-03 was submitted to the NRC for endorsement as a supplement to NEI 21-06. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Norbert Carte
(301) 415-5890

Dave Beaulieu
(301) 415-3243

Duane A. Hardesty
(301) 415-3724

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

8:30AM -
12:00PM ET

Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on X-Energy Principal Design Criteria Topical Report [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Derek Widmayer
(301) 415-7360

1:00PM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on eVinci Overview and Principal Design Criteria Topical Report [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Christopher Brown
(301) 415-7360

9:30AM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on NuScale Standard Design Approval on Chapters 7,9,12, and 18 Evaluation [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Michael Snodderly
(301) 415-7360

10:00AM -
12:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is for X-energy to discuss their civil structure system-specific design criteria and related performance requirements in response to internal and external hazards associated with Project Long Mott. [more...]

Participation: Closed

Ondra Dukes
(301) 415-0537

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

* Date/Time Change *
9:00AM -
10:30AM ET

Meeting info
Notice of Partially Closed Pre-Application Meeting with Global Nuclear Fuel Americas LLC for the Model No. NPC Package [more...]

Participation: Observation

Pierre Saverot
(301) 415-7505

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
Discuss issues related to 10 CFR Part 35 Medical Use of Byproduct Material . [more...]

Participation: Observation

L. Armstead
(301) 415-1650

Katherine Tapp
(301) 415-0236

9:00AM -
12:30PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this workshop is to discuss licensing and technical aspects of higher burnup (75 gigawatt days per metric ton U-235 or equivalent) and increased enrichment (above 5% U-235) fuel. [more...]

Participation: Observation


James Delosreyes
(301) 415-4141

09/04/24 -
8:30AM -
6:00PM ET

Meeting info
718th ACRS Full Committee [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Quynh Nguyen
(301) 415-7360

10:00AM -
12:00PM ET

Meeting info
All Employees Meeting (Public Meeting) [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Sarah Turner
(301) 287-9058

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

* Date/Time Change *
9:00AM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is continuing its Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Regulatory Applications Public Workshops series. These workshops are part of the agency’s efforts to prepare for safety reviews of future AI applications and support the NRC’s AI Project Plan, Revision 0 (ML23236A279) which describes how the agency will execute the five strategic goals from the AI Strategic Plan (NUREG-2261). The purpose of this public workshop is to provide an opportunity for NRC and interested stakeholders to (1) discuss the outcomes from the regulatory framework applicability assessment of AI in nuclear applications, (2) present AI use cases being developed for nuclear applications, and (3) provide feedback on regulatory and technical issues surrounding AI usage in nuclear applications. [more...]

Participation: Information with Q&A

Hybrid (NRC Two White Flint North and Microsoft Teams)
11555 Rockville Pike
NRC Auditorium
Rockville MD
Matthew Dennis
+1(800) 368-5642

* Date/Time Change *
10:00AM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of these periodic advanced reactor stakeholder meetings is to share information and discuss topics related to the licensing and regulation of advanced reactors with the nuclear industry and other stakeholders. This meeting will be a hybrid meeting and use Microsoft Teams. [more...]

Participation: Information with Q&A


One White Flint North 01-F23
Ossy Font
(301) 415-2490

1:00PM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on TerraPower Natrium Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zone Methodology Topical Report [more...]

Participation: Open

Kent Howard
(301) 415-7360

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

9:30AM -
1:00PM ET

Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on Topical Report PWROG-18068-NP, Revision 1, “Use of Direct Fracture Toughness for Evaluation of Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Integrity” [more...]

Participation: Open

Christopher Brown
(301) 415-7360

10:00AM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
The Forum aims at facilitating strategic discussions on codes and standards needs and priorities across standards development organizations, and organizations that rely on the development of those standards. Also, to facilitate discussions on how to collaborate in accelerating the development of codes and standards and the NRC's endorsement of these codes and standards in its regulations and regulatory guides. The Forum is an interactive meeting, sponsored by the NRC, that engages stakeholders, such as standards development organizations (e.g. ACI, AISC, ANS, ASCE, ASME, IEEE, etc.), industry representatives, research organizations, academia, the general public, and NRC staff. [more...]

Participation: Open

Hybrid - NRC Two White Flint North Auditorium
11545 Rockville Pike
and Microsoft Teams
Rockville MD
Meraj Rahimi
(301) 415-6802

Ramon Gascot Lozada
(301) 415-2004

Robert Roche Rivera
(301) 415-8113

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

10:00AM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of these periodic advanced reactor stakeholder meetings is to share information and discuss topics related to the licensing and regulation of advanced reactors with the nuclear industry and other stakeholders. This meeting will be a hybrid meeting and use Microsoft Teams. [more...]

Participation: Information with Q&A


One White Flint North 01-F23
Ossy Font
(301) 415-2490

9:00AM ET

Meeting info
testing 321 [more...]

Participation: Observation

NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
(202) 555-1212

9:00AM ET

Meeting info
Test BAW 2 [more...]

Participation: Observation

NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
(202) 555-1212

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, November 19, 2021