Licensee Criminal History Records Checks & Firearms Background Check Information
This webpage is to assist licensees with submitting Criminal History Records Checks and Firearms Background Checks.
On this page:
What types of checks can be requested?
There are two different types of checks that can be requested.
A Criminal History Records Check is requested by a licensee, licensee contractor, applicant, certificate holder, etc., in accordance with Commission Orders and/or requirements to obtain information on an individual's criminal activity to include charges, arrests, prosecutions, criminal cases, court information, and dispositions of cases. The check is conducted by capturing the individual's fingerprints, submitted through the NRC to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and compared those to individuals who have criminal records. The submitting licensee, applicant, certificate holder, etc. receives the individual's criminal history information to make determinations for those who need unescorted access to a nuclear power reactor, a non-power reactor facility, access to Safeguards Information, and/or unescorted access to Category 1 or Category 2 quantities of radioactive materials in accordance with Commission Orders and/or requirements in Title 10 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations.
The Firearms Background Check is requested by a licensee to meet Commission Orders to ensure security officers at a licensee facility are acceptable for carrying specific types of firearms. NRC licensees who have been approved for "combined enhanced weapons authority and preemption authority" or "stand-alone preemption authority" are required to conduct firearms background checks on their security personnel whose official duties require access to covered weapon, including enhanced weapons under Section 161A of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. Firearms Background Checks are submitted to the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) to determine an individual's eligibility or restrictions for holding a firearm. The firearms background check results are provided to the submitting licensee in one of three ways:
- Proceed – The individual is allowed to carry or gain access to any type of weapon.
- Delay – FBI might need more information; however, the individual can still carry/have access to weapons (except enhanced weapons (e.g. automatic weapons)).
- Deny – The individual is prohibited from carrying or gaining access to any kind of weapon. The individual has a right to appeal with the FBI, if a denial response is received.

How do I submit a request for a Criminal History Records Check?
These are step by step instructions for requesting a criminal history records check:
- Blank fingerprint cards (FD-258) are required in order to start the process. If you need to obtain FD-258 fingerprint cards, contact the NRC by sending an email to and the NRC will provide you with the cards. Please include in your e-mail the number of cards needed and the address where the fingerprint cards should be sent.
- Criminal History Record Checks can either be requested electronically through the Electronic Information Exchange (EIE) or manually by mailing a hardcopy to the NRC. Please use one of the methods listed below:
- Electronic Submission
- Obtain Digital Certificate by following these instructions.
For help with installing digital credentials, please contact the EIE helpdesk at 866-672-7640.
- Install Digital Certificates by following these instructions.
For further assistance with installing digital credentials, contact the EIE helpdesk at 866-672-7640.
- Request a Criminal History Record Check, go to the Criminal History page in EIE and follow these instructions.
- Manual Submission:
- When submitting the fingerprint card for processing, please make sure the top of the card has been completely filled out using blue or black ink, or is typed.
- The package must contain:
- the fingerprint card(s) (FD-258)
- the approved Reviewing Official Memorandum and Trustworthiness and Relability Letter
- proof of payment through*. Each person needing a criminal history check requires a payment of $32, effective February 1, 2024 (payment instructions are below).
- Mail the package to:
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Director, Division of Physical and Cyber Security Policy
Attn: Criminal History Program/Mail Stop – T-07D04M
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852
* Checks and money orders were only accepted for payment through September 30, 2024. Effective October 1, 2024, the NRC will only accept electronic payment methods (i.e., debit or credit card or electronic funds transfer (e-check)) using To apply for a account, follow the instructions at After you have created your account, forward your ‘first and last name’, ‘company name’, ‘phone number’, and ‘username’ to the NRC’s mailbox so the criminal history staff can link your account to the appropriate application for fingerprint requests (i.e., NRCPRINTS).
Please see the Criminal History User Guide for detailed instructions.

How do I request a Firearms Background Check?
Firearms Background Checks can only be requested manually. Follow the instructions below to submit a Firearms Background Check:
- For each individuals being checked, provide the NRC with identifying information and associated fingerprint cards.
- Name
- Date of Birth
- Citizenship
- Address
- Signature
- Sex
- Height
- Weight
- Eye Color
- Hair Color
- Place of Birth
- Social Security Number
- For each individual’s background check, include a printout of the confirmation page from as proof of payment. Each person checked requires a $70.00 payment.
- Mail the request to:
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Director, Division of Physical and Cyber Security Policy
Attn: Criminal History Program/Mail Stop – T-07D04M
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852

How do I determine how much to pay for the request?
The fees associated with the requests are subject to periodic adjustment.
Criminal History Records Check: $32.00 per individual's record check submitted – Effective February 1, 2024.
For example: Five people need to have criminal history records checks. The cost for 5 people today in this example is $160.00.
Firearms Background Check: $70.00 per individual's background check submitted
For example: Five people need to have criminal history records checks. The cost for 5 people today in this example is $350.00.

How do I pay for the requests?
The NRC requires payment electronically through

For further assistance
Criminal History Program:
Phone: (301) 415-7513
Electronic Submission using EIE:
Phone: 866-672-7640
