National Materials Program

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What is the National Materials Program?
The National Materials Program (NMP) is the broad collective framework within which both the NRC and the Agreement States function in carrying out their respective regulatory programs for radioactive material.
The mission of the NMP is to create a genuine partnership between the NRC and Agreement States that will ensure protection of public health, safety, security, and the environment from the hazards associated with radioactive material.
The goal of the NMP is the protection of public health, safety, security, and the environment associated with the hazards of radioactive material while effectively using regulatory resources.
The vision of the NMP is to provide a coherent national system for the regulation of agreement material with the goal of protecting public health, safety, security and the environment through compatible regulatory programs. Through the NMP, the NRC and Agreement States function as regulatory partners.

Knowledge Management for the National Materials Program
In an effort to capture the vast knowledge of Duncan White, the NMP Co-Champion, a new Web series has been created called "TAYtalks: Storytime with Duncan" on the NRC's YouTube channel. Taylor Lamb, Intergovernmental Liaison Project Manager, interviews Duncan White off-script on a variety of NMP topics, that is both entertaining and educational. Additionally, the duo tags in various experts from several NRC groups as well as Agreement States. Check out the first episode:

Staff Recruitment and Retention

The NRC and the Organization of Agreement States (OAS) work together on the joint oversight of the NMP.