On this page:
The Electronic Submittals applications allow formal electronic transmission of information to the NRC pertaining to licensing actions, associated hearings, forms, and other regulatory matters. The applications ensure that information sent to the NRC via the Internet is secure and unaltered during transmission. For other communications with the NRC, see our general NRC Contact Us page.
The Electronic Submittals applications operate 24 hours daily except when the applications must be taken down for scheduled maintenance. System operators will post a notice on the Electronic Submittals home page whenever a scheduled outage is planned.
Users new to the Electronic Submittals applications (Adjudicatory Submissions, General Form Submissions, Criminal History Submissions and Operator Licensing Submissions) or in need of instructions should select the link below before accessing their applicable system:
Electronic Submission Systems
The Electronic Submittals application supports three separate systems. Users may access their applicable system by selecting from among the following links:
Electronic Submission for Operator Licensing Applications
Submitting reports for Part 55 is an integral part of the issuance of licenses to operators and senior operators of utilization facilities licensed under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.
There are two ways to submit Part 55 documents:
Electronic Submission through the Electronic Information Exchange (EIE) Part 55 Interface
This is the preferred and easiest method of reporting. Licensees complete the required forms such as Certification of Medical Examination by Facility Licensee (Form 396) and the Personal Qualification Statement (Form 398) and attach them to the Part 55 submission form which can be submitted electronically to the NRC.
Use the following below listed Part 55 Forms when making an electronic submittal through EIE. Simply complete and save as a .pdf file before attaching in EIE:
The benefits of using this method are:
- Easy and timely,
- Better data verification,
- Secure data transfer, and
- Enhanced data evaluation by both licensees and the NRC.
Hard Copy via mail or by hand
- By mail – Sent by mail and addressed to the appropriate Region or Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulations at Headquarters.
- By delivery in person to the NRC's offices at 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland.
For additional guidance on operator licensing application submissions, please reference the user guide or view the following interactive video clips:
Electronic Submission for Licensing Applications
Because of previous limitations on the file size that could be received and processed in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS), past licensing applications were composed of many documents. This resulted in the need for an electronic submission process that involved the use of “packing slips” to support the submission of Design Control Documents, Early Site Permits, Combined Licenses or other large applications to the NRC.
Because ADAMS can receive and process larger file sizes, the NRC has determined that the packing slip process is no longer needed and that applicants have the following two options for submission of large applications to the NRC using the guidance found on the NRC's website, "Reference Materials for Electronic Submissions"
- Option 1 – application documents can be broken into manageable number of files (around 25 files) and total file size for the combined files is also manageable (around 1 gigabyte or less)
- Electronic Information Exchange (EIE) could be used as described in the information found above on this webpage
- Option 2 – application documents can be broken into manageable number of files and total file size for the combined files is large (greater than 1 gigabyte)
- The NRC staff recommends applications meeting these criteria submit the information on optical storage media (OSM) such as CDs/DVDs and/or thumb drives, to allow for efficient processing of the document.
- Option 2 minimizes the chances that uploading of such large applications via EIE could be interrupted during the transfer process.
Both above options assume major portions of the application will be submitted initially and in subsequent revisions (i.e., subsequent revisions will not be on a page replacement basis). In addition, as discussed in "Reference Material for Electronic Submissions," webpage, applicants are cautioned to ensure appropriate steps are taken to protect sensitive unclassified non-safeguard information (SUNSI) and are reminded that Safeguard information is not to be processed in ADAMS.
MAP-X Portal
The NRC’s Mission Analytics Portal-External, or MAP-X , is the newest application for formally submitting information electronically to the NRC. It is a tool designed to modernize and enhance communication with licensees and NRC staff.
The NRC has developed MAP-X to facilitate electronic submission of required forms using a web interface. The benefits of the MAP-X portal include the ability to review past submissions and see the ADAMS accession numbers and submittal dates for each submittal received by the NRC.
Users have several submission types available to use, with more in development. Submission types that are available include:
- Proposed Alternative – this submission type is used to submit proposed alternatives to requirements in NRC’s regulations allowed under Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 50.55a(z). The structure of this submission supports the electronic safety evaluation process developed by NRR’s Division of Operating Reactor Licensing (DORL).
- General Submission – used for transmitting reports or other electronic filings to the NRC. Submission examples include safety evaluation reports.
- Licensee Event Reports – used for the submission of licensee event reports pursuant to 10 CFR 50.73.
- Event Notifications – used for the submission of licensee event notices pursuant to 10 CFR 50.72.
Please Note: Adjudicatory filings can only be made electronically through the E-Filing system (EIE – Electronic Information Exchange).
Request access to MAP-X.
If you need assistance or have any questions, please reach out to MAP-X.Resource@nrc.gov.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, June 20, 2024