Meeting Archives
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) records the results of a variety of public meetings through the use of meeting minutes, summaries, and transcripts. Some Commission meetings are videostreamed to the public and are available for viewing via our Webcast Archive listed below. In addition to the transcripts listed below, written records of NRC public meetings, which may include transcripts, meeting minutes, meeting handouts, and meeting summaries, are available in NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS).
- Commission Activities
- Advisory Committee Activities
- Materials and Waste Activities
- Open Government Stakeholder Feedback Meeting
- Reactor Licensing Activities
- Combined License Applications for New Reactors
- Bell Bend Nuclear Power Plant
- Bellefonte Nuclear Station, Units 3 and 4
- Callaway Plant, Unit 2
- Calvert Cliffs, Unit 3
- Comanche Peak, Units 3 and 4
- Fermi, Unit 3
- Grand Gulf, Unit 3
- Levy County, Units 1 and 2
- Nine Mile Point, Unit 3
- North Anna, Unit 3
- River Bend Station, Unit 3
- Shearon Harris, Units 2 and 3
- South Texas Project, Units 3 and 4
- Turkey Point, Units 6 and 7
- Victoria County Station, Units 1 and 2
- William States Lee III, Units 1 and 2
- Operator Licensing
- Reactor Safety Focus Areas
- Reactor Decommissioning
- Safety Culture
- Regulatory Initiatives
- Small Business Meet & Greet Seminars
- Research Workshop