Document Number |
Title |
Revision |
Publish Date |
Reviewed Date |
IN-86-110 |
Anomalous Behavior of Recirculation Loop Flow in Jet Pump BWR Plants |
-- |
12/31/1986 |
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IN-86-109 |
Diaphragm Failure in Scram Outlet Valve Causing Rod Insertion |
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12/29/1986 |
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IN-86-108 |
Degradation of Reactor Coolant System Pressure Boundary Resulting from Boric Acid Corrosion |
S3 |
01/05/1995 |
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S2 |
11/19/1987 |
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S1 |
04/20/1987 |
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-- |
12/29/1986 |
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IN-86-107 |
Entry into PWR Cavity with Retractable Incore Detector Thimbles Withdrawn |
-- |
12/29/1986 |
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IN-86-106 |
Feedwater Line Break |
S3 |
11/10/1988 |
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S2 |
03/18/1987 |
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S1 |
02/13/1987 |
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-- |
12/16/1986 |
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IN-86-105 |
Potential for Loss of Reactor Trip Capability at Intermediate Power Levels |
-- |
12/19/1986 |
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IN-86-104 |
Unqualified Butt Splice Connectors Identified in Qualified Penetrations |
-- |
12/16/1986 |
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IN-86-103 |
Respirator Coupling Nut Assembly Failures |
-- |
12/16/1986 |
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IN-86-102 |
Repeated Multiple Failures of Steam Generator Hydraulic Snubbers Due to Control Valve Sensitivity |
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12/15/1986 |
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IN-86-101 |
Loss of Decay Heat Removal Due to Loss of Fluid Levels in Reactor Coolant System |
-- |
12/12/1986 |
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IN-86-100 |
Loss of Offsite Power to Vital Busses at Salem 2 |
-- |
12/12/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-99 |
Degradation of Steel Containments |
S1 |
02/14/1991 |
-- |
-- |
12/08/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-98 |
Offsite Medical Services |
-- |
12/02/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-97 |
Emergency Communications System |
-- |
11/28/1986 |
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IN-86-96 |
Heat Exchanger Fouling Can Cause Inadequate Operability of Service Water Systems |
-- |
11/20/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-95 |
Leak Testing Iodine-125 Sealed Sources in Lixi, Inc. Imaging Devices and Bone Mineral Analyzers |
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11/10/1986 |
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IN-86-94 |
Hilti Concrete Expansion Anchor Bolts |
-- |
11/06/1986 |
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IN-86-93 |
IEB 85-03 Evaluation of Motor-Operators Identifies Improper Torque Switch Settings |
-- |
11/03/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-92 |
Pressurizer Safety Valve Reliability |
-- |
11/04/1986 |
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IN-86-91 |
Limiting Access Authorizations |
-- |
11/03/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-90 |
Requests to Dispose of Very Low-Level Radioactive Waste Pursuant to 10 CFR 20.302 |
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11/03/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-89 |
Uncontrolled Rod Withdrawal Because of a Single Failure |
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10/16/1986 |
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IN-86-88 |
Compensatory Measures for Prolonged Periods of Security System Failures |
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10/15/1986 |
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IN-86-87 |
Loss of Offsite Power upon an Automatic Bus Transfer |
-- |
10/10/1986 |
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IN-86-86 |
Clarification of Requirements for Fabrication and Export of Certain Previously Approved Type B Packages |
-- |
10/10/1986 |
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IN-86-85 |
Enforcement Actions Against Medical Licensees for Willfull Failure to Report Misadministrations |
-- |
10/03/1986 |
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IN-86-84 |
Rupture of Nominal 40-Millicurie Iodine-125 Brachytherapy Seed Causing Significant Spread of Radioactive Contamination |
-- |
09/30/1986 |
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IN-86-83 |
Underground Pathways into Protected Areas, Vital Areas, Material Access Areas, and Controlled Access Areas |
-- |
09/19/1986 A 09/19/1986 B |
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IN-86-82 |
Failures of Scram Discharge Volume Vent and Drain Valves |
1 |
11/04/1986 |
-- |
-- |
09/16/1986 |
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IN-86-81 |
Broken External Closure Springs on Atwood & Morrill Main Steam Isolation Valves |
S1 |
01/11/1988 |
-- |
-- |
09/15/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-80 |
Unit Startup with Degraded High Pressure Safety Injection System |
-- |
09/12/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-79 |
Degradation or Loss of Charging Systems at PWR Nuclear Power Plants Using Swing-Pump Design |
-- |
09/02/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-78 |
Scram Solenoid Pilot Valve (SSPV) Rebuild Kit Problems |
-- |
09/02/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-77 |
Computer Program Error Report Handling |
-- |
08/28/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-76 |
Problems Noted in Control Room Emergency Ventilation Systems |
-- |
08/28/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-75 |
Incorrect Maintenance Procedure on Traversing Incore Probe Lines |
-- |
08/21/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-74 |
Reduction of Reactor Coolant Inventory because of Misalignment of RHR Valves |
-- |
08/20/1986 |
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IN-86-73 |
Recent Emergency Diesel Generator Problems |
-- |
08/20/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-72 |
Failure 17-7 PH Stainless Steel Springs in Valcor Valves Due to Hydrogen Embrittlement |
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08/19/1986 |
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IN-86-71 |
Recent Identified Problems with Limitorque Motor Operators |
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08/19/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-70 |
Potential Failure of All Emergency Diesel Generators |
-- |
08/18/1986 |
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IN-86-69 |
Spurious System Isolations Caused by the Panalarm Model 86 Thermocouple Monitor |
-- |
08/18/1986 |
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IN-86-68 |
Stuck Control Rod |
-- |
08/15/1986 |
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IN-86-67 |
Portable Moisture/Density Gauges: ... Incidents and Common Violations of Requirements for Use, Transportation, and Storage |
-- |
08/15/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-66 |
Potential for Failure of Replacement AC Coils ... Westinghouse Electric ... for ... Class 1E Motor Starters and Contactors |
-- |
08/15/1986 |
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IN-86-65 |
Malfunctions of ITT Barton Model 580 Series Switches During Requalification Testing |
-- |
08/14/1986 |
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IN-86-64 |
Deficiencies in Upgrade Programs for Plant Emergency Operating Procedures |
S1 |
04/20/1987 |
-- |
-- |
08/14/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-63 |
Loss of Safety Injection Capability |
-- |
08/06/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-62 |
Potential Problems in Westinghouse Molded Case Circuit Breakers Equipped with a Shunt Trip |
-- |
07/31/1986 |
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IN-86-61 |
Failure of Auxiliary Feedwater Manual Isolation Valve |
-- |
07/28/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-60 |
Unanalyzed Post-LOCA Release Paths |
-- |
07/28/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-59 |
Increased Monitoring of ... Patients with Implanted Coratomic, Inc. Model C-100 and C-101 Nuclear-Powered Cardiac Pacemakers |
-- |
07/14/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-58 |
Dropped Fuel Assembly |
-- |
07/11/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-57 |
Operating Problems with Solenoid Operated Valves at Nuclear Power Plants |
-- |
07/11/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-56 |
Reliability of Main Steam Safety Valves |
-- |
07/10/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-55 |
Delayed Access to Safety-Related Areas and Equipment During Plant Emergencies |
-- |
07/10/1986 |
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IN-86-54 |
Criminal Prosecution ... Former Radiation Safety Officer Who ... Directed an Unqualified Individual to Perform Radiography |
-- |
06/27/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-53 |
Improper Installation of Heat Shrinkable Tubing |
-- |
06/26/1986 |
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IN-86-52 |
Conductor Insulation Degradation on Foxboro Model E Controllers |
-- |
06/26/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-51 |
Excessive Pneumatic Leakage in the Automatic Depressurization System |
-- |
06/18/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-50 |
Inadequate Testing to Detect Failures of Safety-Related Pneumatic Components or Systems |
-- |
06/18/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-49 |
Age/Environment Induced Electrical Cable Failures |
-- |
06/16/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-48 |
Inadequate Testing of Boron Solution Concentration in the Standby Liquid Control System |
-- |
06/13/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-47 |
Erratic Behavior of Static "O" Ring Differential Pressure Switches |
-- |
06/10/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-46 |
Improper Cleaning and Decontamination of Respiratory Protection Equipment |
-- |
06/12/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-45 |
Potential Falsification of Test Reports on Flanges Manufactured by Golden Gate Forge and Flange, Inc. |
-- |
06/10/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-44 |
Failure to Follow Procedures when Working in High Radiation Areas |
-- |
06/10/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-43 |
Problems with Silver Zeolite Sampling of Airborne Radioiodine |
-- |
06/10/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-42 |
Improper Maintenance of Radiation Monitoring Systems |
-- |
06/09/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-41 |
Evaluation of Questionable Exposure Readings of Licensee Personnel Dosimeters |
-- |
06/09/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-40 |
Degraded Ability to Isolate the Reactor Coolant System from Low-Pressure Coolant Systems in BWRs |
-- |
06/05/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-39 |
Failures of RHR Pump Motors and Pump Internals |
-- |
05/20/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-38 |
Deficient Operator Actions Following Dual Function Valve Failures |
-- |
05/20/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-37 |
Degradation of Station Batteries |
-- |
05/16/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-36 |
Change in NRC Practice Regarding Issuance of Confirming Letters to Principal Contractors |
-- |
05/16/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-35 |
Fire in Compressible Material at Dresden Unit 3 |
-- |
05/15/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-34 |
Improper Assembly, Material Selection, and Test of Valves and Their Actuators |
-- |
05/13/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-33 |
Information for Licensee Regarding the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Accident |
-- |
05/06/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-32 |
Request for Collection of Licensee Radioactivity Measurements Attributed to the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Accident |
S1 |
06/06/1986 |
-- |
-- |
05/02/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-31 |
Unauthorized Transfer and Loss of Control of Industrial Nuclear Gauges |
S1 |
07/14/1986 |
-- |
-- |
05/05/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-30 |
Design Limitations of Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Systems |
-- |
04/29/1986 |
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IN-86-29 |
Effects of Changing Valve Motor-Operator Switch Settings |
-- |
04/25/1986 |
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IN-86-28 |
Telephone Numbers to the NRC Operations Center and Regional Offices |
-- |
04/24/1986 |
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IN-86-27 |
Access Control at Nuclear Facilities |
-- |
04/21/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-26 |
Potential Problems in Generators Manufactured by Electrical Products Incorporated |
-- |
04/17/1986 |
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IN-86-25 |
Traceability and Material Control of Material and Equipment, Particularly Fasteners |
S1 |
10/15/1986 |
-- |
-- |
04/11/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-24 |
Respirator Users Notice: Increased Inspection Frequency for Certain Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Air Cylinders |
-- |
04/11/1986 |
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IN-86-23 |
Excessive Skin Exposures Due to Contamination with Hot Particles |
-- |
04/09/1986 |
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IN-86-22 |
Underresponse of Radiation Survey Instrument to High Radiation Fields |
-- |
03/31/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-21 |
Recognition of American Society of Mechanical Engineers Accreditation Program for N Stamp Holders |
S2 |
04/16/1991 |
-- |
S1 |
12/04/1986 |
-- |
-- |
03/31/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-20 |
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Scaling Factors, 10 CFR Part 61 |
-- |
03/28/1986 |
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IN-86-19 |
Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Failure at Crystal River |
-- |
03/21/1986 |
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IN-86-18 |
NRC On-Scene Response During a Major Emergency |
-- |
03/26/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-17 |
Update of Failure of Automatic Sprinkler System Valves to Operate |
-- |
03/24/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-16 |
Failures to Identify Containment Leakage Due to Inadequate Local Testing of BWR Vacuum Relief System Valves |
-- |
03/11/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-15 |
Loss of Offsite Power Caused by Problems in Fiber Optics Systems |
-- |
03/10/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-14 |
PWR Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Turbine Control Problems |
S2 |
08/26/1991 |
-- |
S1 |
12/17/1986 |
-- |
-- |
03/10/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-13 |
Standby Liquid Control System Squib Valves Failure to Fire |
S1 |
08/05/1986 |
-- |
-- |
02/21/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-12 |
Target Rock Two-Stage SRV Setpoint Drift |
-- |
02/25/1986 |
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IN-86-11 |
Inadequate Service Water Protection Against Core Melt Frequency |
-- |
02/25/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-10 |
Safety Parameter Display System Malfunctions |
-- |
02/13/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-09 |
Failure of Check and Stop Check Valves Subjected to Low Flow Conditions |
-- |
02/03/1986 |
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IN-86-08 |
Licensee Event Report (LER) Format Modification |
-- |
02/03/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-07 |
Lack of ... Instruction and ... Observance of Precautions During Maintenance and Testing of Diesel Generator ... Governors |
-- |
02/03/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-06 |
Failure of Lifting Rig Attachment While Lifting the Upper Guide Structure at St. Lucie Unit 1 |
-- |
02/03/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-05 |
Main Steam Safety Valve Test Failures and Ring Setting Adjustments |
S1 |
10/16/1986 |
-- |
-- |
01/31/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-04 |
Transient Due to Loss of Power to Integrated Control System at a Pressurized Water Reactor Designed by Babcock & Wilcox |
-- |
01/31/1986 |
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IN-86-03 |
Potential Deficiencies in Environmental Qualification of Limitorque Motor Valve Operator Wiring |
-- |
01/14/1986 |
-- |
IN-86-02 |
Failure of Valve Operator Motor During Environmental Qualification Testing |
-- |
01/06/1986 |
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IN-86-01 |
Failure of Main Feedwater Check Valves Causes Loss of Feedwater System Integrity and Water-Hammer Damage |
-- |
01/06/1986 |
-- |