Information Notice No. 86-64, Supplement 1: Deficiencies in Upgrade Programs for Plant Emergency Operating Procedures
SSINS No.: 6835
IN 86-64, Supplement 1
April 20, 1987
Information Notice No. 86-64, Supplement 1: DEFICIENCIES IN UPGRADE
All nuclear power reactor facilities holding a construction permit (CP) or
an operating license (OL).
This notice is to alert recipients to significant problems that are
continuing with plant emergency operating procedures (EOPs). Although a
previous Information Notice was issued on this subject, indications are that
many utilities continue to inadequately develop and implement upgraded EOPs
and are failing to meet commitments made to the NRC. Deficiencies continue
to be identified in all the major aspects of utility EOP upgrade programs.
It is expected that recipients will review this information for
applicability to their facility and consider actions, if appropriate, to
correct or preclude similar problems occurring at their facilities. However,
suggestions contained in this notice do not constitute NRC requirements;
therefore, no specific action or written response is required.
Information Notice No. 86-64, "Deficiencies in Upgrade Programs for Plant
Emergency Operating Procedures," was issued on August 14, 1986. The
Information Notice described the results of four audits of emergency
operating procedures implementation. Based upon the deficiencies identified
by those audits, the staff concluded that other utilities may not have
appropriately developed and implemented upgraded EOPs in accordance with
their commitments based on NUREG-0737, Supplement 1, Requirements for
Emergency Response Capability.
In that Information Notice, the staff stated that it would continue audits
to determine the scope and safety significance of the deficiencies
identified in the notice and would conduct inspections at all plants to
evaluate the implementation of the licensees' commitments to develop and
implement upgraded EOPs. This Information Notice reports the results of
those efforts to date.
IN 86-64, Supplement 1
April 20, 1987
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Description of Circumstances:
Evaluations, using audits and inspections of emergency operating procedure
implementation at six additional facilities have revealed that failures to
implement upgraded emergency operating procedures in accordance with the
facility commitments contained in their PGP appear to be widespread.
Specifically, eight of the ten licensees evaluated to date had: (1) not
adequately documented deviations from the NRC approved generic technical
guidelines and, in some cases, have deviated significantly from the generic
guideline without any evaluation; (2) not adequately implemented their own
EOP writer's guide; (3) not adequately verified and validated their EOPs;
(4) not adequately trained and evaluated the operating staff on their use of
the upgraded EOPs; and (5) failed to apply operational quality assurance
procedures or controls to the EOP upgrade process to assure licensing
commitments have been met.
The development of high quality EOPs is subject to the quality assurance
requirements of 10 CFR ,50 Appendix B. Licensees are required to develop
written procedures for carrying out safety related activities including
combatting emergencies. The industry standard supporting this program is
ANSI/ANS 3.2, "Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for the
Operational Phase of Nuclear Power Plants."
Other evidence of continuing problems with the EOP upgrade program include
poor performance on NRC licensing and requalification examinations and the
slow resolution of open issues in the owners' group generic technical
As mentioned in the previous information notice, the staff has been
evaluating the safety significance of deficiencies identified with utility
EOP upgrade programs. Inspection and audit findings have resulted in
enforcement actions and have required corrective actions for some plants
prior to operation at full power. The attached list of inspection and audit
reports is provided for your information. Failure to meet commitments set
forth in the PGPs has resulted in deficient EOPs which has led to more
complex operator actions that could have resulted in serious threats to
public health and safety. The observed failures have been the result of (1)
technically incorrect procedures, (2) unclear and poorly presented actions
and information, and (3) a failure of operators to use EOPs due to a lack of
understanding and confidence in the procedures.
Examples of safety significant procedural deficiencies are illustrated by
all three events investigated by Incident Investigation Teams (IITs). A
significant lesson from the loss of feedwater event at Davis-Besse Nuclear
Power Plant was that feed and bleed cooling was not initiated immediately
upon reaching plant conditions where feed and bleed cooling was called for
by the EOPs. The EOP Upgrade Program failed to identify that the action
points for initiating feed and bleed cooling in the EOP could not be clearly
identified by the operators using available instrumentation. In addition,
the operators wanted to use the margin they believed available to await
other recovery actions, i.e., restoration of feedwater. This event pointed
out the inadequacy of the EOP Upgrade Program and raised the question of
whether the operator would have initiated feed and bleed cooling in time to
avoid core damage.
IN 86-64, Supplement 1
April 20, 1987
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The loss of power and water hammer event at San Onofre Unit 1 on November
21, 1985 showed that the plant's EOPs were inadequate with regard to the
loss of AC power and that operator training was deficient in a number of
The loss of the Integrated Control System (ICS) power and overcooling
transient at Rancho Seco on December 26, 1985 revealed a serious flaw in the
procedures upgrade program in that, although the owner's group generic
guidelines included an explicit procedure for failure of the ICS, the EOPs
did not include this procedure.
In light of the potential for safety significant consequences of procedural
deficiencies, the Staff is concerned about licensees continuing failure to
meet all the commitments made in their PGPs for developing, implementing and
maintaining high quality, upgraded EOPs. Clearly, it is necessary for
operators to have confidence in the technical accuracy of procedures and to
understand and be able to carry out the actions required. The development of
high quality EOPs, including their validation and verification, and the
effective training of operators in their use, are needed to ensure that
operators can follow the EOPs during accident conditions and take proper
mitigating action.
In recognition of INPO's role in the accreditation of training programs and
continuing evaluation of the effectiveness of training, the staff has
provided information to INPO relating to training problems with upgraded
To address the safety significance of the deficiencies identified with
utility EOP upgrade efforts, the staff is accelerating its inspection
program and will inspect all plants for compliance with PGP commitments. The
staff will contact Owners' groups to discuss problems with EOP upgrade
programs that are specific to their member plants.
Charles E. Rossi, Director
Division of Operational Events Assessment
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Technical Contacts: M. Goodman, NRR I. Schoenfeld, NRR
(301) 492-4906 (301) 492-4522
G. Lapinsky, NRR S. MacKay, NRR
(301) 492-4886 (301) 492-8394
1. List of Inspection and Audit Reports
2. List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021