Document Number |
Title |
Revision |
Publish Date |
Reviewed Date |
IN-90-82 |
Requirements for Use of NRC-Approved Packages for Shipment of Type A Quantities of Radioactive Material |
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12/31/1990 |
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IN-90-81 |
Fitness for Duty |
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12/24/1990 |
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IN-90-80 |
Sand Intrusion Resulting in Two Diesel Generators Becoming Inoperable |
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12/21/1990 |
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IN-90-79 |
Failures of Main Steam Isolation Check Valves Resulting in Disc Separation |
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12/20/1990 |
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IN-90-78 |
Previously Unidentified Release Path from Boiling Water Reactor Control Rod Hydraulic Units |
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12/18/1990 |
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IN-90-77 |
Inadvertent Removal of Fuel Assemblies from the Reactor Core |
S1 |
02/04/1991 |
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12/12/1990 |
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IN-90-76 |
Failure of Turbine Overspeed Trip Mechanism Because of Inadequate Spring Tension |
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12/07/1990 |
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IN-90-75 |
Denial of Access to Current Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities |
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12/05/1990 |
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IN-90-74 |
Information on Precursors to Severe Accidents |
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12/04/1990 |
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IN-90-73 |
Corrosion of Valve-to-Torque Tube Keys in Spray Pond Cross Connect Valves |
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11/29/1990 |
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IN-90-72 |
Testing of Parallel Disc Gate Valves in Europe |
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11/28/1990 |
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IN-90-71 |
Effective Use of Radiation Safety Committees to Exercise Control over Medical Use Programs |
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11/06/1990 |
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IN-90-70 |
Pump Explosions Involving Ammonium Nitrate |
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11/06/1990 |
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IN-90-69 |
Adequacy of Emergency and Essential Lighting |
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10/31/1990 |
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IN-90-68 |
Stress Corrosion Cracking of Reactor Coolant Pump Bolts |
S1 |
04/14/1994 |
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10/30/1990 |
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IN-90-67 |
Potential Security Equipment Weaknesses |
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10/29/1990 |
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IN-90-66 |
Incomplete Draining and Drying of Shipping Casks |
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10/25/1990 |
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IN-90-65 |
Recent Orifice Plate Problems |
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10/05/1990 |
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IN-90-64 |
Potential for Common-Mode Failure of HPSI Pumps or Release of Reactor Coolant Outside Containment During a LOCA |
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10/04/1990 |
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IN-90-63 |
Management Attention to the Establishment and Maintenance of a Nuclear Criticality Safety Program |
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10/03/1990 |
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IN-90-62 |
Requirements for Import and Distribution of Neutron-Irradiated Gems |
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09/25/1990 |
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IN-90-61 |
Potential for Residual Heat Removal Pump Damage Caused by Parallel Pump Interaction |
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09/20/1990 |
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IN-90-60 |
Availability of Failure Data in the Government-Industry Data Exchange Program |
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09/20/1990 |
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IN-90-59 |
Errors in the Use of Radioactive Iodine-131 |
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09/17/1990 |
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IN-90-58 |
Improper Handling of Ophthalmic Strontium-90 Beta Radiation Applicators |
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09/11/1990 |
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IN-90-57 |
Substandard, Refurbished Potter & Brumfield Relays Misrepresented as New |
S1 |
11/27/1991 |
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09/05/1990 |
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IN-90-56 |
Inadvertent Shipment of a Radioactive Source in a Container Thought to Be Empty |
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09/04/1990 A 09/04/1990 B |
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IN-90-55 |
Recent Operating Experience on Loss of Reactor Coolant Inventory While in a Shutdown Condition |
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08/31/1990 |
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IN-90-54 |
Summary of Requalification Program Deficiencies |
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08/28/1990 |
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IN-90-53 |
Potential Failures of Auxiliary Steam Piping and the Possible Effects on the Operability of Vital Equipment |
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08/16/1990 |
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IN-90-52 |
Retention of Broken Charpy Specimens |
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08/14/1990 |
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IN-90-51 |
Failures of Voltage-Dropping Resistors in the Power Supply Circuitry of Electric Governor Systems |
S1 |
10/24/1991 |
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08/08/1990 |
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IN-90-50 |
Minimization of Methane Gas in Plant Systems and Radwaste Shipping Containers |
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08/08/1990 |
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IN-90-49 |
Stress Corrosion Cracking in PWR Steam Generator Tubes |
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08/06/1990 |
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IN-90-48 |
Enforcement Policy for Hot Particle Exposures |
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08/02/1990 |
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IN-90-47 |
Unplanned Radiation Exposures to Personnel Extremities Due to Improper Handling of Potentially Highly Radioactive Source |
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07/27/1990 |
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IN-90-46 |
Criminal Prosecution of Wrongdoing Committed by Suppliers of Molded-Case Circuit Breakers and Related Components |
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07/16/1990 |
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IN-90-45 |
Overspeed of the Turbine-Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps and Overpressurization of the Associated Piping System |
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07/06/1990 |
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IN-90-44 |
Dose-Rate Instruments Underresponding to the True Radiation Fields |
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06/29/1990 |
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IN-90-43 |
Mechanical Interference with Thermal Trip Function in GE Molded-Case Circuit Breakers |
S1 |
03/13/1991 |
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06/29/1990 |
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IN-90-42 |
Failure of Electrical Power Equipment Due to Solar Magnetic Disturbances |
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06/19/1990 |
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IN-90-41 |
Potential Failure of General Electric Magne-Blast Circuit Breakers and AK Circuit Breakers |
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06/12/1990 |
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IN-90-40 |
Results of NRC-Sponsored Testing of Motor-Operated Valves |
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06/05/1990 |
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IN-90-39 |
Recent Problems with Service Water Systems |
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06/01/1990 |
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IN-90-38 |
Requirements for Processing Financial Assurance Submittals for Decommissioning |
S1 |
11/06/1990 |
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05/29/1990 |
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IN-90-37 |
Sheared Pinion Gear-to-Shaft Keys in Limitorque Motor Actuators |
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05/24/1990 |
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IN-90-36 |
Apparent Falsification of State of Connecticut Weight Certificates |
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05/24/1990 |
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IN-90-35 |
Transportation of Type A Quantities of Non-Fissile Radioactive Materials |
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05/24/1990 A 05/24/1990 B |
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IN-90-34 |
Response to False Siren Activations |
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05/10/1990 A 05/10/1990 B |
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IN-90-33 |
Sources of Unexpected Occupational Radiation Exposures at Spent Fuel Storage Pools |
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05/09/1990 |
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IN-90-32 |
Surface Crack and Subsurface Indications in the Weld of a Reactor Vessel Head |
S1 |
06/19/1990 |
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05/03/1990 |
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IN-90-31 |
Update on Waste Form and High Integrity Container ... Review Status, Identification of Problems with Cement Solidification ... Waste Mishaps |
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05/04/1990 |
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IN-90-30 |
Ultrasonic Inspection Techniques for Dissimilar Metal Welds |
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05/01/1990 A 05/01/1990 B |
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IN-90-29 |
Cracking of Cladding and its Heat-Affected Zone in the Base Metal of a Reactor Vessel Head |
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04/30/1990 |
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IN-90-28 |
Potential Error in High Steamline Flow Setpoint |
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04/30/1990 |
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IN-90-27 |
Clarification of ... Regulatory Requirements for Packaging of Uranium Hexafluoride (UF6) for Transportation |
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04/30/1990 |
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IN-90-26 |
Inadequate Flow of Essential Service Water to Room Coolers and Heat Exchangers for Engineered Safety-Feature Systems |
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04/24/1990 |
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IN-90-25 |
Loss of Vital AC Power with Subsequent Reactor Coolant System Heat-Up |
S1 |
03/11/1991 |
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04/16/1990 |
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IN-90-24 |
Transportation of Model SPEC 2-T Radiographic Exposure Device |
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04/10/1990 |
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IN-90-23 |
Improper Installation of Patel Conduit Seals |
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04/04/1990 |
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IN-90-22 |
Unanticipated Equipment Actuations Following Restoration of Power to Rosemount Transmitter Trip Units |
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03/23/1990 |
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IN-90-21 |
Potential Failure of Motor-Operated Butterfly Valves to Operate Because Valve Seat Friction Was Underestimated |
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03/22/1990 |
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IN-90-20 |
Personnel Injuries Resulting from Improper Operation of Radwaste Incinerators |
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03/22/1990 |
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IN-90-19 |
Potential Loss of Effective Volume for Containment Recirculation Spray at PWR Facilities |
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03/14/1990 |
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IN-90-18 |
Potential Problems with Crosby Safety Relief Valves Used on Diesel Generator Air Start Receiver Tanks |
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03/09/1990 |
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IN-90-17 |
Weight and Center of Gravity Discrepancies for Copes-Vulcan Valves |
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03/08/1990 |
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IN-90-16 |
Compliance with New Decommissioning Rule |
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03/07/1990 |
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IN-90-15 |
Reciprocity: Notification of Agreement State Radiation Control Directors Before Beginning Work in Agreement States |
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03/07/1990 |
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IN-90-14 |
Accidental Disposal of Radioactive Materials |
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03/06/1990 |
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IN-90-13 |
Importance of Review and Analysis of Safeguards Event Logs |
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03/05/1990 |
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IN-90-12 |
Monitoring or Interruption of Plant Communications |
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02/28/1990 |
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IN-90-11 |
Maintenance Deficiency Associated with Solenoid-Operated Valves |
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02/23/1990 |
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IN-90-10 |
Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking (PWSCC) of Inconel 600 |
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02/23/1990 A 02/23/1990 B 02/23/1990 C |
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IN-90-09 |
Extended Interim Storage of Low-Level Radioactive Waste by Fuel Cycle and Materials Licensees |
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02/05/1990 |
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IN-90-08 |
KR-85 Hazards from Decayed Fuel |
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02/01/1990 |
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IN-90-07 |
New Information Regarding Insulation Material Performance and Debris Blockage of PWR Containment Sumps |
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01/30/1990 |
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IN-90-06 |
Potential for Loss of Shutdown Cooling While at Low Reactor Coolant Levels |
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01/29/1990 |
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IN-90-05 |
Inter-System Discharge of Reactor Coolant |
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01/29/1990 |
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IN-90-04 |
Cracking of the Upper Shell-to-Transition Cone Girth Welds in Steam Generators |
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01/26/1990 A 01/26/1990 B |
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IN-90-03 |
Malfunction of Borg-Warner Bolted Bonnet Check Valves Caused by Failure of the Swing Arm |
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01/23/1990 |
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IN-90-02 |
Potential Degradation of Secondary Containment |
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01/22/1990 |
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IN-90-01 |
Importance of Proper Response to Self-Identified Violations by Licensees |
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01/12/1990 |
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