Information Notice No. 90-25: Supplement 1: Loss of Vital AC Power With Subsequent Reactor Coolant System Heat-Up
March 11, 1991
Information Notice No. 90-25, SUPPLEMENT 1: LOSS OF VITAL AC POWER WITH
All holders of operating licenses or construction permits for nuclear power
This information notice supplement is intended to give addressees additional
information regarding switchyard administrative control as reported in
NUREG-1410, "Loss of Vital AC Power and The Residual Heat Removal System
During Mid-Loop Operations at Vogtle Unit 1 on March 20, 1990," dated June
1990. Specifically, this supplement provides the licensee's findings and
corrective actions pertaining to NUREG-1410, Finding 10.2, regarding the
adequacy of switchyard administrative control. Two previous events at other
plants that bear a similarity to the Vogtle incident are summarized. It is
expected that recipients will review the information for applicability to
their facilities and consider actions, as appropriate, to avoid similar
problems. However, suggestions contained in this supplement to the
information notice do not constitute NRC requirements; therefore, no
specific action or written response is required.
Description of Circumstances:
On March 20, 1990, a truck driver accompanied by a security escort entered
the protected area with the site's fuel-and-lubricants truck at Vogtle. The
driver was scheduled to refuel air compressors and welding machines located
around the site during the Unit 1 outage. The truck was driven into the
Unit 1 switchyard to fuel a welding machine. Upon determining that the
welding machine did not need fuel, the driver backed the truck (rear view
blocked) into a support pole for a 230-kV feeder line causing a
phase-to-ground electrical fault and the loss of vital ac power.
The damage caused by the truck could have been more severe if electrical
arcing had ignited the fuel on the truck. Additional damage that could have
resulted from a fire or explosion would have further complicated recovery
from the incident.
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March 11, 1991
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This event was caused by inadequate procedures and supervision oversight
regarding access to the 230 kV switchyard. The findings for NUREG-1410 were
as follows: The licensee for Vogtle did not have (1) restrictions or access
controls prohibiting vehicles or equipment from entering and remaining
inside the switchyard except that they be there on official business, and
(2) specific restrictions to control combustibles and other hazardous
materials within the switchyard.
Vogtle plant procedures require that "non-designated" vehicles (vehicles not
designated solely for use in protected areas) be escorted by a security
officer to ensure that they are used only by authorized persons and only for
authorized purposes. The security officer performed his duties as required
by procedures and was seated in the cab of the fuel-and-lubricants truck
when the driver backed the truck into a support column for the 230-kV feeder
line. However, procedures did not ensure that a ground guide (flagman) was
provided. The licensee revised the training to emphasize that security
officers have authority and responsibility to assist vehicle operators in
such a way as to ensure that vehicles operate safely. Specifically,
security escorts will ensure that a flagman provides assistance when large
vehicles are maneuvered inside the protected area. As a result of the
March 20, 1990, event, the licensee disciplined the truck driver for
inattention and a lack of alertness in backing the truck when his visibility
was impaired. The licensee issued a management directive to all site
employees on the control and operation of vehicles and revised
administrative procedures to incorporate this directive. To avoid
unnecessary equipment and vehicle traffic in the switchyard, outage area
coordinators have been instructed to stage welding machines and other
materials outside the switchyard on the east and west ends of the turbine
building. This change will eliminate the need for a fuel-and-lubricants
truck to enter the switchyard. The licensee revised maintenance procedures
to restrict staging of equipment in the switchyard. The licensee installed
barriers with signs stating the requirement for authorization from the unit
shift supervisor for vehicle access to the switchyard. The licensee also
revised plant procedures to control hazardous materials and transient
combustibles in the switchyard and other sensitive plant areas.
At Vogtle, human error caused the loss of offsite power during a refueling
outage, typically a time when (1) the electrical distribution system is most
vulnerable to a single fault causing a loss of power when other equipment is
out of service for maintenance, and (2) more site activities are taking
place that can cause such a fault (e.g., operation of heavy equipment, more
vehicles onsite, and construction activities). Therefore, particularly
during plant outages, activities and hazardous materials in switchyards and
protected areas need to be controlled properly to prevent an incident
similar to the Vogtle event.
The incident at Vogtle led to a loss of power to the only transformer
supplying offsite power to the Unit 1 safety buses. The only available
emergency diesel generator then started and tripped, cutting off all power
to the safety buses. In two previous events at other plants, discussed in
NUREG 1410, the initiators
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March 11, 1991
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(human errors associated with maintenance activities) of the events closely
resembled the cause of the Vogtle incident:
(1) Workmen on the roof of the emergency diesel generator building
lowered an extension cord and accidentally allowed it to touch a
transmission line connected to the only transformer supplying
offsite power to the plant. During this event, the only available
diesel generator started and energized one safety bus.
(2) Workmen in the low voltage switchyard inadvertently grounded a
transmission line to the only transformer supplying offsite power
to the plant when they raised a metal pole. During the event, the
only available emergency diesel generator started and energized
one safety bus.
This information notice supplement requires no specific action or written
response. If you have any questions about the information in this notice,
please contact the technical contact listed below or the appropriate NRR
project manager.
Charles E. Rossi, Director
Division of Operational Events Assessment
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Technical Contact: Frank J. Witt, NRR
(301) 492-0767
Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021