Document Number | Title | Revision | Publish Date | Reviewed Date |
IN-12-25 | Performance Issues with Seismic Instrumentation and Associated Systems for Operating Reactors | -- | 02/01/2013 | -- |
IN-12-24 | | -- | Not Issued | -- |
IN-12-23 | Recent Radiography Events Resulting in Exposures Exceeding Regulatory Limits | -- | 12/26/2012 | -- |
IN-12-22 | Counterfeit, Fraudulent, Suspect Item (CFSI) Training Offerings | -- | 01/25/2013 | -- |
IN-12-21 | Reactor Vessel Closure Head Studs Remain Detensioned During Plant Startup | -- | 12/10/2012 | -- |
IN-12-20 | Chloride-Induced Stress Corrosion Cracking of Austenitic Stainless Steel and Maintenance of Dry Cask Storage System Canisters | -- | 11/14/2012 | -- |
IN-12-19 | License Renewal Post-Approval Site Inspection Issues | -- | 10/23/2012 | -- |
IN-12-18 | Failure to Properly Augment Emergency Response Organizations | -- | 10/26/2012 | -- |
IN-12-17 | Inappropriate Use of Certified Material Test Report Yield Stress and Age-Hardened Concrete Compressive Strength in Design Calculations | -- | 09/06/2012 | -- |
IN-12-16 | Preconditioning of Pressure Switches Before Surveillance Testing | -- | 08/29/2012 | -- |
IN-12-15 | Use of Seal Cap Enclosures To Mitigate Leakage From Joints That Use A-286 Bolts | -- | 08/09/2012 | -- |
IN-12-14 | Motor-Operated Valve Inoperable Due To Stem-Disc Separation | -- | 07/24/2012 | -- |
IN-12-13 | Boraflex Degradation Surveillance Programs and Corrective Actions in the Spent Fuel Pool | -- | 08/10/2012 | -- |
IN-12-12 | HVAC Design Control Issues Challenge Safety System Function | -- | 07/24/2012 | -- |
IN-12-11 | Age Related Capacitor Degradation | -- | 07/23/2012 | -- |
IN-12-10 | Recent Issues Associated with Submittal of NRC Form 396, Certification on Medical Examination By Facility Licensee, for Applicants and Licensed Operators at Non-Power Reactors | -- | 07/16/2012 | -- |
IN-12-09 | Irradiation Effects on Fuel Assembly Spacer Grid Crush Strength | -- | 06/28/2012 | -- |
IN-12-08 | High Dose-Rate Remote Afterloader (HDR) Physical Presence Requirements | -- | 04/10/2012 | -- |
IN-12-07 | Tube-to-Tube Contact Resulting in Wear in Once-Through Steam Generators | -- | 07/17/2012 | -- |
IN-12-06 | Ineffective Use of Vendor Technical Recommendations | -- | 04/24/2012 | -- |
IN-12-05 | Abnormal Releases of Radioactive Water Potentially Resulting in Groundwater Contamination | -- | 04/25/2012 | -- |
IN-12-04 | Impacts On Normal Plant Operations Due To Leaks Or Spills Of Chemicals | -- | 04/19/2012 | -- |
IN-12-03 | Design Vulnerability in Electric Power System | -- | 03/01/2012 | -- |
IN-12-02 | Potentially Nonconservative Screening Value for Dam Failure Frequency in Probabilistic Risk Assessments | -- | 03/05/2012 | -- |
IN-12-01 | Seismic Considerations - Principally Issues Involving Tanks | -- | 01/26/2012 | -- |