Document Number |
Title |
Revision |
Publish Date |
Reviewed Date |
GL-81-40 |
Qualifications of Reactor Operators |
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12/16/1981 |
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GL-81-39 |
NRC Volume Reduction Policy |
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11/30/1981 |
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GL-81-38 |
Storage of Low Level Radioactive Wastes at Power Reactor Sites |
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11/10/1981 |
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GL-81-37 |
ODYN Code Reanalysis Requirements |
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12/29/1981 |
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GL-81-36 |
Revised Schedule for Completion of TMI Action Plan Item II.D.1, Relief and Safety Valve Testing |
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09/29/1981 |
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GL-81-35 |
Safety Concerns Associated with Pipe Breaks in the BWR Scram System |
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08/31/1981 |
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GL-81-34 |
Safety Concerns Associated with Pipe Breaks in the BWR Scram System |
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08/31/1981 |
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GL-81-33 |
Technical Specification for Station Batteries Multiplant Action |
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Not Issued |
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GL-81-32 |
NUREG-0737, Item II.K.3.44-Evaluation of Anticipated Transients Combined with Single Failure |
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08/07/1981 |
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GL-81-31 |
Small Break LOCA Confirmatory Integral Systems Experiments for B&W DesignedPlants |
-- |
Not Issued |
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GL-81-30 |
Safety Concerns Associated with Pipe Breaks in the BWR Scram System |
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07/31/1981 |
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GL-81-29 |
Simulator Examinations |
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08/07/1981 |
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GL-81-28 |
Steam Generator Overfill |
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07/31/1981 |
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GL-81-27 |
Privacy and Proprietary Material in Emergency Plans |
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07/09/1981 |
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GL-81-26 |
Licensing Requirements for Pending Construction Permit and Manufacturing License Applications |
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07/14/1981 |
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GL-81-25 |
Change in Implementing Schedule for Submission and Evaluation of Upgraded Emergency Plans |
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06/15/1981 |
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GL-81-24 |
Multi-Plant Issue B-56 Control Rods Fail to Fully Insert |
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06/15/1981 |
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GL-81-23 |
INPO Plant Specific Evaluation Reports |
S1 |
07/06/1981 |
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06/04/1981 |
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GL-81-22 |
Engineering Evaluation of the H.B. Robinson Reactor Coolant System Leak on 1/29/81 |
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05/05/1981 |
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GL-81-21 |
Natural Circulation Cooldown |
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05/05/1981 |
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GL-81-20 |
Safety Concerns Associated with Pipe Breaks in the BWR Scram System |
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04/10/1981 |
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GL-81-19 |
Thermal Shock to Reactor Pressure Vessels |
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04/20/1981 |
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GL-81-18 |
BWR Scram Discharge System-Clarification of Diverse Instrumentation Requirements |
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03/30/1981 |
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GL-81-17 |
Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities |
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03/05/1981 |
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GL-81-16 |
NUREG-0737 Item I.C.1 SER on Abnormal Transient Operating Guidelines (ATOG) |
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06/01/1981 |
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GL-81-15 |
Environmental Qualification of Class 1E Electrical Equipment-Clarification of Staffs Handling of Proprietary Information |
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03/10/1981 |
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GL-81-14 |
Seismic Qualifications for Auxiliary Feedwater Systems |
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02/10/1981 |
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GL-81-13 |
SER for GEXL Correlation for 8X8R Fuel Reload Applications for Appendix D Submittals of the GE Topical Report |
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05/28/1981 |
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GL-81-12 |
Fire Protection Rule (45 FR 76602, 11/19/80) |
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02/20/1981 |
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GL-81-11 |
BWR Feedwater Nozzle and Control Rod Drive Return Line Nozzle Cracking (NUREG-0619) |
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02/29/1981 |
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GL-81-10 |
Post-TMI Requirements for the Emergency Operations Facility |
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02/18/1981 |
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GL-81-09 |
BWR Scram Discharge System |
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01/23/1981 |
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GL-81-08 |
Odyn Code |
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01/29/1981 |
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GL-81-07 |
Control of Heavy Loads |
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02/03/1981 |
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GL-81-06 |
Periodic Updating of Final Safety Analysis Reports (FSARS) |
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02/26/1981 |
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GL-81-05 |
Information Regarding the Program for Environmental Qualification Of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment |
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01/19/1981 |
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GL-81-04 |
Emergency Procedures And Training for Station Blackout Events |
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02/25/1981 |
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GL-81-03 |
Implementation of NUREG-0313,Technical Report on Material Selection & Processing GL for BWR Coolant Press Boundary Piping |
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02/26/1981 |
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GL-81-02 |
Analysis, Conclusions and Recommendations Concerning Operator Licensing |
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01/27/1981 |
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GL-81-01 |
Qualification of Inspection, Examination, Testing and Audit Personnel |
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05/04/1981 |
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