Document Number |
Title |
Revision |
Publish Date |
Reviewed Date |
GL-84-24 |
Certification of Compliance to 10 CFR 50.49, Environmental Qualification of Electric Equipment Important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plants |
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12/27/1984 |
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GL-84-23 |
Reactor Vessel Water Level Instrumentation in BWRs |
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10/26/1984 |
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GL-84-22 |
10 CFR 20.408 Termination Reports - Format |
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GL-84-21 |
Long Term Low Power Operation in Pressurized Water Reactors |
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10/16/1984 |
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GL-84-20 |
Scheduling Guidance for Licensee Submittals of Reloads That Involve Unreviewed Safety Questions |
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08/20/1984 |
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GL-84-19 |
Availability of Supplement 1 to NUREG-0933, "A Prioritization of Generic Safety Issues" |
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08/06/1984 |
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GL-84-18 |
Filing of Applications for Licenses and Amendments |
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07/06/1984 |
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GL-84-17 |
Annual Meeting to Discuss Recent Developments Regarding Operator Training, Qualifications, and Examinations |
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07/03/1984 |
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GL-84-16 |
Adequacy of On-Shift Operating Experience for Near Term Operating License Applicants |
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06/27/1984 |
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GL-84-15 |
Proposed Staff Actions to Improve and Maintain Diesel Generator Reliability |
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07/02/1984 |
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GL-84-14 |
Replacement and Requalification Training Program |
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05/11/1984 |
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GL-84-13 |
Technical Specification for Snubbers |
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05/03/1984 |
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GL-84-12 |
Compliance with 10 CFR 61 and Implementation of Radiological Effluent Tech Specs, Attendant Process Control Program |
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04/30/1984 |
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GL-84-11 |
Inspections of BWR Stainless Steel Piping |
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04/19/1984 |
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GL-84-10 |
Administration of Operating Tests Prior to Initial Criticality |
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04/26/1984 |
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GL-84-09 |
Recombiner Capability Requirements of 10 CFR 50.44(c)(3)(ii) |
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05/08/1984 |
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GL-84-08 |
Interim Procedures for NRC Management of Plant-Specific Backfitting |
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04/04/1984 |
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GL-84-07 |
Procedural Guidance for Pipe Replacement at BWRs |
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03/14/1984 |
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GL-84-06 |
Operator and Senior Operator License Examination Criteria For Passing Grade |
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04/16/1984 |
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GL-84-05 |
Change to NUREG-1021, "Operator Licensing Examiner Standards" |
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04/02/1984 |
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GL-84-04 |
Safety Evaluation of Westinghouse Topical Reports Dealing with Elimination of Postulated Pipe Breaks in PWR Primary Main Loops (Generic Letter 84-04) |
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02/01/1984 |
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GL-84-03 |
Availability of NUREG-0933, "A Prioritization of Generic Safety Issues" |
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01/13/1984 |
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GL-84-02 |
Notice of Meeting Regarding Facility Staffing |
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01/06/1984 |
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GL-84-01 |
NRC Use Of The Terms "Important To Safety" and "Safety Related" |
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01/05/1984 |
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