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Commission Correspondence – 2020

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Date Subject

Letter to the Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr., et al., submits the November 2020 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund


Letter to the Honorable Lamar Alexander and Marcy Kaptur submits the NRC’s monthly Congressional Status Report for November 2020


Letter to the Honorable Gary C. Peters, from Chairman Svinicki re: Preservation of Records at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission


Letter to Representative Carolyn Maloney, et al. from Chairman Svinicki re: Request for Information on Conversions of Political Appointees to Civil Service Positions during the Trump Administration at Your Agency Including All Component Entities


Letter to the Honorable Lamar Alexander and Marcy Kaptur submits the NRC's monthly Congressional Status Report for October 2020


Letter to the Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr., et al., submits the October 2020 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund


Letter to the Honorable Richard Shelby and Nita Lowey, submits the NRC's fourth quarterly report in Fiscal Year 2020 related to the NRC's progress on certain licensing actions and right-sizing commitments

11/16/2020 Letter to the President and Congress, submits the NRC's Fiscal Year 2020 Agency Financial Report

Letter to the Honorable Mike Braun, et al., submits the NRC's Semiannual Status Report on the Licensing Activities and Regulatory Duties from April 1 through September 30, 2020 and includes a list of rulemaking activities and their priority schedule


Letter to the Honorable John Barrasso, et al, submits the NRC's fourth quarter Status Report on the Licensing Activities and Regulatory Duties from July 1 through September 30, 2020


Letter to the Honorable Russell T. Vought, Director, Office of Management and Budget and Honorable Chad F. Wolf, Secretary of Homeland Security, submits the NRC’s Fiscal Year 2020 Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) Report and Privacy Management Reports


Letter to the Honorable Lamar Alexander and Marcy Kaptur submits the NRC's monthly Congressional Status Report for September 2020


Letter to Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr., et al., submits the September 2020 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund


Letter to Honorable Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, responds to letter regarding concerns about the three unplanned shutdowns at the Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant and the safety culture at the site


Letter to the Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr., et al., submits the August 2020 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund


Letter to the Honorable Lamar Alexander and Marcy Kaptur submits the NRC's monthly Congressional Status Report for August 2020


Letter to the Honorable Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich, responds to letter regarding opposition to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's decision to substitute in-person meetings in New Mexico with a series of webinars


Letter to the Honorable Carolyn Maloney, et al., submits the NRC's fourth report in response to the Social Security Number Fraud Prevention Act of 2017


Letter to the Honorable Richard Shelby and Nita Lowey, submits the third quarterly report in Fiscal Year 2020 related to the NRC's progress on certain licensing actions and right-sizing commitments


Letter to the Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr., et al., submits the July 2020 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund


Letter to Mr. Frank Rusco, Director, Natural Resources and Environment, U.S. Government Accountability Office, et al., responds to (GAO-20-362) Fee-Setting, Billing, and Budgeting Processes Have Improved, but Additional Actions Could Enhance Efforts Report


Letter to the Honorable Lamar Alexander and Marcy Kaptur submits the NRC's monthly Congressional Status Report for July 2020


Letter to the Honorable John Barrasso, et al., responds to letter requesting that the NRC, as part of its effort to develop an advanced reactor Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS), broaden the scope of the planned GEIS to be inclusive of additional advanced nuclear technologies


Letter to the Honorable Ralph Northam, Governor of Virginia, requests appointment of a State Liaison Officer to the NRC


Letter to the Honorable Jan Schakowsky, responds to letter requesting that the NRC extend the public comment period on the NRC's proposed interpretive rule on the transfer of very low-level waste to exempt persons for disposal


Letter to the Honorable John A. Barrasso, et al., from Chairman Svinicki submits the report for the third quarter in Fiscal Year 2020 on the licensing activities and regulatory duties of the U.S. NRC


Letter to Senator Gary Peters from Chairman Svinicki re: COVID-19 Response


Letter to the Honorable Jeanne Shaheen, et al., responds to concerns about recent incidents at Seabrook Station and requests for a public information session and congressional briefing


Letter to Honorable Betsy DeVos from Chairman Svinicki re: Historically Black Colleges and Universities Competitiveness Plan


Letter to the Honorable Mike Levin from Chairman Svinicki re: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Task Force Report


Letter to the Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr., et al., from Chairman Svinicki submits the June 2020 Monthly Status Report on the U.S. NRC Activities and Expenditures of Unobligated Carryover Funds Appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund


Letter to the Honorable David Price, et al., from Chairman Svinicki re: responds to request for NRC to grant the petition for rulemaking PRM-35-22 to require licensees to report radiopharmaceutical infiltrations


Letter to the Honorable Lamar Alexander and Marcy Kaptur from Chairman Svinicki submits the NRC's June 2020 Congressional Status Report


Ltr to Honorable Lloyd Doggett from Chairman Svinicki, responds to request that NRC extend the public comment period on the draft Environmental Impact Statement for Interim Storage Partners, LLC's proposed consolidated interim storage facility


Letter to the Honorable John A. Barrasso and Frank Pallone, Jr., submits report on Best Practices for Establishment and Operation of Local Community Advisory Boards Associated with Decommissioning Activities at Nuclear Power Plants


Letter to the Honorable John Barrasso, et al., submits the NRC's "Report to Congress on the Security Inspection Program for Commercial Power Reactors and Category 1 Fuel Cycle Facilities: Results and Status Update" for calendar year 2019


Letter to The President, submits the report Promoting the Rule of Law Through Transparency and Fairness in Civil Administrative Enforcement and Adjudication


Letter to the Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr., et al., submits the May 2020 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund


Letter to the Honorable Lamar Alexander and Marcy Kaptur, submits the NRC's monthly Congressional Status Report for May 2020


Letter to Mr. Michael E. Horowitz, Acting Chair, Pandemic Response Accountability Committee and Inspector General, submits the NRC's CARES Act plan


Letter to the Honorable John Barrasso, et al., responds to letter encouraging the Commission to identify actions to accelerate the development of a technology-inclusive regulatory framework for advanced nuclear reactors


Letter to the Honorable Richard Shelby and Nita Lowey, submits the second quarterly report in Fiscal Year 2020 related to the NRC's progress on certain licensing actions and right-sizing commitments


Letter to the Honorable Gerald Connolly and Jody Hice from Chairman Svinicki re: Implementation of Modernizing Government Technology Act


Letter to the Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, et al., provides the NRC's Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences: Fiscal Year 2019, dated June 5, 2020.


Letter to the Honorable Ron Johnson, et al., submits the report on the protection of whistleblowers into job requirements and performance standards of supervisory employees


Letter to Mr. Paul Ray, Office of Management and Budget, submits the NRC's Statement of Regulatory Priorities for Fiscal Year 2021


Letter to the Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr., et al., from Chairman Svinicki submits the April 2020 Monthly Status Report on the U.S. NRC Activities and Expenditures of Unobligated Carryover Funds Appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund


Letter to the Honorable Lamar Alexander and Marcy Kaptur submits the NRC's monthly Congressional Status Report for April 2020


Letter to the Honorable John A. Barrasso, et al., submits the report for the second quarter in Fiscal Year 2020 on the licensing activities and regulatory duties of the NRC (for the reporting period of January 1, 2020, through March 31, 2020)


Letter to Vice President Michael R. Pence, provides overview of measures NRC has taken during the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency


Letter to the Honorable Michelle Lujan Grisham, Governor of New Mexico, responds to letter requesting that the NRC delay any public meetings and extend the public comment period on the draft EIS for Holtec's proposed spent nuclear fuel storage facility in New Mexico until the COVID-19 pandemic threat has passed


Letter to the Honorable Gene L. Dodaro, Comptroller General, U.S. GAO, responds to his letter on open recommendations to which GAO believes the NRC should give high priority


Letter to the Honorable Edward Markey, et al., responds to questions about the Seabrook nuclear plant refueling process during the ongoing Coronavirus outbreak


Letter to the Honorable Edward Markey, et al, submits the Nuclear Regulatory Commissions decision to implement the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Stations exemption for emergency preparedness and planning requirements during the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic


Letter to the Honorable Mike Braun, et al., from NRC Chairman Svinicki, submits the NRC's Semiannual Status Report on the Licensing Activities and Regulatory Duties from October 2019 through March 2020


Letter to Joseph J. Grogan, Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, provides NRC's response to the President’s December 11, 2019, Executive Order 13899, entitled "Combating Anti-Semitism" and February 4, 2020, Memorandum issued by the Department of Justice regarding agency obligations under the Executive Order


Letter to the Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr., et al., submits the March 2020 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund.


Letter to the Honorable Tom Udall, et al., responds to request that the NRC delay any public meetings and extend the public comment period on the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Holtec proposed spent nuclear fuel storage facility


Letter to Ms. Carol Harris, Director, Information Technology Acquisition Management Issues, GAO, et al., provides NRC's response to the GAO report, "Information Technology: Agencies Need to Fully Implement Key Workforce Planning Activities" GAO-20-129


Letter to the Honorable Nita Lowey from Chairman Svinicki re: concerns about the NRC Office of the Inspector General's February 13, 2020, report addressing the natural gas transmission lines near the Indian Point Energy Center


Letter to the Honorable Nita Lowey from NRC Chairman Svinicki re: submits NRCs response to Congressional inquiry Public Law 116-94, "Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, 2020"


Letter to the Honorable Lamar Alexander and Marcy Kaptur submits the NRC’s monthly Congressional Status Report for March 2020


Letter to the Honorable John A. Barrasso, et al., from Chairman Svinicki provides an update to the Commission's, April 3, 2020, response letter of March 27, 2020, regarding deferral of fee billing in response to the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic


Letter to the Honorable John A. Barrasso, et al., responds to request that the NRC consider deferral of licensees fees for 90 days


Letter to the Honorable John A. Barrasso, et al., responds to request that the Commission act on NRC staff recommendation for near term improvements to the Reactor Oversight Process


Letter to the President, submits the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act Compliance Report


Letter to the Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, et al., submits the Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Report of Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No Fear Act)


Letter to the Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr., et al., submits the February 2020 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund


Letter to the Honorable Gene L. Dodaro, et al., submits the summary of actions taken by the NRC in response to recommendations contained in various GAO reports


Letter to the Honorable Richard Shelby and Nita Lowey, submits the report entitled, Updates to Injection Quality Monitoring, Classification, and Reporting Requirements for Extravasations


Letter to the Honorable Lamar Alexander and Marcy Kaptur submits the NRC's monthly Congressional Status Report for February 2020


Letter to the Honorable Richard Shelby and Nita Lowey, submits the first quarterly report in FY 2020 related to the NRC's progress on certain licensing actions and right-sizing commitments


Letter to the Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr., et al., submits the January 2020 Monthly Status Report on the NRC Activities and Expenditures of Unobligated Carryover Funds Appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund


Letter to the Honorable John Barrasso, et al., submits the report for the first quarter in Fiscal Year 2020 on the licensing activities and regulatory duties of the NRC (for the reporting period of October 1 - December 31, 2019)


Letter to the Honorable Andy Kim, responds to concerns regarding the NRCs Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation inspection program.


Letter to the Honorable Lamar Alexander and Marcy Kaptur, submits the NRC’s January 2020 Congressional Status Report


Letter to the Honorable Charles Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand and Nita Lowey, responds to letter requesting an extension of the public comment period on the Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos 1, 2, and 3 license transfer application


Letter to the Honorable John A. Barrasso, et al., submits an update on the NRC's Implementation of the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act (NEIMA)


Letter to the Honorable Edward Markey, et al., responds to opposition to the NRC staff's Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Inspection Program Enhancement Initiative


Letter to the Honorable Mike Braun, et al., submits the NRC’s Congressional Budget Justification for Fiscal Year 2021


Letter to the Honorable David Price, responds to concerns about nuclear medicine infiltrations.


Letter to the Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr., et al., submits the December 2019 Monthly Status Report on the NRC Activities and Expenditures of Unobligated Carryover Funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund


Letter to Nick Marinos, Director, Information Technology and Cybersecurity, GAO, et al., from Chairman Svinicki, responds to GAO-19-384 - Cybersecurity Report, Agencies Need to Fully Establish Risk Management Programs and Address Challenges


Letter to the Honorable Lamar Alexander and Marcy Kaptur from Chairman Svinicki submits the NRC's December 2019 Congressional Status Report


Letter to the Honorable Lamar Alexander and Marcy Kaptur submits the Fiscal Year 2020 Congressional Budget Execution Plan


Letter to the Honorable Marco Rubio, et al., providing the status of the agency provision of "Compliance Guides" to small entities for rules that affect them in accordance with the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996


Letter to the Honorable John Barrasso and Frank Pallone, Jr., submits the report on uranium recovery flat fee pilot initiative


Letter to the Honorable John Barrasso and Frank Pallone, Jr., submits the report on preparing the licensing process for research and test reactors within the existing regulatory framework


Letter to the Honorable John Barrasso and Frank Pallone, Jr., submits the report on the status of the licensing process for accident tolerant fuel


Letter to the Honorable John Barrasso and Shelley Capito, responds to request that NRC establish new emergency preparedness requirements for Small Modular Reactors and other advanced nuclear technologies.


Letter to the Honorable Tom O’Halleran, responds to letter regarding the cleanup of abandoned uranium mines throughout the Navajo Nation.


Letter to the Honorable Frank Pallone, Jr., et al., submits the November 2019 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, February 4, 2021