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Commission Correspondence - 2011

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Date Subject
12/22/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding NRC requirements for addressing potential concrete degradation at nuclear power plants
12/12/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Darrell Issa regarding work environment, values, and culture at the NRC
12/02/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Barbara Boxer regarding NRC actions to ensure the safety of Americans from threats posed by nuclear facilities following a natural disaster, such as an earthquake or hurricane
11/21/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding the impact that Hurricane Irene had on some U.S. nuclear power plants and concerns about the adequacy of existing emergency response requirements
11/21/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress enclosing NRC’s Fiscal Year 2011 Performance and Accountability Report
11/15/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to The President enclosing the NRC's Fiscal Year 2011 Performance and Accountability Report
11/09/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jackzo to Congress submitting the NRC’s semi-annual report on the status of licensing and other regulatory activities
11/09/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress and Government Accountability Office providing a written statement of action on the recommendations outlined in GAO-11-751, "Personal ID Verification: Agencies Should Set a Higher Priority on Using the Capabilities of Standardized Identification Cards"
11/09/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding recent events at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station
11/09/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey responding to questions regarding potential strontium-90 contamination from the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant
11/08/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding seismic safety at the North Anna Power Station
11/07/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Mr. Cass R. Sunstein, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), regarding Executive Order 13579, "Regulation and Independent Regulatory Agencies"
10/25/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey concerning regulatory requirements for the maintenance of emergency diesel generators and batteries at operating nuclear power plants in light of the recent earthquake in Mineral, Virginia
10/03/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congresswoman Nita M. Lowey regarding safety and security issues at the Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station
09/29/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jackzo to Congress enclosing the NRC's statement of actions taken in response to recommendations in the GAO Report GAO-11-565, "Data Center Consolidation: Agencies Need to Complete Inventories and Plans to Achieve Expected Savings."
09/29/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Roscoe G. Bartlett regarding concerns about the potential threat to U.S. nuclear reactors from an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) incident
09/14/2011 Letter to Senator Jeff Sessions, regarding NRC's response to the nuclear disaster at Fukushima and about reports associated with the agency's activities, signed by Chairman Jaczko
09/08/2011 Letter to Honorable Fred Upton et al, responds to the findings and recommendations of the NRC 90-Day Task Force Report
08/23/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding the applicability of the recommendations of the NRC Near-Term Japan Task Force
08/23/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Jon Runyan regarding NRC actions in response to the June 2011 GAO report entitled “Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Oversight of Underground Piping Systems Commensurate with Risk, but Proactive Measures Could Help Address Future Leaks”
08/19/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress regarding actions planned in response to the recommendations identified in GAO report GAO-11-563, “Oversight of Underground Piping Systems Commensurate with Risk, But Proactive Measures Could Help Address Future Leaks”
08/16/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Jason Altmire regarding the rulemaking on design certification amendment for the Westinghouse AP1000
08/15/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding safety concerns with the AP1000 reactor design
08/11/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator James M. Inhofe regarding NRC undertaking a near-term comparison of U.S. and Japanese regulatory requirements
08/11/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding NRC actions being taken in response to the recent events in Japan
08/11/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Bobby L. Rush regarding events at the Dresden Nuclear Power Station
08/10/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding a recent scram at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station and information about all scrams in the U.S. over the past 10 years
08/10/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Dianne Feinstein regarding an expansion of the range of issues that are addressed during the nuclear power reactor license renewal process
07/29/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Darrell Issa providing information related to the submittal of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident to the Commission and ultimately its public release
07/29/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Dianne Feinstein regarding request that NRC initiate rulemaking to expedite the shift to dry cask storage for spent nuclear fuel
07/27/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand regarding the planned strike by International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 97 at the Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station
07/27/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Ben Chandler concerning NRC's compliance with President Obama's Executive Order 13563, regarding improving regulations and regulatory review
07/22/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Mr. Jacob J. Lew, Director, Office of Management and Budget, certifying that the Final Rule, "Alternative to Minimum Days Off Requirements," has been assessed in accordance with the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act of 1999
07/22/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding distribution of potassium iodide (KI) to populations living in the zone extending an additional 10 miles beyond the existing 10 mile emergency planning zone near nuclear power plants
07/22/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Fred Upton concerning Volume III of the Safety Evaluation Report for the Yucca Mountain application.
07/16/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Al Franken concerning the safety of U.S. nuclear power reactors
07/16/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand regarding the results of the recent inspection at Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3 under NRC Temporary Instruction 2515/183, "Follow-up to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Station Fuel Damage Event"
07/16/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congresswoman Lois Capps responding to request that NRC immediately stay the license renewal process for Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2.
06/28/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Darrell Issa responding to questions regarding the NRC’s Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) review of the accident at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors and the Chairman’s exercise of emergency powers during the accident
06/21/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress forwarding the “Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences: Fiscal Year (FY) 2010”
06/17/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress submitting the 2010 “Report to Congress on the Security Inspection Program for Commercial Power Reactor and Category I Fuel Cycle Facilities: Results and Status Update”
06/17/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Jim Webb providing information on assumptions used in recommending a 50-mile evacuation for U.S. citizens following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility events
06/16/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Dianne Feinstein regarding the storage of spent fuel and a more rapid transfer of spent fuel from pools to dry storage casks
06/13/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Richard Blumenthal responding to questions regarding the storage of spent fuel onsite at U.S. nuclear power plants
06/02/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jackzo to Congress submitting the NRC’s semi-annual report on the status of licensing and other regulatory activities
06/01/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey providing reference documents for the medical event records that were provided to Rep. Markey on November 21, 2010
05/27/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Mr. Cass Sunstein, Administrator, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, enclosing the NRC’s Fiscal Year 2011 Regulatory Plan
05/27/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Barbara Boxer regarding transparency and openness in NRC’s review and evaluation of recent events in Japan
05/26/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Robert Menendez regarding commercial nuclear power plants in New Jersey and surrounding states
05/23/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Patrick Leahy regarding how the process of decommissioning could be conducted at Vermont Yankee when it ceases to operate
05/23/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Maria Cantwell responding to questions regarding the potential impacts of recent events in Japan on the citizens of the State of Washington
05/23/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman John W. Olver regarding decommissioning at Vermont Yankee and support for Vermont Congressional delegation views on decommissioning
05/13/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand regarding NRC completion of the Generic Issue 199 project on seismic hazards
05/13/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Frank R. Lautenberg regarding nuclear power plants in New Jersey in light of recent events in Japan and their implications for ensuring the continued safety of nuclear power plants in the United States
05/13/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Richard Blumenthal responding to questions and concerns regarding recent events in Japan and their implications for the continuing safety of nuclear power plants in the United States
05/12/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Darrell E. Issa providing documents generated by the NRC staff on Yucca Mountain
05/12/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Earl Blumenauer regarding radiation contamination from recent events in Japan reaching the west coast of the United States
04/28/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress regarding Volume III of the Safety Evaluation Report (SER) for the Yucca Mountain application
04/27/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich regarding concerns about recent events in Japan and their implications for ensuring the continued safety of nuclear power plants in the U.S.
04/11/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator James M. Inhofe regarding the NRC's response to the events in Japan and the Chairman's actions as part of the response to that emergency
04/08/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Barbara Boxer responding to a request that in light of the recent events in Japan, the NRC perform a thorough review of nuclear power plants and provides detailed responses to specific questions
04/08/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Barbara Boxer responding to a request that in light of the recent events in Japan, the NRC perform a thorough review of the Diablo Canyon and San Onofre nuclear power plants and provides detailed responses to specific questions
04/07/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Jeff Fortenberry responding to a request that the NRC perform a nuclear proliferation assessment for commercial applications for enrichment and reprocessing technologies
04/01/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jackzo to Congress submitting NRC's Fiscal Year 2010 Buy American Act Report
03/31/2011 Letter from Commissioners Svinicki, Apostolakis, Magwood, and Ostendorff to Congressman Darrell E. Issa regarding Volume III of the draft Safety Evaluation Report related to the Yucca Mountain license application
03/30/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress transmitting the NRC's Fiscal Year 2010 Annual Report on the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation (No FEAR) Act of 2002
03/21/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator John Barrasso regarding the uranium recovery licenses in Wyoming now controlled by JSC Atomredmetzoloto (ARMZ) a Russian corporation
03/21/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Michael B. Enzi regarding the uranium recovery licenses in Wyoming now controlled by JSC Atomredmetzoloto (ARMZ) a Russian corporation
03/04/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Mr. Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, providing NRC’s Designation of Agency Representative form as required by Executive Order 13270, “Tribal Colleges and Universities”
03/04/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress concerning NRC’s actions regarding the Yucca Mountain license application
03/04/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator James M. Inhofe regarding concerns about the nuclear power reactor license renewal process
03/02/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress providing NRC's Annual Report of the Administration of the Government in the Sunshine Act for Calendar year 2010
03/02/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress transmitting the NRC's Fiscal year 2012 Congressional Budget Justification
02/16/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator James M. Inhofe, regarding the conduct of the Commission's mandatory hearings on applications for combined nuclear power licenses issued under 10 CFR 52
01/21/2011 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding the release of patients treated with radioactive materials from hospitals

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, February 4, 2021