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Commission Correspondence - 2009

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Date Subject
12/10/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Thomas R. Carper regarding the NRC's efforts related to the review of new nuclear reactor applications
12/10/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Jeff Bingaman submitting NRC's comments regarding S. 2052, the "Nuclear Energy Research Initiative Improvement Act of 2009," and S. 2812, the "Nuclear Power 2021 Act"
11/19/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress, transmitting the Semi-Annual Status Report on the Licensing Activities and Regulatory Duties of the U.S. NRC, April 2009 – September 2009
11/17/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward Markey responding to concerns about NRC's regulation involving the treatment of patients with radioisotopes
11/16/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to The President and Congress enclosing the NRC's Fiscal Year 2009 Performance and Accountability Report
10/27/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Christopher H. Smith regarding the NRC staff's review of the 3-D finite element analysis of the Oyster Creek drywell shell
10/16/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress responding to questions regarding the current status of the processing of combined license applications (COL) for new nuclear plant applications
10/16/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Dennis Kucinich responding to a request that the NRC maintain independent and intensified scrutiny over FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company's (FENOC) management of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station
10/07/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Eric H. Holder, Attorney General, notifying the Department of Justice that NRC has issued the "Guidelines on the Use of Firearms by Security Personnel in Protecting U.S. NRC-Regulated Facilities, Radioactive Material, and Other Property"
09/29/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) providing a written statement of actions taken regarding the GAO Report "Information Technology: Federal Agencies Need to Strengthen Investment Board Oversight of Poorly Planned and Performing Projects" (GAO-09-566)
09/01/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Senator Harry Reid confirming that the NRC does not have a policy in place that prohibits or discourages employees from traveling to specific destinations in the U.S. to conduct official business or attend meetings
07/27/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman John H. Adler responding to concerns about a leak in buried piping at the Oyster Creek Generating Station (Oyster Creek)
07/09/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Peter Orszag, Director, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), reporting the total size of NRC's workforce
07/07/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress submitting NRC's proposed legislation which authorizes appropriations for Fiscal Year 2010
06/30/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress submitting the 2008 "Report to Congress on the Security Inspection Program for Commercial Power Reactor and Category I Fuel Cycle Facilities: Results and Status Update"
06/17/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congressman Edward J. Markey responding to concerns expressed about a leak in buried piping at Indian Point Unit 2
05/27/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Kevin Neyland, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) enclosing the NRC's Fiscal Year 2009 Regulatory Plan
05/27/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress transmitting the NRC's FY-2010 Performance Budget
05/16/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress transmitting the "Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences: Fiscal Year 2008"
05/15/2009 Letter from Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko to Congress transmitting NRC's report on the status of its licensing and other regulatory activities
05/11/2009 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Senator Byron Dorgan providing a report on the status of the NRC's fire safety requirements for nuclear power reactors
05/07/2009 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Robert I. Cusick, Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics informing him of the designation of Stephen G. Burns as the Designated Agency Ethics Official for the NRC
04/24/2009 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, providing NRC's Fiscal Year 2008 Annual Federal Performance Report on Executive Agency Actions to Assist Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs)
04/16/2009 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress providing a summary of actions taken by the NRC in responses to recommendations contained in various U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports that address NRC activities
04/09/2009 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Daniel O. Hill, Acting Under Secretary for Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce, providing a copy of NRC's United States Additional Protocol Vetting Record confirming NRC licensees' information for the United States declaration to the IAEA
04/09/2009 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congressman Edward J. Markey responding to concerns about the potential outcome of the pending lawsuit between the Northwest Interstate Compact on Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management and EnergySolutions, Inc.
04/09/2009 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congressman Edward J. Markey regarding concerns about the safe and secure disposal of depleted uranium (DU) and the impacts of a recent NRC decision about the disposal of DU
03/26/2009 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress providing the NRC's FY-2008 Annual Report on the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation (NO FEAR) Act of 2002
03/24/2009 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress regarding NRC's acquisitions supporting the Buy American program
02/19/2009 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Congress transmitting NRC's Annual Report on the Administration of the Government in the Sunshine Act for Calendar Year 2008
01/28/2009 Letters from Chairman Dale E. Klein to various Members of the United States Senate providing congratulations on election to the United States Senate
01/28/2009 Letters from Chairman Dale E. Klein to various Members of the United States Senate providing congratulations on appointment to the United States Senate
01/28/2009 Letters from Chairman Dale E. Klein to various Members of the United States House of Representatives providing congratualtions on election to the United States House of Representatives
01/14/2009 Letter from Chairman Dale E. Klein to Margaret Spellings, Secretary of Education, providing a table of NRC FY-2009 Federal Agency Awards by Institution and Category

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, February 4, 2021