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Commission Correspondence – 2023

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Date Subject
12/21/2023 Letter to the Honorable Miguel A. Cardona, Secretary of Education, U. S. Department of Education, submits the U.S. NRC's 2024 Annual Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Plan
12/21/2023 Letter to the Honorable Byron Donalds, responds to letter regarding 2.206 petition to close Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1
12/21/2023 Letter to the Honorable Shelley Moore Capito and Pete Ricketts, responds to request that NRC improve the management and oversight of Subsequent License Renewal and approval process
12/19/2023 Letter to the Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers, et al., submits the November 2023 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund
12/14/2023 Letter to the Honorable Patty Murray and Chuck Fleischmann, submits the NRC’s monthly Congressional Status Report for November 2023
12/11/2023 Letter to the Honorable Gerald E. Connolly, et al., responds to letter regarding request for update on NRCs implementation of the Modernizing Government Technology Act for the FITARA Scorecard
12/05/2023 Letter to the Honorable Tate Reeves, Governor of Mississippi, response regarding the Commission’s decision to discontinue the Mississippi Agreement State Program’s Probationary Period
12/01/2023 Letter to the Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers, et al., submits the October 2023 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund
11/27/2023 Letter to the Honorable Patty Murray and Chuck Fleischmann, submits the NRC’s monthly Congressional Status Report for October 2023
11/09/2023 Letter to the President and Congress, submits the NRC’s Fiscal Year 2023 Agency Financial Report
11/09/2023 Letter to the Honorable Thomas Carper, et al., submits the report for the fourth quarter in Fiscal Year 2023 on the licensing activities and regulatory duties of the NRC for the reporting period of July 1 - September 30, 2023
11/09/2023 Letter to the Honorable Edward J. Markey, et al., submits the NRC's Semiannual Status Report on the Licensing Activities and Regulatory Duties from the reporting period of April 1, 2023 - September 30, 2023, and includes a list of rulemaking activities
11/01/2023 Letter to the Honorable Marcy Kaptur, responds to letter regarding follow up on concerns raised by union representatives during the June visit to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant
10/30/2023 Letter to the Honorable Shalanda Young and Alejandro Mayorkas, reports that NRC has submitted the FISMA and Privacy Management Program documents for Fiscal Year 2023
10/30/2023 Letter to the Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers, et al., submits the September 2023 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund
10/26/2023 Letter to the Honorable Rand Paul, responds to letter requesting information about the NRC's operations in the event of a lapse in federal appropriations
10/19/2023 Letter to the Honorable Patty Murray and Chuck Fleischmann, submits the NRC’s monthly Congressional Status Report for September 2023
10/11/2023 Letter to the Honorable Byron Donalds, responds to letter regarding the NRC's schedule for conducting the Kairos Hermes mandatory hearing
10/04/2023 Letter to the Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers, et al., submits the August 2023 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund
09/22/2023 Letter to the Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers, et al., responds to letter regarding implementation of the changes to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) included in the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA)
09/22/2023 Letter to Dwaine Perry, Chief, Ramapo Munsee Nation, responds to letter regarding Opposition of the Release and Dumping of Radioactive Waste from Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant into the Hudson River
09/19/2023 Letter to the Honorable Dianne Feinstein, et al., submits the NRC’s monthly Congressional Status Report for August 2023
09/18/2023 Letter to the Honorable Gerald E. Connolly, et al., responds to letter regarding request for update on NRCs implementation of several areas included on the FITARA Scorecard
08/28/2023 Letter to the Honorable Thomas R. Carper, et al., responds to letter regarding the NRC staff's draft proposed rule to establish a risk-informed technology-inclusive regulatory framework for advanced reactors
08/22/2023 Letter to the Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers, et al., submits the July 2023 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund
08/21/2023 Letter to the Honorable Dianne Feinstein, et al., submits the NRC’s monthly Congressional Status Report for July 2023
08/17/2023 Letter to Manuel Heart, Chairman, Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, responds to request for NRC to have consultation regarding the Nation's development of a strategic uranium reserve
08/14/2023 Letter to the Honorable Thomas R. Carper, et al., submits the report for the third quarter in Fiscal Year 2023 on the licensing activities and regulatory duties of the NRC for the reporting periods of April 1 – June 20, 2023
08/02/2023 Letter to the Honorable Kathy Hochul, Governor of New York, responds to letter regarding the discontinuation of New York’s authority to evaluate and approve sealed source and device applications
08/01/2023 Letter to the Honorable Marcy Kaptur, responds to letter regarding the license transfer application for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station
07/25/2023 Letter to the Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers, et al., submits the June 2023 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund
07/13/2023 Letter to the Honorable Dianne Feinstein, et al., submits the NRC’s monthly Congressional Status Report for June 2023
06/28/2023 Letter to the Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers, et al., submits the May 2023 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund
06/28/2023 Letter to the Honorable James Comer, et al., responds to letter requesting information regarding the NRC's telework and remote work policies and practices
06/28/2023 Letter to the Honorable Thomas R. Carper, et al., submits the NRC's Report to Congress on the Security Programs for Operating Commercial Nuclear Power Plants and CAT 1 Fuel Cycle Facilities: Results and Status Update Calendar Year 2022
06/27/2023 Letter to the Honorable Gary C. Peters, et al., submits the NRC's annual report related to the protection of whistleblowers required by the "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018"
06/27/2023 Letter to the Honorable Kay Granger and Patty Murray, submits the NRC's plan regarding the continued operation of Diablo Canyon Power Plant Units 1 and 2
06/20/2023 Letter to the Honorable Gene L. Dodaro, Comptroller General, GAO, submits update on Priority Open Recommendations for the NRC (GAO-23-106462)
06/15/2023 Letter to the Honorable Cynthia M. Lummis and Mark Kelly, responds to letter related to licensing of emerging technologies to remediate contaminated uranium mining sites
06/15/2023 Letter to the Honorable Dianne Feinstein, et al., submits the NRC’s monthly Congressional Status Report for May 2023
06/06/2023 Letter to The Honorable Kevin McCarthy, et al., provides the NRC’s report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences: Fiscal Year 2022
06/06/2023 Letter to The Honorable Michael V. Lawler, et al., responds to letter regarding Holtec's announcement to expedite plans to release over 500,000 gallons of radioactive wastewater from Indian Point Energy Center into the Hudson River
05/22/2023 Letter to the Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers, et al., from Chair Hanson re: Submits the April 2023 Monthly Status Report on the U.S. NRC Activities and Expenditures of Unobligated Carryover Funds Appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund
05/18/2023 Letter to the Honorable Dianne Feinstein, et al., submits the NRC’s monthly Congressional Status Report for April 2023
05/15/2023 Letter to the Honorable Thomas Carper, et al., submits the report for the second quarter in Fiscal Year 2023 on the licensing activities and regulatory duties of the NRC for the reporting period of January 1 - March 31, 2023
05/15/2023 Letter to the Honorable Edward J. Markey, et al., submits the NRC's Semiannual Status Report on the Licensing Activities and Regulatory Duties from the reporting period of October 1, 2022, - March 31, 2023, and includes a list of rulemaking activities
04/28/2023 Letter to the Honorable Patty Murray, et al., submits the NRCs Preparedness for Accident Tolerant Fuel Licensing, Including Higher Burnup and Enrichment Report
04/27/2023 Letter to the Honorable Richard L. Revesz, Administrator, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, submits the NRC's Statement of Regulatory Priorities for Fiscal Year 2024
04/25/2023 Letter to the Honorable Charles Schumer, et al., responds to concerns regarding Holtec Decommissioning International's plans to release effluents at the Indian Point Energy Center
04/25/2023 Letter to the Honorable Michelle Lujan Grisham, Governor of New Mexico, responds to letter related to Holtec International's license application to construct and operate a consolidated interim storage facility for spent nuclear fuel
04/24/2023 Letter to the Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers, et al., submits the March 2023 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund
04/19/2023 Letter to the Honorable Dianne Feinstein, et al., submits the NRC’s monthly Congressional Status Report for March 2023
04/18/2023 Letter to the Honorable Mark Gordon, Governor of Wyoming, responds to request that the State of Wyoming establish an amended agreement pursuant to Section 274b of the Atomic Energy Act
04/18/2023 Letter to the Honorable Kevin McCarthy, et al., submits the NRC's "Recommended Best Practices Report for Environmental Reviews and Authorizations" (Best Practices Report)
04/06/2023 Letter to the Honorable Shelley Moore Capito, et al., responds to letter regarding request for Commission to approve the final rule establishing emergency preparedness requirements for advanced nuclear reactors
04/06/2023 Letter to the Honorable Kevin McCarthy, et al., submits the NRC's Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Report on the Notification and Federal Employees Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act)
03/27/2023 Letter to the Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers, et al., submits the February 2023 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund
03/15/2023 Letter to the Honorable Lori Trahan, et al., responds to concerns regarding NRC's ongoing effort to establish a regulatory framework for fusion energy systems
03/13/2023 Letter to the Honorable Dianne Feinstein, et al., submits the NRC’s monthly Congressional Status Report for February 2023
03/13/2023 Letter to the Honorable Shalanda D. Young, Director, Office of Management and Budget, et al., submits the agency’s Fiscal Year 2024 Congressional Budget Justification
03/09/2023 Letter to the Honorable Jim Justice, Governor, State of West Virginia, responds to letter of interest in pursuing an agreement between the NRC and the State of West Virginia
03/06/2023 Letter to the Honorable Shelley Moore Capito, responds to letter regarding NRC’s telework policy and associated office space issues
03/06/2023 Letter to the Honorable Lloyd Doggett, responds to letter regarding request to extend the public comment period and the opportunity to request a hearing by 90 days for the Comanche Peak license renewal application
03/02/2023 Letter to the Honorable Gene L. Dodaro, et al., submits the summary of actions taken by NRC in response to recommendations contained in various GAO reports
03/02/2023 Letter to the Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers, et al., submits the January 2023 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund
02/23/2023 Letter to Jennifer R. Franks, Director, Information Technology and Cybersecurity, GAO, et al., responds to the recommendations identified in the GAO report, "Privacy: Dedicated Leadership Can Improve Programs and Address Challenges" (GAO-22-105065)
02/21/2023 Letter to the Honorable Dianne Feinstein, et al., submits the NRC’s monthly Congressional Status Report for January 2023
02/14/2023 Letter to the Honorable Thomas Carper, et al., submits the report for the first quarter in Fiscal Year 2023 on the licensing activities and regulatory duties of the NRC for the reporting period of October 1 - December 31, 2022
02/09/2023 Letter to the Honorable John Barrasso, et al., responds to letter regarding request for prompt consideration of Rare Element Resources license to dispose of naturally occurring radioactive material
01/26/2023 Letter to the Honorable Dianne Feinstein, et al., submits the NRCs Fiscal Year 2023 Congressional Budget Execution Plan
01/26/2023 Letter to Chair, Committee on Appropriations, et al., submits the December 2022 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund
01/23/2023 Letter to the Honorable Dianne Feinstein, et al., submits the NRC’s monthly Congressional Status Report for December 2022
01/17/2023 Letter to The President and Honorable Kamala Harris, responds to Executive Order 14074, "Restricting No-Knock Entries".
01/17/2023 Letter to the Honorable Jennifer Granholm, Secretary of Energy, U.S. DOE, submits the agency's implementation of energy and water metering efforts relevant to the office properties managed and operated by the NRC.
01/17/2023 Letter to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, et al., submits the November 2022 monthly status report on the NRC activities and use of unobligated carryover funds appropriated from the Nuclear Waste Fund.
01/17/2023 Letter to the Honorable Ben Cardin, et al., submits the status of the NRC's provision of compliance guides to small entities for rules that affect them as required by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996.
01/11/2023 Letter to Allison Bawden, Director, Natural Resources and Environment, GAO, et al., responds to GAO report entitled "Preventing a Dirty Bomb: Vulnerabilities Persist in NRC's Controls for Purchases of High-Risk Radioactive Materials"

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, December 29, 2023