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Commission Correspondence - 2002

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Date Subject
9/13/02 Letter from Chairman Richard A. Meserve to Congressman Edward J. Markey, concerning a FedEx shipment of iridium-192 from Sweden, via Paris, to the United States.
9/05/02 Letter from Chairman Richard A. Meserve to Governor Tom Ridge, Office of Homeland Security, and other Government Officials, providing information on NRC's efforts to enhance safety and security.
8/27/02 Letter to The Honorable James M. Jeffords, Chairman, Committee on Environment and Public works, U.S. Senate, expressing the NRC's appreciation for the Committee's interest in enhancing security at the Nation's commercial nuclear facilities, and to provide the Commission's views on S. 1746, the "Nuclear Security Act of 2002"
8/26/02 Letter from Chairman Richard A. Meserve to Congressman Edward J. Markey, concerning inspection and security of firearms used by guard forces at NRC-licensed facilities.
7/25/02 Letter from Commissioner Edward McGaffigan, Jr. to Senator James M. Jeffords, Chairman, Committee on Environment and Public Works, concerning committee mark-up of substitute language for S.1746.
7/22/02 Letter from Chairman Richard A. Meserve to Senator James M. Jeffords, Chairman, Committee on Environment and Public Works, regarding legislation that would strengthen security at NRC-licensed facilities.
6/17/02 Letter to J. Morris Brown, U.S. Enrichment Corporation regarding Issuance of Orders for Compensatory Safeguards Measures


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, February 4, 2021