The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is in the process of rescinding or revising guidance and policies posted on this webpage in accordance with Executive Order 14151 Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing, and Executive Order 14168 Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government. In the interim, any previously issued diversity, equity, inclusion, or gender-related guidance on this webpage should be considered rescinded that is inconsistent with these Executive Orders.

Publications Resulting from International Agreements

Publications resulting from international agreements and overseen by NRC staff. Other International Agreements may be available in ADAMS.

Document Identifier Title
NUREG/IA-0001 Assessment of TRAC-PD2 Using SUPER CANNON and HDR Experimental Data
NUREG/IA-0002 Heat Transfer Processes During Intermediate and Large Break Loss-of-Coolant Accidents (LOCAs)
NUREG/IA-0003 Influence of the Wetting State of a Heated Surface on Heat Transfer and Pressure Loss in an Evaporator Tube
NUREG/IA-0004 Thermal Mixing Tests in a Semiannular Downcomer With Interacting Flows from Cold Legs
NUREG/IA-0005 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2, Cycle 36, Against FIX-II Split Break Experiment No. 3027.
NUREG/IA-0006 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Against Marviken Jet Impingement Test 11 Level Swell
NUREG/IA-0007 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Against Critical Flow Data From Marviken Tests JIT 11 and CFT 21.
NUREG/IA-0008 Assessment Study of RELAP-5 MOD-2 Cycle 36.01 Based on the DOEL-2 Steam Generator Tube Rupture Incident of June 1979
NUREG/IA-0009 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Against 25 Dryout Experiments Conducted at the Royal Institute of Technology
NUREG/IA-0011 TRAC-PF1 MOD1 Post Test Calculations of the OECD LOFT Experiment LP-SB-1
NUREG/IA-0012 RELAP/MOD2 Calculations of OECD-LOFT Test LP-SB-01
NUREG/IA-0013 RELAP5/MOD2 Calculation of OECD-LOFT Test LP-SB-03
NUREG/IA-0014 Analysis of the THETIS Boil Down Experiments Using RELAP5/MOD2.
NUREG/IA-0015 Assessment of Interphase Drag Correlations in the RELAP5/MOD2 and TRAC-PF1/MOD2 Codes
NUREG/IA-0016 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2, Cycle 36.04 Against FIX-II Guillotine Break experiment No. 5061
NUREG/IA-0018 RELAP5/MOD2 Assessment, OECD-LOFT Small Break Experiment LP-SB-03
NUREG/IA-0019 TRAC-PF1/MOD1 Post-Test Calculations of the OECD [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development] LOFT Experiment LP-SB-2
NUREG/IA-0020 Assessment Study of RELAP5/MOD2, CYCLE 36.04 Based on Spray Start-up Test for DOEL-4
NUREG/IA-0021 RELAP5/MOD2 Calculations of OECD LOFT Test LP-SB-2
NUREG/IA-0022 TRAC-PF1/MOD1 Post-Test Calculations of the OECD LOFT Experiment LP-SB-3
NUREG/IA-0024 Application of RELAP5/MOD3.1 Code to the LOFT Test L3-6
NUREG/IA-0025 RELAP5/MOD3 Subcooled Boiling Model Assessment
NUREG/IA-0027 TRAC-PF1/MOD1 Calculations of LOFT experiment LP-02-6
NUREG/IA-0028 Review of LOFT [Loss-of-Fluid Test] Large Break Experiments [OECD LOFT project]
NUREG/IA-0029 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2, Cycle 36.04 Against FIX-II Split Break Experiment No. 3051
NUREG/IA-0030 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Code Using Loss of Offsite Power Transient Data of KNU [Korea Nuclear Unit] No. 1 Plant
NUREG/IA-0031 ICAP [International Code Assessment and Applications Program] Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2, Cycle 36.05 Against LOFT [Loss of Fluid Test] Small Break Experiment L3-7
NUREG/IA-0032 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2, Cycle 36-04 Using LOFT [Loss of Fluid Test] Large Break Experiment L2-5
NUREG/IA-0033 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2, Cycle 36.04 Against LOFT Small Break Experiment L3-6
NUREG/IA-0034 Assessment Study of RELAP5/MOD2 Cycle 36.04 Based on Pressurizer Safety and Relief Valve Tests
NUREG/IA-0036 Analysis of LOBI Test BLO2 (Three Percent Cold Leg Break) with RELAP5 Code
NUREG/IA-0037 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2, Cycle 36.04 Against LOFT Small Break Experiment L3-5
NUREG/IA-0038 Assessment of TRAC-PF1/MOD1 Against an Inadvertent Feedwater Line Isolation Transient in the Ringhals 4 Power Plant
NUREG/IA-0040 Boil-Off Experiments with the EIR-NEPTUN Facility: Analysis and Code Assessment Overview Report
NUREG/IA-0041 Assessment of TRAC-PF1/MOD1 Against an Inadvertent Steam Line Isolation Valve Closure in the Ringhals 2 Power Plant
NUREG/IA-0042 Dispersed Flow Film Boiling: An Investigation of the Possibility to Improve the Models Implemented in the NRC Computer Codes for the Reflooding Phase of the LOCA
NUREG/IA-0043 Assessment Study of RELAP5/MOD2 Cycle 36.04 Based on the DOEL-4 Manual Loss of Load Test of November 23, 1985
NUREG/IA-0044 Assessment Study of RELAP5/MOD2 Cycle 36.05 Based on the Tihange-2 Reactor Trip of January 11, 1983
NUREG/IA-0045 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Using LOCE Large Break Loss-of-Coolant Experiment L2-5
NUREG/IA-0046 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Using Semiscale Large Break Loss-of-Coolant Experiment S-06-3
NUREG/IA-0047 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Cycle 36.04, Against the Loviisa–2 Stuck-Open Turbine By-Pass Valve Transient on September 1, 1981
NUREG/IA-0049 Thermal-Hydraulic Post-Test Analysis of OECD LOFT LP–FP–2 Experiment
NUREG/IA-0050 TRAC–PF1 Code Assessment Using OECD LOFT LP–FP–1 Experiment
NUREG/IA-0051 Assessment Study of RELAP5/MOD2 Cycle 36.05 Based on the DOEL 4 Reactor Trip of November 22, 1985
NUREG/IA-0052 An Analysis of Semiscale Mod–2C S–FS–1 Steam Line Break Test Using RELAP5/MOD2
NUREG/IA-0064 Analysis of Semiscale Test S–LH–1 Using RELAP5/MOD2
NUREG/IA-0065 Analysis of Semiscale Test S–LH–2 Using RELAP5/MOD2
NUREG/IA-0066 RELAP5/MOD2 Analysis of LOFT Experiment L9–4
NUREG/IA-0067 Recirculation Suction Large Break LOCA Analysis of the Santa Maria De Garoña Nuclear Power Plant Using TRAC–BF1 (G1J1)
NUREG/IA-0068 Assessment of the "One Feedwater Pump Trip Transient" in Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant With TRAC–BF1
NUREG/IA-0069 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Cycle 36.04 Using LOFT Intermediate Break Experiment L5–1
NUREG/IA-0070 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Cycle 36.04 with LOFT Large Break LOCE L2–3
NUREG/IA-0071 Analysis of the UPTF Separate Effects Test 11 (Steam-Water Countercurrent Flow in the Broken Loop Hot Leg) Using RELAP5 /MOD2
NUREG/IA-0072 LOFT Input Dataset Reference Document for RELAP5 Validation Studies
NUREG/IA-0073 Time Step and Mesh Size Dependencies in the Heat Conduction Solution of a Semi-Implicit, Finite Difference Scheme for Transient Two-Phase Flow
NUREG/IA-0074 RELAP5/MOD2 Post-Test Calculation of the OECD LOFT Experiment LP-SB-1
NUREG/IA-0075 RELAP5/MOD2 Analysis of a Postulated "Cold Leg SBLOCA" Simultaneous to a "Total Black-Out" Event in the José Cabrera Nuclear Station
NUREG/IA-0087 RELAP5/MOD2 Post-Test Calculation of the OECD LOFT Experiment LP–SB–2
NUREG/IA-0088 Post-Test-Analysis and Nodalization Studies of OECD LOFT Experiment LP–02–6 With RELAP5/MOD2 CY36–02
NUREG/IA-0089 Post-Test-Analysis and Nodalization Studies of OECD LOFT Experiment LP–LB–1 With RELAP5/MOD2 CY36–02
NUREG/IA-0090 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Using the Test Data of REWET-II Reflooding Experiment SGI/R
NUREG/IA-0091 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Against a Natural Circulation Experiment in Nuclear Power Plant Borssele
NUREG/IA-0092 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Computer Code Against the Net Load Trip Test Data From Yong–Gwang, Unit 2
NUREG/IA-0093 RELAP5/MOD3 Assessment for Calculation of Safety and Relief Valve Discharge Piping Hydrodynamic Loads
NUREG/IA-0094 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3 Against Twenty-Five Post-Dryout Experiments Performed at the Royal Institute of Technology
NUREG/IA-0095 RELAP5 Assessment Using LSTF Test Data SB–CL–18
NUREG/IA-0096 Numerics and Implementation of the UK Horizontal Stratification Entrainment Off-Take Model Into RELAP5/MOD3
NUREG/IA-0099 RELAP5 Assessment Using Semiscale SBLOCA Test S–NH–1
NUREG/IA-0100 Assessment of CCFL Model of RELAP5/MOD3 Against Simple Vertical Tubes and Rod Bundle Tests
NUREG/IA-0103 Assessment of BETHSY Test 9.1.b Using RELAP5/MOD3
NUREG/IA-0104 RELAP5/MOD3 Assessment Using the Semiscale 50% Feed Line Break Test S–FS–11
NUREG/IA-0105 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3 Version 5m5 Using Inadvertent Safety Injection Incident Data of Kori Unit 3 Plant
NUREG/IA-0106 Assessment of PWR Steam Generator Modelling in RELAP5/MOD2
NUREG/IA-0107 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Against a Load Rejection From 100% to 50% Power in the Vandellos II Nuclear Power Plant
NUREG/IA-0108 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Against a Turbine Trip From 100% Power in the Vandellos II Nuclear Power Plant
NUREG/IA-0109 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Against a 10% Load Rejection Transient from 75% Steady State in the Vandellós II Nuclear Power Plant
NUREG/IA-0110 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Against a Main Feedwater Turbopump Trip Transient in the Vandellos II Nuclear Power Plant
NUREG/IA-0112 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Against ECN-Reflood Experiments
NUREG/IA-0113 Preliminary Assessment of PWR Steam Generator Modelling in RELAP5/MOD3
NUREG/IA-0114 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3 With the LOFT L9–1/L3–3 Experiment Simulating an Anticipated Transient With Multiple Failures
NUREG/IA-0116 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3/V5m5 Against the UPTF Test No. 11 (Countercurrent Flow in PWR Hot Leg)
NUREG/IA-0118 Analysis of LOFT Test L5–1 Using RELAP5/MOD2
NUREG/IA-0119 Assessment and Application of Blackout Transients at Asco Nuclear Power Plant with RELAP5/MOD2
NUREG/IA-0120 Assessment of the Turbine Trip Transient in Cofrentes NPP with TRAC–BF1
NUREG/IA-0121 Assessment of a Pressurizer Spray Valve Faulty Opening Transient at Asco Nuclear Power Plant with RELAP5/MOD2
NUREG/IA-0122 Assessment of MSIV Full Closure for Santa Maria De Garoila Nuclear Power Plant Using TRAC-BFl (G1J1)
NUREG/IA-0123 Application of Full Power Blackout for C. N. Almaraz with RELAP5/MOD2
NUREG/IA-0124 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Against a Pressurizer Spray Valve Inadverted Fully Opening Transient and Recovery by Natural Circulation in Jose Cabrera Nuclear Station
NUREG/IA-0125 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD2 Computer Code Against the Natural Circulation Test Data from Yong–Gwang Unit 2
NUREG/IA-0126 2D/3D Program Work Summary Report
NUREG/IA-0127 Reactor Safety Issues Resolved by the 2D/3D Program
NUREG/IA-0128 International Code Assessment and Applications Program: Summary of Code Assessment Studies Concerning RELAP5/MOD2, RELAP5/MOD3, and TRAC–B
NUREG/IA-0129 An Assessment of the CORCON-MOD3 Code Part I: Thermal-Hydraulic Calculations
NUREG/IA-0130 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.1 With the LSTF SB-SG-06 Experiment Simulating a Steam Generator Tube Rupture Transient
NUREG/IA-0131 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3 Using BETHSY 6.2TC 6-Inch Cold Leg Side Break Comparative Test
NUREG/IA-0132 Improvements to the RELAP5/MOD3 Reflood Model and Uncertainty Quantification of Reflood Peak Clad Temperature
NUREG/IA-0133 Development, Implementation, and Assessment of Specific Closure Laws for Inverted-Annular Film-Boiling in a Two-Fluid Model
NUREG/IA-0134 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.1 for Gravity-Driven Injection Experiment in the Core Makeup Tank of the CARR Passive Reactor (CP-1300)
NUREG/IA-0135 Post-Test Analysis of PIPER-ONE PO-IC-2 Experiment by RELAP5/MOD3 Codes
NUREG/IA-0137 A Study of Control Room Staffing Levels for Advanced Reactors
NUREG/IA-0139 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.2 Using LOFT Large Break LOCA Test, LP–02–6
NUREG/IA-0140 Developmental Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.1 with Separate-Effect and Integral Test Experiments: Model Changes and Options
NUREG/IA-0141 Result of BETHSY Test 9.1.b Using RELAP5/MOD3
NUREG/IA-0142 Installation of RELAP5/MOD3.2 on 80486 and Pentium Based Personal Computers
NUREG/IA-0143 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.2 With the LSTF Experiment Simulating a Loss of Residual Heat Removal Event During Mid-Loop Operation
NUREG/IA-0144 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.2 With the Semiscale Natural Circulation Experiment, S–NC–8B
NUREG/IA-0145 RELAP5 Assessment Against PACTEL Experimental Data
NUREG/IA-0146 Implementation and Assessment of Improved Models and Options in TRAC-BF1
NUREG/IA-0147 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.2 for Steam Condensation Experiments in the Presence of Noncondensibles in a Vertical Tube of PCCS
NUREG/IA-0148 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.1 Using LSTF Ten-Percent Main Steam-Line-Break Test Run SB-SL-01
NUREG/IA-0150 Study of Transients Related to AMSAC Actuation, Sensitivity Analysis
NUREG/IA-0151 Verification of RELAP5/MOD 3 With Theoretical and Numerical Stability Results on Single-Phase, Natural Circulation in a Simple Loop
NUREG/IA-0152 RELAP5/MOD3.2 Post Test Analysis and Accuracy Quantification of Lobi Test BL–34
NUREG/IA-0153 RELAP5/MOD3.2 Post Test Analysis and Accuracy Quantification of Lobi Test BL–44
NUREG/IA-0154 RELAP5/MOD3.2 Post Test Analysis and Accuracy Quantification of SPES Test SP-SB-03
NUREG/IA-0155 RELAP5/MOD3.2 Post Test Analysis and Accuracy Quantification of SPES Test SP-SB-04
NUREG/IA-0156 Data Base on the Behavior of High Burnup Fuel Rods with Zr-1%Nb Cladding and U02 Fuel (VVER Type) under Reactivity Accident Conditions
NUREG/IA-0157 Contrast of RELAP5/MOD3.2 Results From Different Computing Platforms
NUREG/IA-0160 Analysis of the Critical Flow Model in TRAC-BF1
NUREG/IA-0162 Test LOBI–BL06: Post-Test Analysis and RELAP5/MOD3.2.1 Code Performance Assessment
NUREG/IA-0163 A Study of the Dispersed Flow Interfacial Heat Transfer Model of RELAP5/MOD2.5 and RELAP5/MOD3
NUREG/IA-0164 Modification of USNRC's FRAP–T6 Fuel Rod Transient Code for High Burnup VVER Fuel
NUREG/IA-0165 Modification of IPSN's SCANAIR Fuel Rod Transient Code for High Burnup VVER Fuel
NUREG/IA-0166 RELAP5/MOD3.2 Assessment Using GERDA Small Break Test, 1605AA
NUREG/IA-0167 Assessment Study of RELAP5/MOD3.2 Based on the Kalinin NPP Unit-1 Stop of Feedwater Supply to the Steam Generator No. 4
NUREG/IA-0168 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.2 for Thermohydraulic Processes in Heated Rod Bundles with Tight Lattice at CKTI Test Facility
NUREG/IA-0169 Analysis of KS-1 Experimental Data on the Behavior of the Heated Rod Temperatures in the Partially Uncovered VVER Core Model Using RELAP5/MOD3.2
NUREG/IA-0170 RELAP5/MOD3.2 Post Test Calculation of the PKL-Experiment PKLIII-B4.3
NUREG/IA-0171 Simulation of LOCA 6" and LOCA 2" Transients in the RHR of a PWR Under Low Power Conditions Using RELAP5/MOD3.2
NUREG/IA-0172 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.2 Against a Main Steam Isolation Valve Closure at TRILLO I Nuclear Power Plant
NUREG/IA-0173 Simulation of a Station Black-Out in a PWR Under Midloop Conditions Using RELAP5/MOD3.2
NUREG/IA-0174 Study of Unusual Occurrence of a Partial Core Uncovery in an SBLOCA Scenario
NUREG/IA-0175 Analysis of Pin-by-Pin Effects for LWR Rod Ejection Accident
NUREG/IA-0176 Post-Test Analysis of P5 Experiment in PANDA Facility With TRAC-BF1 Code
NUREG/IA-0177 Assessment of a Reactor Coolant Pump Trip for TRILLO NPP with RELAP5/MOD3.2
NUREG/IA-0178 Cofrentes NPP (BWR/6) ATWS (MSIVC) Analysis with TRAC-BF1: 1D vs. Point Kinetics and Containment Response
NUREG/IA-0179 A Standardized Methodology for the Linkage of Computer Codes: Application to RELAP5/MOD3.2
NUREG/IA-0180 Application of RELAP5/MOD3.1 to ATWS Analysis of Control Rod Withdrawal From 1% Power Level
NUREG/IA-0181 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.2 for Reflux Condensation Experiment
NUREG/IA-0182 Application of RELAP5/MOD3.2 to the Loss-of-Residual-Heat-Removal Event Under Shutdown Condition
NUREG/IA-0183 Analysis of the LOBI Experiment Test BT–56 Using the RELAP5/MOD3.2 Code
NUREG/IA-0184 In-Tube Steam Condensation in the Presence of Air
NUREG/IA-0185 Development and Validation of a Transition Boiling Model for the RELAP5/MOD3 Reflood Simulation
NUREG/IA-0186 Analysis of the RELAP5/MOD3.2.2beta Critical Flow Models and Assessment Against Critical Flow Data From the Marviken Tests
NUREG/IA-0187 RELAP5/MOD3 Analysis of BETHSY Test 6.9c: Loss of RHRS: SG Manway Open
NUREG/IA-0188 RELAP5/MOD3.2 Validation Using BETHSY Test 6.9a
NUREG/IA-0189 Improvements of RELAP5/MOD3.2.2 Models for the CANDU Plant Analysis
NUREG/IA-0190 Nowadays Tools for Graphical Post-Processing of TRAC-BF1 Results
NUREG/IA-0191 A Tool for Drawing With Excel
NUREG/IA-0192 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.2.2 Gamma With the LOFT L9-3 Experiment Simulating an Anticipated Transient Without Scram
NUREG/IA-0193 Assessment of Single Recirculation Pump Trip Transient in Santa Maria de Garona Nuclear Power Plant With TRAC-BF1/MOD1, Version 0.4
NUREG/IA-0194 Analysis of Inadvertent Pressurizer Spray Valve Opening Real Transient with RELAP5/MOD3.2
NUREG/IA-0195 LBLOCA Analysis in a Westinghouse PWR 3-Loop Design Using RELAP5/MOD3
NUREG/IA-0196 Analysis of PANDA Experiments P3 and P6 Using RELAP5/MOD3.2
NUREG/IA-0197 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.2-NPA3.4 Against an Inadvertent Closure of all Three MSIV's in VANDELLOS-II Nuclear Power Plant
NUREG/IA-0198 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3 With the SNUF Test Simulating Hot Leg Break LOCA in the View of Mass and Energy Release Analysis
NUREG/IA-0199 Mechanical Properties of Unirradiated and Irradiated Zr-1% Nb Cladding: Procedures and Results of Low Temperature Biaxial Burst Tests and Axial Tensile Tests
NUREG/IA-0200 Assessment Study on the PMK-2 Total Loss of Feedwater Experiment Using RELAP5 Code
NUREG/IA-0201 Description and RELAP5 Assessment of the PMK-2 CAMP-CLB Experiment: 2% Cold Leg Break Without HPIS With Secondary Bleed
NUREG/IA-0202 Analyses of KS Test Data on the Heated Rod Bundle Temperature Behavior in RBMK-1500 Core Model Under Stop and Recovery Flow Using RELAP5/MOD3.2 and RELAP5/MOD3.2.2 GAMMA
NUREG/IA-0203 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.2.2γ Against Flooding Database in Horizontal-to-Inclined Pipes
NUREG/IA-0204 OLKILUOTO 2 RELAP5/MOD3.2.1.2 Analysis of the Reactor Scram on June 13, 1997
NUREG/IA-0207 RELAP5/MOD3.2.2 Gamma Assessment For Down To Top Reflooding Process At VVER Like 37-Rod Bundle
NUREG/IA-0206 Simulation of the Propagation of Pressure Waves in Piping Systems with RELAP5/MOD 3.2.2: Comparison of Computed and Measured Results
NUREG/IA-0208 Analysis of the VTI Test Data on the Behavior of the Heated Rod Temperatures in the Partially Uncovered VVER-440 Core Model Using RELAP5/MOD3.2.2 Gamma
NUREG/IA-0209 Adaptation of USNRC's FRAPTRAN and IRSN's SCANAIR Transient Codes and Updating of MATPRO Package for Modeling of LOCA and RIA Validation Cases with Zr-1%Nb (VVER type) Cladding
NUREG/IA-0210 In-Tube Steam Condensation in the Presence of Air Under Transient Conditions
NUREG/IA-0211 Experimental Study of Embrittlement of Zr-1%Nb VVER Cladding under LOCA-Relevant Conditions
NUREG/IA-0212 Kalinin VVER-1000 Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 PRA (Beta Project): Executive Summary
NUREG/IA-0213 Experimental Study of Narrow Pulse Effects on the Behavior of High Burnup Fuel Rods with Zr-1%Nb Cladding and UO2 Fuel (VVER Type) under Reactivity-Initiated Accident Conditions
NUREG/IA-0215 Spatial Effects and Uncertainty Analysis for Rod Ejection Accidents in a PWR
NUREG/IA-0216 International HRA Empirical Study
NUREG/IA-0217 Investigations of the VVER-1000 Coolant Transient Benchmark I with the Coupled Code System RELAP5/PARCS
NUREG/IA-0219 Estimation of Operator Action Time Windows by RELAP5/MOD3.3
NUREG/IA-0220 Quantitative Code Assessment with Fast Fourier Transform Based Method Improved by Signal Mirroring
NUREG/IA-0221 Reactor Trip Analysis at Krško Nuclear Power Plant
NUREG/IA-0222 Analysis of RELAP5/MOD3.3 Prediction of 2-Inch Loss-of-Coolant Accident at Krško Nuclear Power Plant
NUREG/IA-0223 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.3 against Single Main Steam Isolation Valve Closure Events at the Krško Nuclear Power Plant
NUREG/IA-0224 An Assessment of TRACE V5 RC1 Code Separator Model with the Westinghouse Model Boiler 2 Experiments
NUREG/IA-0225 Analyzing Operator Actions During Loss of AC Power Accident with Subsequent Loss of Secondary Heat Sink
NUREG/IA-0226 Assessment of the Turbine Trip Transient in Santa María de Garoña Nuclear Power Plant with TRACE version 4.16
NUREG/IA-0227 IJS Animation Model for Krško NPP
NUREG/IA-0228 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.3Beta Code for the LOFT Experiment L9-1/L3-3
NUREG/IA-0229 RELAP5/MOD3.3 Assessment against New PMK Experiments
NUREG/IA-0230 An Assessment of TRACE V5 RC1 Code Against UPTF Counter Current Flow Tests
NUREG/IA-0231 An Assessment of TRACE V4.160 Code Against PACTEL ATWS-10 – 13 and ATWS-20 – 21 Pressurizer Experiments
NUREG/IA-0232 Validation of the CHAN-Component in TRACE Using BWR Full-Size Fine-Mesh Bundle Tests
NUREG/IA-0233 Assessment of TRACE 4.160 and 5.0 against RCP Trip Transient in Almaraz I Nuclear Power Plant
NUREG/IA-0234 Analysis of a Loss of Normal Feedwater Transient at the Ringhals-3 NPP Using RELAP5/Mod3.3
NUREG/IA-0235 Numerical Analysis of Mixing Factors in the RPV of VVER-440 Reactor Using the TRACE Code
NUREG/IA-0236 Analysis and Computational Predictions of CHF Position and Post-CHF Heat Transfer
NUREG/IA-0237 An Assessment of TRACE V4.160 Code Against PACTEL LOF-10 Experiment
NUREG/IA-0238 RELAP5/MOD3 Horizontal Off-Take Model for Application to Reactor Headers of CANDU Type Reactors
NUREG/IA-0239 Development of Horizontal Off-Take Model for Application to Reactor Headers of CANDU Type Reactors
NUREG/IA-0240 Sensitivity Analyses of a Hypothetical 6 Inch Break, LOCA in Ascό NPP using RELAP/MOD3.2
NUREG/IA-0241 Assessment of the TRACE Code Using Transient Data from Maanshan PWR Nuclear Power Plant
NUREG/IA-0242 Qualification of the Three-Dimensional Thermal Hydraulic Model of TRACE using Plant Data
NUREG/IA-0243 Development of a Vandellòs II NPP Model using the TRACE Code: Application to an Actual Transient of Main Coolant Pumps Trip and Start-up
NUREG/IA-0244 Assessment of TRACE 5.0 Against ROSA Test 6-2, Vessel Lower Plenum SBLOCA
NUREG/IA-0245 Assessment of TRACE 5.0 against ROSA Test 6-1, Vessel Upper Head SBLOCA
NUREG/IA-0246 RELAP5/MOD3.3 Assessment against PMK Test T3.1 – LBLOCA with Nitrogen in PRZ
NUREG/IA-0247 RELAP5 Simulation of Darlington Nuclear Generating Station Loss of Flow Event
NUREG/IA-0248 Post-Test Analysis of Hot Leg 2x25% Break at PSB-VVER Facility Using TRACE V5.0 Code
NUREG/IA-0249 Loss of External Load Analysis with RELAP5/MOD3.3 Patch 03 Code
NUREG/IA-0250 Simulation of the F2.1 Experiment at PKL Facility Using RELAP5/MOD3
NUREG/IA-0251 Improvement of RELAP5/MOD3.3 Reflood Model Based on the Assessments against FLECHT-SEASET Tests
NUREG/IA-0252 The development and verification of TRACE model for IIST experiments
NUREG/IA-0253 Development of a Computer Tool for In-Depth Analysis and Post Processing of the RELAP5 Thermal Hydraulic Code
NUREG/IA-0254 Suitability of Fault Modes and Effects Analysis for Regulatory Assurance of Complex Logic in Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems
NUREG/IA-0255 Coupled RELAP/PARCS Full Plant Model – Assessment of a Cooling Transient in Trillo Nuclear Power Plant
NUREG/IA-0256 Simulation of PKL Loss of RHRS Experiment E3.1 with RELAP5 and TRACE Codes – Application to a PWR NPP Model
NUREG/IA-0257 Simulation of PKL Loss of RHRS Experiment F2.2 Run 2 with RELAP5 and TRACE Codes – Application to a PWR NPP Model
NUREG/IA-0401 Assessment of Two-Phase Critical Flow Models Performance in RELAP5 and TRACE against Marviken Critical Flow Tests
NUREG/IA-0402 Implementation of the Control Rod Movement Option by means of Control Variables in RELAP5/PARCS v2.7 Coupled Code
NUREG/IA-0403 Full Scale Loop Seal experiments with TRACE V5 Patch 1
NUREG/IA-0404 The Development and Assessment of TRACE Model for Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant LOCA
NUREG/IA-0405 Coupling the RELAP Code with External Calculation Programs (Shared Memory Version)
NUREG/IA-0406 Post-Test Calculations on Steam Cool-Down Test QUENCH-04 with RELAP5, SCDAP/RELAP5, and TRACE
NUREG/IA-0407 Proposal for the Development and Implementation of an Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis Module in SNAP
NUREG/IA-0408 IJS Procedure for Converting Input Deck from RELAP5 to TRACE
NUREG/IA-0409 Post-Test Calculation of the ROSA/LSTF Test 3-1 using RELAP5/mod3.3
NUREG/IA-0410 Post-Test Calculation of the ROSA/LSTF Test 3-2 using RELAP5/mod3.3
NUREG/IA-0411 Simulation of the Experimental Series F2.2 at PKL Facility Using RELAP5/Mod 3.3
NUREG/IA-0412 Assessment of TRACE 5.0 Against ROSA Test 3-2, High Power Natural Circulation
NUREG/IA-0413 Assessment of TRACE 5.0 Against ROSA Test 3-1, Cold Leg SBLOCA
NUREG/IA-0414 Comparison of the U.S. NRC PARCS Core Neutronics Simulator Against In-Core Detector Measurements for LWR Applications
NUREG/IA-0415 TRACE (V 5.0 Patch 2) Validation Based on the RELAP5-Calculation of FIX-III LOCA Experiments NO. 5052, 4011, 3051
NUREG/IA-0416 Implementation of Advanced Multigroup Nodal and Pin Power Reconstruction Methods into PARCS 3.1
NUREG/IA-0417 Post-Test Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of PKL Tests F1.1 and F1.2
NUREG/IA-0418 Application of TRACE V5.0 P2 to Natural Circulation Reactor Safety Analysis
NUREG/IA-0419 Analysis with TRACE Code of ROSA Test 1.1: ECCS Water Injection Under Natural Circulation Condition
NUREG/IA-0420 Analysis with TRACE Code of Rosa Test 1.2: Small LOCA in the Hot-Leg with HPI and Accumulator Actuation
NUREG/IA-0421 Improvements and Validation of the System Code TRACE for Lead and Lead-Alloy Cooled Fast Reactors Safety-Related Investigations
NUREG/IA-0422 Transient Analysis of the Research Reactor MARIA MC Fuel Elements Using RELAP5 Mod 3.3
NUREG/IA-0423 Analysis with TRACE Code of PKL-III Test F 1.2
NUREG/IA-0424 RELAP5 Extended Station Blackout Analyses
NUREG/IA-0425 TRACE5 Assessment of 100% Direct Vessel Injection Line Break in ATLAS Facility
NUREG/IA-0426 Simulation of LSTF Upper Head Break (OECD/NEA ROSA Test 6.1) with TRACE Code.  Application to a PWR NPP Model
NUREG/IA-0427 Application of TRACE V5.0 P2 to China Domestic PWR LBLOCA Analysis
NUREG/IA-0428 Performing Uncertainty Analysis of IIST Facility SBLOCA by TRACE and DAKOTA
NUREG/IA-0429 Analysis of Loss of Feedwater Heater Transients for Lungmen ABWR by TRACE/PARCS
NUREG/IA-0430 TRACE Simulation of SBO Accident and Mitigation Strategy in Maanshan PWR
NUREG/IA-0431 The FSAR Transients Analysis of Lungmen ABWR Using TRACE/PARCS
NUREG/IA-0432 Analysis of the Test OECD-PKL2 G7.1 with the Thermal-Hydraulic System Code TRACE
NUREG/IA-0433 RELAP5/MOD3.3 RELEASE Pre & Postprocessor
NUREG/IA-0434 The Development and Application of TRACE/PARCS Model for Lungmen ABWR
NUREG/IA-0435 Assessment of RELAP5/MOD3.3 and TRACE V5.0 Computer Codes against LOCA Test Data from PSB-VVER Test Facility
NUREG/IA-0436 Assessment of LONF ATWS for Mananshan PWR Using TRACE Code
NUREG/IA-0437 Sensitivity Study of the DEG LBLOCA Transient on the Counter-Current Flow Limitation by Using TRACE
NUREG/IA-0438 ATWS Analysis of Lungmen ABWR for MSIV Closure Transient
NUREG/IA-0439 TRACE Analysis on Heat Removal Decrease Accidents for AP1000
NUREG/IA-0440 The Alternate Mitigation Strategies Study of Chinshan BWR/4 by Using the LOCA and SBO Analysis of TRACE
NUREG/IA-0441 Assessment Against ACHILLES Reflood Experiment with TRACE V5.0 Patch3
NUREG/IA-0442 RELAP5/MOD3.3 analysis of steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) accident for NPP Krško
NUREG/IA-0443 Research Reactor 'MARIA' Primary Cooling Loop Transient Analysis Using RELAP5 Mod 3.3
NUREG/IA-0444 Simulation of LSTF Hot Leg Break (OECD/NEA ROSA-2 Test 1) with TRACE Code: Application to a PWR NPP Model
NUREG/IA-0445 The Establishment and Assessment of Chinshan (BWR/4) Nuclear Power Plant TRACE/SNAP Model
NUREG/IA-0446 Assessment of Channel Coolant Voiding in RD-14M Test Facility using TRACE
NUREG/IA-0447 RELAP5/MOD3.3 Assessment by Comparison with PKL III G3.1 Experiment (small break in the main steam line)
NUREG/IA-0448 Uncertainty Analysis for Maanshan LBLOCA by TRACE and DAKOTA
NUREG/IA-0449 Post-Test Analysis of Upper Plenum 11% Break at PSB-VVER Facility using TRACE V5.0 and RELAP5/MOD3.3 Code
NUREG/IA-0450 The Development and Application of Kuosheng (BWR/6) Nuclear Power Plant TRACE/SNAP Model
NUREG/IA-0451 The Establishment and Assessment of Kuosheng (BWR/6) NPP Dry-storage System TRACE/SNAP Model
NUREG/IA-0452 Spent Fuel Pool Safety Analysis of TRACE in Chinshan NPP
NUREG/IA-0453 Benchmarking of a Generic CANDU Reactor with PARCS, MCNP and RFSPP
NUREG/IA-0454 Modelling of ROCOM Mixing Test 2.2 with TRACE v5.0 Patch 3
NUREG/IA-0455 Analysis of the Control Rod Drop Accident (CRDA) for Lungmen ABWR
NUREG/IA-0456 BEPU Analysis and Benchmark with IIST 2% SBLOCA Experiment Using TRACE/DAKOTA
NUREG/IA-0457 Assessment of Critical Subcooled Flow Through Cracks in Large and Small Pipes Using TRACE and RELAP5
NUREG/IA-0458 RELAP5/MOD3.3 Analysis of Event with Actuation of Safety Injection System at the Loss of External Power
NUREG/IA-0459 EPR Medium Break LOCA Benchmarking Exercise Using RELAP5 and CATHARE
NUREG/IA-0460 Model 3D Cores for PWR Using Vessel Components in TRACEv5.OP3
NUREG/IA-0461 TRAC-BF1 to TRACE Model Semi-Automatic Conversion. PBTT Example
NUREG/IA-0462 Uncertainty and Sensitivity Investigations with TRACE-SUSA and TRACE-DAKOTA by Means of Post-test Calculations of NUPEC BFBT Experiments
NUREG/IA-0463 (Availability of) An International Report on Safety Critical Software for Nuclear Reactors by the Regulator Task Force on Safety Critical Software (TF-SCS)
NUREG/IA-0464 RELAP5/MOD3.3 Model Assessment and Hypothetical Accident Analysis of Kuosheng Nuclear Power Plant with SNAP Interface
NUREG/IA-0465 Fuel Rod Performance Uncertainty Analysis During Overpressurization Transient for Kuosheng Nuclear Power Plant with TRACE/ FRAPTRAN/ DAKOTA Codes in SNAP Interface
NUREG/IA-0466 International Agreement Report – Analysis of the OSU-MASLWR 001 and 002 Tests by Using the TRACE Code
NUREG/IA-0467 RELAP5 Analysis of Mitigation Strategy for Extended Blackout Power Condition in PWR


Validation of RELAP5 Model of Ringhals 4 Against a Load Step Test at Uprated Power
NUREG/IA-0469 Development of a Coupled TRACE/PARCS Model for KKL and Benchmark Against the Turbine Trip Test
NUREG/IA-0470 Nuclear Regulatory Authority Experimental Program to Characterize and Understand High Energy Arcing Fault (HEAF) Phenomena
NUREG/IA-0471 Fuel Rod Behavior and Uncertainty Analysis by FRAPTRAN/TRACE/DAKOTA Code in Maanshan LBLOCA
NUREG/IA-0472 RELAP5/MOD3.3 Model Assessment of Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant with SNAP Interface
NUREG/IA-0473 Feedwater Line Break Analysis Using RELAP5/MOD3.3 for Steam Generator Blowdown Load Assessment
NUREG/IA-0474 Steam Line Break Analysis Using RELAP5/MOD3.3 for Steam Generator Blowdown Load Assessment
NUREG/IA-0475 TRACE/RELAP5 Comparative Calculations For Double-Ended LBLOCA and SBO
NUREG/IA-0476 Main Steam Line Break Analysis for Lungmen ABWR
NUREG/IA-0477 Thermal Hydraulic and Fuel Rod Mechanical Combination Analysis of Kuosheng Nuclear Power Plant with RELAP5 MOD3.3/FRAPTRAN/Python in SNAP Interface
NUREG/IA-0478 TRACE/SNAP Model Establishment of Chinshan Nuclear Power Plant for Ultimate Response Guideline
NUREG/IA-0479 RELAP5 and TRACE Calculations of LOCA in PWR
NUREG/IA-0480 TRACE Assessment for Effect of Spacer Grid in RBHT Reflood Heat Transfer Experiments
NUREG/IA-0481 Evaluation of TRACE Spacer Grid Model with FLECHT-SEASET Reflood Test
NUREG/IA-0482 Using TRACE, MELCOR, CFD, and FRAPTRAN to Establish the Analysis Methodology for Chinshan Nuclear Power Plant Spent Fuel Pool
NUREG/IA-0483 Loss of Flow Analysis of Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant with RELAP5/SNAP
NUREG/IA-0484 PACTEL Small Break LOCA Experiment SBL-30 Calculation with TRACE Code
NUREG/IA-0485 TRACE VVER-440/V-213 Model Validation
NUREG/IA-0486 Simulation of the G3.1 Experiment at PKL Facility Using RELAP5/Mod3.3
NUREG/IA-0487 Simulation of the PKL-G7.1 Experiment in a Westinghouse Nuclear Power Plant Using RELAP5/Mod3.3
NUREG/IA-0488 Simulation of the LSTF-PKL Counterpart G7.1 Test at PKL Facility Using TRACE 5
NUREG/IA-0489 RELAP5 Model of a CANDU-6 (Embalse) Nuclear Power Plant: Application to a Turbine Trip Event
NUREG/IA-0490 TRACE VVER-1000/V-320 Model Validation
NUREG/IA-0491 Assessment of the Wall Film Condensation Model with Non-condensable Gas in RELAP5 and TRACE for Vertical Tube and Plate Geometries
NUREG/IA-0492 Assessment of TRACE V5.0 Patch 4 Code Against PWR PACTEL Loop Seal Clearing Experiment
NUREG/IA-0493 The Ultimate Response Guideline Simulation and Study for Lungmen (ABWR) Nuclear Power Plant Using RELAP5/SNAP
NUREG/IA-0494 RELAP5 and TRACE Simulation of Hot Leg Break LOCA Experiment on LSTF
NUREG/IA-0495 Assessment of NEPTUN Reflooding Experiments 5050 and 5052 with TRACE V5.0 Patch 5
NUREG/IA-0496 The Analysis and Study of ELAP Event and Mitigation Strategies Using TRACE Code for Maanshan PWR
NUREG/IA-0497 IBLOCA Analysis for Vandellòs-NPP Using RELAP5/MOD3.3. Sensitivity Calculations to EOP Actions
NUREG/IA-0498 Core Exit Temperature Response during an SBLOCA Event in the Ascó NPP
NUREG/IA-0499 Post-Test Calculation of the PKL-2 Test G7.1 Using RELAP5/MOD3.3
NUREG/IA-0500 Post-Test Calculation of the ROSA-2 Test 3 Using RELAP5/MOD3.3
NUREG/IA-0501 Investigation of the Loop Seal Clearing Phenomena for the ATLAS DVI Line and Cold Leg SBLOCA Tests Using MARS-KS and RELAP5/MOD3.3
NUREG/IA-0502 Post-Test Analysis of Cold Leg Small Break 4.1% at PSB-VVER Facility using TRACE V5.0
NUREG/IA-0503 Post-Test Analysis of ROSA-2 Test 2 (IBLOCA) with TRACE
NUREG/IA-0504 Assessment of TRACE 5.0 Against ROSA-2 Test 3 Counterpart Test to PKL
NUREG/IA-0505 Assessment of TRACE 5.0 Against ROSA-2 Test 5, Main Steam Line Break with Steam Generator Tube Rupture
NUREG/IA-0506 Using SNAP/RADTRAD and HABIT to Establish the Analysis Methodology for Maanshan PWR
NUREG/IA-0507 Natural Circulation (Interruption) Analysis with MELCOR 2.2 during Asymmetric Cooldown Transients
NUREG/IA-0508 Validation of RELAP5/MOD3.3 Friction Loss and Heat Transfer Model for Narrow Rectangular Channels
NUREG/IA-0509 LBLOCA Uncertainty Analysis of Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant with RELAP5/SNAP and DAKOTA
NUREG/IA-0510 MELCOR-ASTEC Crosswalk of the Accident at Fukushima-Daiichi Unit 1: Phase I Analysis
NUREG/IA-0511 Simulation of ROSA-2 Test-2 Experiment: Application to Nuclear Power Plant
NUREG/IA-0512 Simulation of ROSA-2 Test 3 Counterpart with TRACE5 – Application to Nuclear Power Plant
NUREG/IA-0513 Semiscale S-NC-02 and S-NC-03 Natural Circulation Tests Performed by RELAP5/MOD3.3 Patch05
NUREG/IA-0514 Customization of XTV Graphics Output in TRACE v5.0 Patches 5, 4 & 3
NUREG/IA-0515 Analyses of an Unmitigated Station Blackout Transient in a Generic PWR–900 with ASTEC, MAAP and MELCOR Codes
NUREG/IA-0516 LOCAs With Loss of One Active Emergency Cooling System Simulated by RELAP5
NUREG/IA-0517 Analysis of Maanshan Station Blackout Accident and Rescue Procedures under Different Tube Plugging Situations with TRACE
NUREG/IA-0518 PWR PACTEL Small Break LOCA Experiment SBL-50 Calculation with TRACE Code
NUREG/IA-0519 Survey of Member Countries' Nuclear Power Plant Fire Protection Regulations by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Fire Incidents Records Exchange (FIRE) Database Project – Topical Report No. 2
NUREG/IA-0520 Simulation with RELAP5/MOD3.3 of an Integral-Effect Test on Loop-Seal Clearing in the Upper Plenum Test Facility During Test A5
NUREG/IA-0521 Analysis with TRACE Code of PKL III Tests G1.2. Study on Heat Transfer Mechanisms in the SG in Presence of Nitrogen, Steam and Water as a Function of the Primary Coolant Inventory in Double Loop Operation
NUREG/IA-0522 RELAP5 and TRACE Constitutive Relations Comparison
NUREG/IA-0523 Evaluation for 4-Inch Cold Leg Top-Slot Break LOCA in ATLAS Facility with RELAP5 Mod3.3 Patch5
NUREG/IA-0524 TRACE VVER-440/V-213 Model Cross-Code Validation
NUREG/IA-0525 TRACE VVER-1000/V-320 Model Cross-Code Validation
NUREG/IA-0526 Simulation of Total Loss of Feedwater LOFT LP-FW-1 Test using RELAP5/MOD3.3
NUREG/IA-0527 Analysis of Main Steam Line Break Accident for 3-Loop PWR with RELAP5/MOD3.3 Code
NUREG/IA-0528 Uncertainty Analysis of Main Steam Line Break Accident for Maanshan PWR with RELAP5/DAKOTA
NUREG/IA-0529 Simulations of the BEAVRS PWR with SCALE and PARCS
NUREG/IA-0530 Analysis with TRACE Code of PKL III Tests G1.1 & G1.1a. Study on Heat Transfer Mechanisms in the SG in Presence of Nitrogen, Steam and Water as a Function of the Primary Coolant Inventory in Single Loop Operation
NUREG/IA-0531 RELAP5 and TRACE Simulation of Bethsy 9.1b Test with Accuracy Quantification
NUREG/IA-0532 MELCOR – DAKOTA Coupling for Uncertainty Analyses, in a SNAP Environment/Architecture
NUREG/IA-0533 RELAP5, TRACE and APROS Model Benchmark for the IAEA SPE-4 Experiment 
NUREG/IA-0534 Assessment of Condensation Heat Transfer Models of TRACE V5.0 Patch 5 Using PASCAL Tests
NUREG/IA-0535 Using VARSKIN for Hot Particles Ingestion Dosimetry Evaluation 
NUREG/IA-0536 RELAP5 Simulation of Total Loss of Feedwater in Two-Loop PWR
NUREG/IA-0537 Plant Application with TRACE Code of the PKL III G1 Test Series. Study on Heat Transfer Mechanisms in the SG in Presence of Nitrogen, Steam and Water as a Function of the Primary Coolant Inventory in Single & Double Loop Operation
NUREG/IA-0538 Natural Circulation Assessment of a PWR Loss of Off-site Power with RELAP5/MOD 3.2
NUREG/IA-0539 New Functionality of TRACE: The 3DPost-Processing for the VESSEL Component in SALOME Platform
NUREG/IA-0540 Assessment of TRACE5.0 Code Against ATLAS Test A5.2. Counterpart Test to LSTF
NUREG/IA-0541 Multi-scale Coupling of TRACE and SUBCHANFLOW based on the Exterior Communication Interface (ECI)
NUREG/IA-0543 Implementation of droplet breakup mode in TRACE to improve the prediction of reactor core reflood conditions
NUREG/IA-0544 RELAP5, TRACE and APROS Model Benchmark for the IAEA SPE-2 Experiment
NUREG/IA-0545 Post-Test Analysis of PKL III Test H2.2 Run 2 (SBO) with TRACE
NUREG/IA-0546 Assessment of a PWR Control Rod Drop Transient with 3D Neutronic-Thermalhydraulic Coupled Codes RELAP5/ PARCSv2.7 and TRACEv5.0P3/PARCSv3.0 
NUREG/IA-0547 Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of Hot Leg LOCA in Two-Loop PWR Using RELAP5 Version 3.3lj
NUREG/IA-0548 Assessment of TRACE V5.0 Patch 7 Using OECD-ATLAS2 B3.2 Test 
NUREG/IA-0549 Maanshan PWR FLEX Program Enhance with RELAP5/MOD 3.3
NUREG/IA-0550 Modelling Guidelines for CCFL Representation During IBLOCA Scenarios of PWR Reactors 
NUREG/IA-0553 Study on the Effect of Dissolved Air During Hydroaccumulator Injection
NUREG/IA-0554 TRACE simulations of LOCAs Together with the Complete Loss of One Emergency Core Cooling Function in Two-Loop PWR 
NUREG/IA-0555 Kuosheng BWR Decommissioning SBO Analysis with RELAP5/MOD 3.3

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, February 14, 2025