12/18/2024 |
ML21274A151 |
STC-24-058 informs States that NRC has published for public comment a proposed rule to amend the regulations that govern the NRC’s environmental reviews for licensing of new nuclear reactor applications under the National Environmental Policy Act. |
12/16/2024 |
ML24297A469 |
STC-24-061 informs federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native tribes that NRC has published a notice in the Federal Register (FR) (89 FR 83707), requesting comments on the renewal of OMB approval for an existing collection of information. The information collection is entitled, “Tribal Participation in the Advance Notification Program.” Comments are due 12/16/2024. |
12/03/2024 |
ML24297A191 |
STC-24-062 informs Federally recognized and Alaska Native Tribes that NRC: (1) has published for comment a proposed rule to amend the regulations that govern the NRC's environmental reviews for licensing of new nuclear reactor applications under the National Environmental Policy Act, and (2) will hold a closed informational meeting for Federally recognized Tribes on 12/03/2024, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. eastern time (ET). |
11/21/2024 |
ML24291A116 |
STC-24-060 requests updates of the counts of radioactive material specific licenses, general licenses/registrations, and generally licensed devices currently active in the National Materials Program, preferably by 11/21/2024. |
11/18/2024 |
ML24266A005 |
STC-24-055 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Fundamental Health Physics Labs (H-122L) course to be held 11/18-22/2024, in Chattanooga, TN. |
11/04/2024 |
ML24246A013 |
STC-24-053 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Root Cause Workshop (G-205) course to be held 11/4-8/2024. |
11/04/2024 |
ML24246A012 |
STC-24-052 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Inspection Procedures (G-108) Course to be held 11/4-8/2024, in Albany, New York. |
10/23/2024 |
ML22045A054 |
STC-24-045 informs States, Liaison Officers, and Tribes that NRC published a proposed rule on 08/09/2024, on the Alternative Physical Security Requirements for Advanced Reactors (89 FR 65226). Comments on the proposed rule are due by 10/23/2024. |
10/21/2024 |
ML24232A249 |
STC-24-048 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Advanced Health Physics (H-201) Course to be held 10/21-25/2024, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
10/08/2024 |
ML24214A263 |
STC-24-044 informs States and State Liaison Officers of the rescheduled Annual Organization of Agreement States (OAS) and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) Commission briefing to be held at NRC Headquarters, Commissioners’ Conference Room, in the One White Flint North Building, Rockville, Maryland, on 10/08/2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EST. |
10/07/2024 |
ML22251A240 |
STC-24-035 informs States that NMSS has completed its revision of the State Agreements (SA)-300 procedure, "Reporting Material Events," and the "Handbook on Nuclear Material Event Reporting for the Agreement States." Comments are due 10/07/2024. |
10/06/2024 |
ML24157A371 |
STC-24-049 provides Agreement States, NRC Regions I, III, and IV, and NMSS with the opportunity to select staff to participate in Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) reviews. Roster updates are requested by 10/06/2024. |
09/25/2024 |
ML24253A215 |
STC-24-054 informs States and all Federally recognized Indian Tribes about the NRC's upcoming public meeting on its efforts to submit a report to Congress on efforts to facilitate environmental reviews for nuclear reactor applications. The meeting will be held virtually on 09/25/2024, from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET. |
09/24/2024 |
ML24205A038 |
STC-24-043 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Environmental Monitoring & Air Sampling for Radioactivity Lab (H-130L) course scheduled to be held 09/24-27/2024, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. |
09/23/2024 |
ML24204A274 |
STC-24-042 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Inspection Procedures (G-108) Course to be held 09/23-27/2024, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
09/23/2024 |
ML24204A143 |
STC-24-041 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Safety Aspects of Industrial Radiography (H-305) course to be held 09/23-27/2024, in St. Rose, Louisiana. |
09/16/2024 |
ML24204A102 |
STC-24-040 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Safety Aspects of Well Logging (H-314) course to be held 09/16-20/2024, in Houston, Texas. |
09/16/2024 |
ML24183A246 |
STC-24-036 informs all Federally recognized Tribes that NRC published a Federal Register notice (FRN) on 07/02/2024, requesting comments on the proposed rule, "Categorical Exclusions from Environmental Review" (89 FRN 54727). The comment period ends on 09/16/2024. |
08/26/2024 |
ML24185A034 |
STC-24-037 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Fundamental Health Physics Labs (H-122L) course to be held 08/26-30/2024, in Chattanooga, TN. |
08/12/2024 |
ML24164A055 |
STC-24-034 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Materials Control, Security Systems & Principles (S-201) course to be held 08/12-16/2024, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
08/12/2024 |
ML24164A051 |
STC-24-033 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's offering of the Root Cause Workshop (G-205) course to be held 08/12-16/2024, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
08/05/2024 |
ML24156A171 |
STC-24-031 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Materials Control, Security Systems & Principles (S-201) course to be held 08/5-9/2024, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
07/22/2024 |
ML24143A036 |
STC-24-030 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Inspection Procedures (G-108) Course to be held 07/22-26/2024, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
07/09/2024 |
ML24129A064 |
STC-24-027 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Licensing Practices and Procedures (G-109) Course to be held 07/9-12/2024, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
06/14/2024 |
ML24150A210 |
STC-24-028 announces that NRC will provide travel funding for one representative from each Agreement State, Connecticut, Indiana, and West Virginia to attend the 2024 Organization of Agreement States (OAS) Annual Meeting to be held 08/18-22/2024, in Santa Cruz, California. Please provide names and contact information by 06/14/2024. |
06/10/2024 |
ML24101A231 |
STC-24-024 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC’s Advanced Health Physics (H-201) Course to be held 06/10-14/2024, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
05/22/2024 |
ML24058A247 |
STC-24-019 informs all Federally recognized Tribes that NRC staff published a Federal Register notice (FRN) on 03/08/2024, requesting comments on the proposed rule, "Advance Tribal Notification of Category 1 Quantities of Radioactive Material" and associated guidance (89 FR 16701). A public comment meeting including Tribes is tentatively scheduled for 4/10/2024; a government-to-government meeting with Tribes is tentatively scheduled for 5/01/2024; and comments are due 05/22/2024. |
05/22/2024 |
ML24058A195 |
STC-24-018 informs Agreement States that NRC published a Federal Register notice (FRN) on 03/08/2024, requesting comments by 05/22/2024 on the proposed rule, "Advance Tribal Notification of Category 1 Quantities of Radioactive Material" and associated guidance (89 FR 16701). A public meeting is tentatively scheduled for 04/10/2024. |
05/20/2024 |
ML24078A028 |
STC-24-021 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Fundamental Health Physics Labs (H-122L) course to be held 05/20-24/2024, in Chattanooga, TN. |
05/20/2024 |
ML24075A258 |
STC-24-020 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Materials Control, Security Systems & Principles (S-201) course to be held 05/20-24/2024, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
05/17/2024 |
ML23319A336 |
STC-23-076 informs the National Materials Program (NMP) community and Federally Recognized Tribes that NMSS State Agreements (SA) procedure SA-500, Jurisdictional Determinations, has been approved for use as an interim procedure, and announces an opportunity to comment on the interim procedure until 5/17/2024. |
05/07/2024 |
ML24061A259 |
STC-24-016 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Visual Sampling Plan (H-500) course to be held 05/7-10/2024, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
05/06/2024 |
ML24061A263 |
STC-24-017 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Safety Aspects of Well Logging (H-314) course to be held 05/6-10/2024, in Houston, Texas. |
05/01/2024 |
ML24058A247 |
STC-24-019 informs all Federally recognized Tribes that NRC staff published a Federal Register notice (FRN) on 03/08/2024, requesting comments on the proposed rule, "Advance Tribal Notification of Category 1 Quantities of Radioactive Material" and associated guidance (89 FR 16701). A public comment meeting including Tribes is tentatively scheduled for 4/10/2024; a government-to-government meeting with Tribes is tentatively scheduled for 5/01/2024; and comments are due 05/22/2024. |
04/30/2024 |
ML24054A162 |
STC-24-014 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Environmental Monitoring & Air Sampling for Radioactivity Lab (H-130L) course to be held 04/30-05/03/2024, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. |
04/29/2024 |
ML24054A106 |
STC-24-013 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's offering of the Root Cause Workshop (G-205) course to be held 04/29-05/03/2024 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
04/23/2024 |
ML24047A359 |
STC-24-011 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Environmental Monitoring & Air Sampling for Radioactivity Lab (H-130L) course scheduled to be held 04/23-26/2024, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. |
04/15/2024 |
ML24043A213 |
STC-24-010 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Licensing Practices and Procedures (G-109) Course to be held 04/15-18/2024, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
04/09/2024 |
ML24033A235 |
STC-24-007 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Irradiator Technology (H-315) course to be held 04/09-11/2024, in Arlington, Texas. |
04/08/2024 |
ML24033A238 |
STC-24-008 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the RESRAD Overview (H-408) Course to be held 04/8-12/2024. |
03/25/2024 |
ML24019A162 |
STC-24-004 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Inspection Procedures (G-108) Course to be held 03/25-29/2024, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. |
03/11/2024 |
ML24008A245 |
STC-24-001 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Safety Aspects of Industrial Radiography (H-305) course to be held 03/11-15/2024, in St. Rose, Louisiana. |
02/20/2024 |
ML23331A453 |
STC-23-083 requests information needed by NRC in support of state potassium iodide programs. Data are due by 02/20/2024. |
02/15/2024 |
ML24010A046 |
STC-24-002 notifies Federally recognized Indian Tribes about NRC's upcoming 02/15/2024 public meeting on the NRC safety and environmental review processes for the review of the forthcoming construction permit application for proposed deployment of X-Energy, LLC's (X-energy's) Xe-100 reactor design at the Dow Seadrift operations site in Calhoun County, Texas. |
02/12/2024 |
ML23343A003 |
STC-23-081 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Root Cause Workshop (G-205) course to be held 02/12-16/2024. |
02/05/2024 |
ML23339A084 |
STC-23-080 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Safety Aspects of Well Logging (H-314) course to be held 02/5-9/2024, in Houston, Texas. |
02/01/2024 |
ML24016A162 |
STC-24-003 informs States that the fee to submit Criminal History fingerprint cards for processing will be changed on 02/01/2024, and informs States of an upcoming change to available payment options to NRC. |
01/31/2024 |
ML23352A049 |
STC-23-082 notifies States to remind their licensees of the Additional Protocol (AP) forms which provide the Federal Government with information needed to meet its International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) treaty obligations. |
01/22/2024 |
ML23324A424 |
STC-23-078 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Fundamental Health Physics Labs (H-122L) course to be held 1/22-26/2024, in Chattanooga, TN. |