The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is in the process of rescinding or revising guidance and policies posted on this webpage in accordance with Executive Order 14151 Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing, and Executive Order 14168 Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government. In the interim, any previously issued diversity, equity, inclusion, or gender-related guidance on this webpage should be considered rescinded that is inconsistent with these Executive Orders.

Agreement State Action Items and Due Dates for 2022

NOTE: RCPD letters are non-publicly available and are currently located in a password protected site. If you are authorized to access RCPD letters, please sign-in at that site.

Agreement State Action Items and Due Dates
Action Due Date Agreement
State Letter
12-DEC-22 STC-22-069 Notification of Upcoming Public Meeting to Provide an Overview of the Joint U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Agreement State Working Group Efforts on the Future of the National Materials Program (STC-22-069). STC-22-069 (ADAMS ML22335A482) announces that the Future of the National Materials Program Working Group will be holding a public meeting to provide an overview of for the future of the National Materials Program (NMP) assuming an increasing number of Agreement States. The meeting will be held virtually on 12/12/2022.
05-DEC-22 STC-22-061 Notification of Acceptance to the Advanced Health Physics (H-201) Course (STC-22-061). STC-22-061 (ADAMS ML22290A135) notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Advanced Health Physics (H-201) Course to be held 12/5-9/2022, in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
05-DEC-22 STC-22-060 Notification of the Opportunity to Comment on SA-900, Termination of Uranium Milling Licenses in Agreement States (STC-22-060). STC-22-060 (ADAMS ML21165A141) notifies the National Materials Program (NMP) community that SA-900, Termination of Uranium Milling Licenses in Agreement States has been revised and issued for comment by 60 days from 10/06/2022, i.e. 12/05/2022.
01-DEC-22 RCPD-22-010 Opportunity to Comment on The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Preliminary Regulatory Basis for the 10 CFR Part 35 Rulemaking to Establish Requirements for Rubidium-82 Generators and Emerging Medical Technologies (RCPD-22-010). RCPD-22-010 (ADAMS ML22251A155, Ltr ML22251A158) provides States the opportunity to comment on NRC's preliminary regulatory basis document: "Rulemaking to Establish Requirements for Rubidium-82 Generators and Emerging Medical Technologies." Comments by 12/01/2022 are requested.
14-NOV-22 STC-22-058 Notification Of Acceptance to the Health Physic for Uranium Recovery (F-104) Course (STC-22-058). STC-22-058 informs States of students selected to attend NRC’s Health Physics for Uranium Recovery (F-104) course to be held 11/14-18/2022, in Corpus Christi, Texas.
10-NOV-22 RCPD-22-011 Opportunity to Comment on the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Draft Federal Register Notice for "Radioactive Source Security and Accountability Rulemaking." (RCPD-22-011). RCPD-22-011 (ADAMS ML22287A163, Ltr ML22287A162) provides Agreement States the opportunity to comment on NRC's draft Federal Register notice (FRN) for "Radioactive Source Security and Accountability (RSSA) Rulemaking. " Comments are due 11/10/2022.
26-OCT-22 STC-22-057
Notice of Request for Comment: Proposed Rule: Harmonization of Transportation Safety Requirements with International Atomic Energy Agency Standards (RIN 3150-AJ85; NRC-2016-0179) (STC-22-057). STC-22-057 (ADAMS ML22234A228; ML22234A226; ML22255A036) provides notice to States and Indian Tribes of: (1) publication of NRC's request for public comment on the proposed rule to harmonize the NRC's transportation regulations with the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA's) safety standard regulations and compatible with amendments to the U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT's) regulations; (2) publication of the NRC's draft regulatory guide DG-1107, "Standard Format and Content of Part 71 Applications for Approval of Packages for Radioactive Material;" and (3) a public meeting tentatively scheduled for 10/26/2022 for comment on the proposed rule and the draft regulatory guide.
31-OCT-22 STC-22-055 Notification of Acceptance to the Fundamental Health Physics Labs (H-122L) Course (STC-22-055). STC-22-055 (ADAMS ML22255A152) notifies States of students selected to attend NRC’s Fundamental Health Physics Labs (H-122L) course to be held 10/31/2022-11/04/2022, in Chattanooga, TN.
18-OCT-22 STC-22-052 Notification of Acceptance to the Irradiator Technology (H-315) Course (STC-22-052). STC-22-052 (ADAMS ML22242A233) notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Irradiator Technology (H-315) course to be held 10/18-20/2022, in Arlington, Texas.
18-OCT-22 STC-22-051 Notification Of Acceptance to the Environmental Monitoring & Air Sampling For Radioactivity Lab (H-130L) Course (STC-22-051). STC-22-051 (ADAMS ML22241A150) notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Environmental Monitoring & Air Sampling for Radioactivity Lab (H-130L) course to be held 10/18-21/2022, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
17-OCT-22 STC-22-050 Acceptance to the Safety Aspects of Industrial Radiography (H-305) Course (STC-22-050). STC-22-050 (ADAMS ML22241A065) notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Safety Aspects of Industrial Radiography (H-305) course to be held 10/17-21/2022.
04-OCT-22   Notification of Acceptance to the Visual Sampling Plan (H-500) Course (STC-22-049). STC-22-049 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Visual Sampling Plan (H-500) course to be held 10/04-07/2022, in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
27-SEP-22 STC-22-047 Notification of Acceptance to the Environmental Monitoring & Air Sampling for Radioactivity Lab (H-130l) Course (STC-22-047). STC-22-047 (ADAMS ML22210A201) notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Environmental Monitoring & Air Sampling for Radioactivity Lab (H-130L) course to be held 09/27-30/2022, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
26-SEP-22 STC-22-046 Notification of Acceptance to the Licensing Practices and Procedures (G-109) Course (STC-22-046). STC-22-046 (ADAMS ML22210A169) notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Licensing Practices and Procedures (G-109) course to be held 09/26-29/2022, in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
20-SEP-22 STC-22-045 Notification of Acceptance to the Root Cause Workshop (G-205) Course (STC-22-045). STC-22-045 (ADAMS ML22207B849) notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Root Cause Workshop (G-205) course to be held 09/20-23/2022, in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
29-AUG-22 RCPD-22-006 Opportunity to Review and Provide Comments on Inspection Procedures Associated with Inspection Manual Chapter (IMRC) 2800, “Materials Inspection Program” (RCPD-22-006). RCPD-22-006 (ADAMS ML22098A010; ML22098A015) provides an opportunity to comment on proposed revisions to risk-inform the materials inspection procedures (IPs) associated with IMC 2800, by 8/29/2022.
12-SEP-22 STC-22-044 Notification of Acceptance to the Inspection Procedures (G-108) Course (STC-22-044). STC-22-044 (ADAMS: ML22205A001) notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Inspection Procedures (G-108) course to be held 09/12-16/2022, in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
01-SEP-22 STC-22-027 Notification of the Fiscal Year 2022 Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program Team Member Training (STC-22-027). STC-22-027 (ADAMS ML22117A063) informs Agreement States of the upcoming Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) team member training in September 2022 and solicits interested participants.
15-AUG-22 STC-22-040 Notification of Acceptance to the Materials Control, Security Systems & Principles (S-201) Course (STC-22-040). STC-22-040 (ADAMS ML22178A120) notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Materials Control, Security Systems & Principles (S-201) course to be held 08/15-19/2022, in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
09-AUG-22 STC-22-038 Notification of Acceptance to the Root Cause Workshop (G-205) Course (STC-22-038). STC-22-038 (ADAMS ML22172A146) notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Root Cause Workshop (G-205) course to be held 08/09-12/2022, in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
08-AUG-22 STC-22-039 Notification of Acceptance to the Materials Control, Security Systems & Principles (S-201) Course (STC-22-039). STC-22-039 (ADAMS ML22173A197) notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Materials Control, Security Systems & Principles (S-201) course to be held 08/08-12/2022, in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
08-AUG-22 STC-22-037 Notification of Acceptance to the Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife and Other Medical Uses (H-313) Course (STC-22-037). STC-22-037 (ADAMS ML22168A116) notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife and Other Medical Uses (H-313) Course to be held 08/08/12/2022, in Houston, Texas.
04-AUG-22 RCPD-22-007 Notice of Request for Comment: Proposed Rule for Items Containing Byproduct Material Incidental to Production (RCPD-22-007). RCPD-22-007 (ADAMS ML22194A886) provides notice of (1) the publication of NRC’s request for public comment on the proposed rule to amend 10 CFR Parts 30 and 32 to add a new class exemption from licensing requirements to 10 CFR part 30 and add associated distribution requirements to 10 CFR Part 32; (2) the availability of NRC’s draft guidance for the propose rule, “Items Containing Byproduct Material Incidental to Production,” for public comment; and (3) a public meeting tentatively scheduled for August 4, 2022.
02-AUG-22 RCPD-22-003 Opportunity to Review and Provide Comments on Draft Inspection Manual Chapter 2602, “Decommissioning Fuel Cycle, Uranium Recovery, And Materials Inspection Program” and Associated Inspection Procedures (RCPD-22-003). RCPD-22-003 (ML22132A058 (Package) Letter ML22054A176) provides opportunity to comment by 8/2/2022 on proposed revisions to risk-inform the fuel cycle, uranium recovery, and materials decommissioning inspection program provided in Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2602 and associated Inspection Procedures.
01-AUG-22 STC-22-036 Notification of Acceptance to the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (H-304) Course (STC-22-036). STC-22-036 (ADAMS ML22164A787) informs States of students selected to attend NRC's Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (H-304) Course to be held 08/1-5/2022, in Houston, Texas.
19-JUL-22 STC-22-035 Notification of Acceptance to the Root Cause Workshop (G-205) Course (STC-22-035). STC-22-035 (ADAMS ML22160A664) notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Root Cause Workshop (G-205) course to be held 07/19-22/2022 in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
27-JUN-22 RCPD-22-004 Opportunity to Comment on the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Draft Rulemaking Plan on Advance Tribal Notification of Certain Radioactive Material Shipments (RCPD-22-004). RCPD-22-004 (ML22138A180 (package), ML22138A197 (letter), and ML22056A326 (Enclosure 1)) provides Agreement States an advanced opportunity to comment on NRC's draft Federal Register notice for the rulemaking plan titled "Advance Tribal Notification of Certain Radioactive Material Shipments" by 6/27/2022.
27-JUN-22 STC-22-026 Notification Of Acceptance to the Advanced Health Physics (H-201) Course (STC-22-026). STC-22-026 (ADAMS ML22125A233) notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Advanced Health Physics (H-201) Course to be held 06/27-07/01/2022, in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
24-JUN-22 STC-22-030 Travel Funding for the 2022 Organization of Agreement States Annual Meeting (STC-22-030). STC-22-030 (ADAMS ML22137A270) announces that NRC will provide travel funding for one representative from each Agreement State, Connecticut, and Indiana to attend the 2022 Organization of Agreement States (OAS) Annual Meeting to be held 08/15-18/2022 in Fort Worth, Texas. Applications are due 06/24/2022.
21-JUN-22 STC-22-029 Notification of Acceptance to the Root Cause Workshop (G-205) Course (STC-22-029). STC-22-029 (ADAMS ML22137A148) notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Root Cause Workshop (G-205) course to be held 06/21-24/2022 in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
17-JUN-22 RCPD-22-002 Opportunity to Comment on the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Draft Commission Paper: Rulemaking Plan on Release of Animals Receiving Treatment Containing Byproduct Material (RCPD-22-002). RCPD-22-002 provides Agreement States opportunity to comment on NRC's draft Commission paper: "Rulemaking Plan on Release of Animals Receiving Treatment Containing Byproduct Material."
14-JUN-22 STC-22-025 Notification Of Acceptance to the Irradiator Technology (H-315) Course (STC-22-025). STC-22-025 (ADAMS ML22125A184) notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Irradiator Technology (H-315) course to be held 06/14-16/2022, in Arlington, Texas.
13-JUN-22 STC-22-024 Notification Of Acceptance to the Fundamental Health Physics Labs (H-122L) Course (STC-22-024). STC-22-024 (ADAMS ML22124A307) notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Fundamental Health Physics Labs (H-122L) course to be held 06/13-17/2022, in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
07-JUN-22 RCPD-22-005 Notification of Upcoming Government-To-Government Meeting on Rulemaking Plan on Release of Animals Receiving Treatment Containing Byproduct Material (RCPD-22-005). RCPD-22-005 (ADAMS ML22147A103) informs all Agreement State Radiation Program Directors (RCPDs) that NRC staff plans to hold a meeting with the Agreement States on Tuesday, June 7, 2022, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. EST to discuss the draft Commission paper: "Rulemaking Plan on Release of Animals Receiving Treatment Containing Byproduct Material."
16-MAY-22 STC-22-021 Notification of Acceptance to the Materials Control, Security Systems & Principles (S-201) Course (STC-22-021). STC-22-021 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Materials Control, Security Systems & Principles (S-201) course to be held 05/16-20/2022, in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
05-MAY-22 STC-22-019 Proposed Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program Schedules for NRC Fiscal Years 2023–2025 (STC-22-019). STC-22-019 informs States of upcoming Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) reviews and solicits comments on the proposed schedule for NRC fiscal years (FY) 2023 through 2025. Comments are due 5/05/2022.
03-MAY-22 STC-22-020 Notification of Acceptance to the Environmental Monitoring & Air Sampling For Radioactivity Lab (H-130L) Course (STC-22-020). STC-22-020 informs States of students selected to attend NRC's Environmental Monitoring & Air Sampling for Radioactivity Lab (H-130L) course to be held 05/3-6/2022, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
26-APR-22 STC-22-015 Notification of Acceptance to the Environmental Monitoring & Air Sampling for Radioactivity Lab (H-130L) Course (STC-22-015). STC-22-015 informs States of students selected to attend NRC's Environmental Monitoring & Air Sampling for Radioactivity Lab (H-130L) course scheduled to be held 04/26-29/2022, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
25-APR-22 STC-22-014 Notification of Acceptance to the Safety Aspects of Well Logging (H-314) Course (STC-22-014). STC-22-014 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Safety Aspects of Well Logging (H-314) course to be held 04/25-28/2022, in Houston, Texas.
11-APR-22 STC-22-017 Annual Count of Active Radioactive Material Licenses in the National Materials Program (STC-22-017). STC-22-017 requests from all states updated figures for the counts of radioactive material specific licenses, general licenses/registrations, and generally licensed devices currently active in the National Materials Program. The current figures are provided.
11-APR-22 STC-22-013 Notification of Acceptance to the RESRAD Overview (H-408) Course (STC-22-013). STC-22-033 informs States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the RESRAD Overview (H-408) Course to be held 04/11-15/2022.
28-MAR-22 STC-22-008 Notification of Acceptance to the Licensing Practices and Procedures (G-109) Course (STC-22-008). STC-22-008 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Licensing Practices and Procedures (G-109) Course to be held 03/28-4/1/2022.
22-MAR-22 STC-22-012 2022 National State Liaison Officer Conference (STC-22-012). STC-22-012 invites all State Liaison Officers (SLO) to attend the 2022 National State Liaison Officer Conference, which will be held virtually on 03/22-24/2022, and provides a calendar for the conference.
21-MAR-22 STC-22-007 Notification of Acceptance to the Inspection Procedures (G-108) Course (STC-22-007). STC-22-007 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Inspection Procedures (G-108) course to be held 03/21-25/2022, in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
21-MAR-22 STC-22-010 Notice of Proposed Rule for Comment: Regulatory Improvements for Production and Utilization Facilities Transitioning to Decommissioning and Notice of Upcoming Public Meetings (STC-22-010). STC-22-010 provides notice of (1) the publication of the NRC's request for public comment on the proposed rule related to decommissioning of production and utilization facilities, (2) the publication of four NRC draft regulatory guides for public comment, and (3) public meetings tentatively scheduled for 03/21/2022 and 03/31/2022.
21-MAR-22 STC-21-077 Voluntary Request to Complete Survey on U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Transformation Efforts (STC-21-077). STC-21-077 provides information on and requests voluntary participation on NRC's external stakeholder survey concerning recent interactions with the agency.
15-MAR-22 STC-22-005 Notification of Acceptance to the Irradiator Technology (H-315) Course (STC-22-005). STC-22-005 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Irradiator Technology (H-315) course to be held 03/15-17/2022, in Arlington, Texas.
15-MAR-22 STC-22-004 Notification of Acceptance to the Root Cause Workshop (G-205) Course (STC-22-004). STC-22-004 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Root Cause Workshop (G-205) course to be held 03/15-18/2022, in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
14-MAR-22 STC-22-003 Acceptance to the Safety Aspects of Industrial Radiography (H-305) Course (STC-22-003). STC-22-003 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Safety Aspects of Industrial Radiography (H-305) course to be held 3/14-18/2022, in St. Rose, Louisiana.
01-MAR-22 STC-22-001 Advance Notification of Fee Change Regarding Submittal of Fingerprint Cards (STC-22-001). STC-22-001 informs States that the fee to submit Criminal History fingerprint cards for processing will be changed to $35 on 3/1/2022.
14-FEB-22 STC-22-002 Notification of Acceptance to the Root Cause Workshop (G-205) Course (STC-22-002). STC-22-002 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Root Cause Workshop (G-205) course to be held 2/14-18/2022.
08-FEB-22 STC-21-078 Notice of Annual Organization of Agreement States and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors Commission Briefing (STC-21-078). STC-21-078 provides notice of the rescheduled Annual Organization of Agreement States(OAS) and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) Commission briefing to be held at NRC Headquarters, Commissioners' Conference Room, located in the One White Flint North Building, Rockville, Maryland, on 02/08/2022, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EST
02-FEB-22 STC-22-006 The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Regulatory Readiness for Oversight of Large-Scale Commercial Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel Report (STC-22-006). STC-22-006 informs States and Tribes that NRC's Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) has completed a review of the regulatory framework to ensure the agency's readiness to perform its oversight role in a potential large-scale commercial transportation campaign of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) in the future.
31-JAN-22 STC-21-081 Notification of Acceptance to the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (H-304) Course (STC-21-081). STC-21-081 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (H-304) Course to be held 01/31-02/04/2022, in Houston, Texas.
31-JAN-22 STC-21-018A Extension of Comment Period for Interim Procedure SA-700, Processing an Agreement (STC-21-018A). STC-21-018A (ADAMS ML21251A092) informs the National Materials Program (NMP) community and Federally Recognized Tribes that the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) has extended the comment period for State Agreements (SA) procedure SA-700, Processing an Agreement, to 1/31/2022.
24-JAN-22 STC-21-080 Notification of Acceptance to the Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife And Other Uses (H-313) Course (STC-21-080). STC-21-080 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife and Other Uses (H-313) Course to be held 01/24-28/2022, in Houston, Texas.
24-JAN-22 STC-21-079 Notification of Acceptance to the Fundamental Health Physics Labs (H-122l) Course (STC-21-079). STC-21-079 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Fundamental Health Physics Labs (H-122L) course to be held 01/24-28/2022, in Chattanooga, TN.
15-JAN-22 STC-21-084 Reminder to Share Information on Additional Protocol Forms with Licensees to Assist in Meeting International Atomic Energy Agency Treaty Obligations (STC-21-084). STC-21-084 notifies Agreement States to remind their licensees of the Additional Protocol (AP) forms which provide the Federal Government with information needed to meet its International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) treaty obligations; reports are due starting 1/15/2022 and 1/31/2022.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, January 2, 2024