The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is in the process of rescinding or revising guidance and policies posted on this webpage in accordance with Executive Order 14151 Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing, and Executive Order 14168 Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government. In the interim, any previously issued diversity, equity, inclusion, or gender-related guidance on this webpage should be considered rescinded that is inconsistent with these Executive Orders.

Agreement State Action Items and Due Dates for 2020

NOTE: RCPD letters are non-publicly available and are currently located in a password protected site. If you are authorized to access RCPD letters, please sign-in at that site.

Agreement State Action Items and Due Dates
Action Due Date Agreement
State Letter
16-MAR-21 STC-20-062 Notification of the Issuance, and Opportunity to Comment on the Interim State Agreement (SA) Procedure, SA-202, Review of Regulations and Other Program Elements by the Standing Committee on Compatibility (STC-20-062). STC-20-062 provides the National Materials Program (NMP) community an opportunity to comment, and use the interim procedure, SA-202, Review of Regulations and Other Program Elements by the Standing Committee on Compatibility, up to the end of the comment period 03/16/2021.
15-MAR-21 STC-20-077 Opportunity to Comment on State Agreement (SA) Procedure, Periodic Meetings Between IMPEP Reviews (STC-20-077). STC-20-077 provides the National Materials Program (NMP) an opportunity to comment on the revised SA-116, Periodic Meetings Between IMPEP Reviews, by 60 days after 11/16/2020, i.e. 1/15/2021.
02-FEB-21 STC-20-080 Notification of the Opportunity to Comment on SA-112 Emergency Suspension (STC-20-080). STC-20-080 notifies the National Materials Program community that SA-112, Emergency Suspension of 274b Agreement, has been revised and issued for comment. Comments are due by 60 days from date of letter, i.e. 02/02/2021.
25-JAN-21 STC-20-085 Notification of Acceptance to the RESRAD Overview (H-408) Course (STC-20-085). STC-20-085 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the RESRAD Overview (H-408) course to be held January 25-29, 2021.
25-JAN-21 STC-20-084 Notification of Acceptance to the Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife and Other Uses (H-313) Course (STC-20-084). STC-20-084 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife and Other Uses (H-313) Course to be held January 25-29, 2021.
15-JAN-21 STC-20-078 Reminder to Share Information on Additional Protocol Forms with Licensees to Assist in Meeting International Atomic Energy Agency Treaty Obligations (STC-20-078). STC-20-078 notifies States to remind their licensees of the Additional Protocol (AP) forms which provide the Federal Government with information needed to meet its International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) treaty obligations.
11-JAN-21 STC-20-083 Notification of Acceptance to the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (H-304) Course (STC-20-083). STC-20-083 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (H-304) Course to be held January 11-15, 2021.
08-DEC-20 STC-20-079 Notification of December 8, 2020, Public Meeting to Discuss Radiopharmaceutical Extravasations (STC-20-079). STC-20-079 informs all States and State Liaison Officers that NRC's NMSS is holding a public meeting on 12/08/2020 to obtain medical community and other stakeholder feedback on radiopharmaceutical extravasations.
07-DEC-20 STC-20-072 Notification of Acceptance to the Safety Aspects of Industrial Radiography (H-305) Course (STC-20-072). STC-20-072 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Safety Aspects of Industrial Radiography (H-305) Course to be held 12/7-11/2020.
17-NOV-20 STC-20-076 Notification of Upcoming Public Meeting to Discuss Regulatory Relief for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Medical and Other Materials Licensees Related to the Ongoing Covid-19 Public Health Emergency (STC-20-076). STC-20-076 informs States that the NRC's Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) is holding a public meeting on 11/17/2020 to discuss the continuation of regulatory relief for NRC medical and other materials licensees related to the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency.
16-NOV-20 STC-20-065 Notification of Acceptance to the Inspection Procedures (G-108) Course (STC-20-065). STC-20-065 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Inspection Procedures (G-108) Course to be held November 16-20, 2020.
02-NOV-20 STC-20-063 Notification of Acceptance to the Advanced Health Physics (H-201) Course (STC-20-063). STC-20-063 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's virtual offering of the Advanced Health Physics (H-201) Course to be held November 2-6, 2020.
02-NOV-20 STC-20-071 Notice of Request for Comment: Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program Rulemaking (STC-20-071). STC-20-071 informs interested stakeholders of the NRC's publication of a direct final rule on the reactor vessel material surveillance program requirements for commercial light-water power reactors; comments are due 11/02/2020.
02-NOV-20 STC-20-059 Notification of the Intent to Review and Update the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants (NUREG-1437) (STC-20-059). STC-20-059 informs States and Indian Tribes that NRC intends to review and update NUREG-1437, "Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants - Final Report" (LR GEIS) with scoping webinars in August 2020 and comments due by 11/2/2020.
08-OCT-20 STC-20-060 Notice of Annual Organization of Agreement States and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors Commission Briefing (STC-20-060). STC-20-060 provides notice of the Annual Organization of Agreement States (OAS) and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) Commission briefing to be held remotely on October 8, 2020, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EST.
13-AUG-20 STC-20-051 Opportunity to Comment on Draft Revision to Management Directive and Handbook 5.8, "Proposed Section 274b. Agreements With States" (STC-20-051). STC-20-051 offers Agreement States the opportunity to comment on the proposed revisions to the Management Directive (MD) and Handbook 5.8, "Proposed Section 274B. Agreements with States." by 08/13/2020.
05-AUG-20 STC-20-047 Notification of Acceptance to rhe Sealed Source and Device Evaluation Workshop (G-116) Course (STC-20-047). STC-20-047 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Sealed Source and Device Evaluation Workshop (G-116) course to be held August 5-6 and August 12-13, 2020, virtually.
03-AUG-20 STC-20-020 Notification of Acceptance to the Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife And Other Uses (H-313) Course (STC-20-020). STC-20-020 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife and Other Uses (H-313) course to be held August 3-7, 2020, virtually.
30-JUL-20 STC-20-048 Projected Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program Schedules for Fiscal Years 2021-2023 (STC-20-048). STC-20-048 informs Agreement State program staff of the draft schedule of upcoming Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) reviews. Comments are welcomed until 07/30/2020.
27-JUL-20 STC-20-021 Notification of Acceptance to the Diagnostic And Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (H-304) Course (STC-20-021). STC-20-021 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (H-304) course to be held July 27-31, 2020, virtually.
20-JUL-20 STC-20-022 Notification of Acceptance to the Advanced Health Physics (H-201) Course (STC-20-022). STC-20-022 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Advanced Health Physics (H-201) course to be held July 20-24, 2020, virtually.
20-JUL-20 STC-20-027 Notification of Issuance of a Proposed Interpretative Rule: "Transfer Of Very Low-Level Waste To Exempt Persons For Disposal" (STC-20-027). STC-20-027 informs States that NRC staff has issued a proposed interpretative rule, "Transfer of Very Low-Level Waste to Exempt Persons for Disposal," for review and public comment by 07/20/2020.
03-JUL-20 STC-20-028 Opportunity to Comment on Draft Revision to Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Procedure SA-600, "Process And Criteria For Agreement State Personnel To Attend NRC-Sponsored Training" (STC-20-040). STC-20-040 provides the Agreement States with an opportunity to comment on the proposed revisions to the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) Procedure SA-600, "Process and Criteria for Agreement State Personnel to Attend NRC-Sponsored Training," preferably by 07/03/2020.
02-JUL-20 STC-20-045 Notice of Request for Comment on the Direct Final Rule: Social Security Number Fraud Prevention (STC-20-045). STC-20-045 notifies states of NRC's request for public comment on a direct final rule to implement the Social Security Number Fraud Prevention Act of 2017: comments are due 07/02/2020.
01-JUL-20 STC-20-028 Extension to the Comment Period for the State Agreement (SA) Procedures Implementing The Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP); and Update on Scheduled IMPEP Reviews (STC-20-028). STC-20-028 notifies States that (a) NRC is extending to 7/01/2020 the date for Agreement States to review and comment on multiple NMSS SA procedures implementing the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP), and (b) NRC is also evaluating the use of virtual communication technologies such as Skype or Webex to conduct IMPEP reviews and Management Review Board (MRB) meetings remotely during the period of restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
30-JUN-20 STC-20-036 Notification of the Intent to Conduct a Scoping Process and Prepare a Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Advanced Nuclear Reactors (STC-20-036). STC-20-036 informs States and Indian Tribes that NRC is preparing an Advanced Nuclear Reactor (ANR) Generic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for small-scale advanced nuclear reactors. A scoping webinar will be held on 05/28/2020 and comments are due on 6/30/2020.
23-JUN-20 STC-20-046 Notification of an Upcoming June 23, 2020, Public Meeting to Discuss a Proposed Change to the Vogtle Final Cultural Resource Management Plan (STC-20-046). STC-20-046 provides notice that NRC staff will conduct a 6/23/2020 public meeting to understand Southern Nuclear Operating Company's (SNC) plan to submit a proposed licensing action involving changes to routine maintenance activities of cultural properties along transmission line corridors.
23-JUN-20 STC-20-024 Notice of Annual Organization of Agreement States and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors Commission Briefing (STC-20-024). STC-20-024 provides notice of the Annual Organization of Agreement States (OAS) and Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) Commission briefing to be held at the NRC Headquarters, Commissioners' Conference Room, One White Flint North Building, Rockville, Maryland, on June 23, 2020, from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EST.
17-JUN-20 STC-20-041 Notice of Request for Comment: Proposed Rule for Emergency Preparedness for Small Modular Reactors and Other New Technologies (STC-20-041). STC-20-041 informs States and Tribes about, and includes a Federal Register Notice about, (a) NRC's request for public comment on the proposed rule to provide alternative emergency preparedness for small modular reactors (SMRs) and other new technologies (ONTs), (b) the publication of the NRC's draft regulatory guide DG-1350, "Performance-Based Emergency Preparedness for Small Modular Reactors, Non-Light-Water Reactors, and Non-Power Production or Utilization Facilities," for public comment by 07/27/2020; and (3) a public meeting tentatively scheduled for 06/17/2020.
17-MAY-20 STC-20-026 Notice of Request for Comment: Individual Monitoring Devices Rulemaking (STC-20-026). STC-20-026 provides notification of NRC's Federal Register request for public comment on the direct final rule to authorize the use of modern individual monitoring devices in industrial radiographic, irradiator, and well logging operations.
11-MAY-20 STC-20-019 Acceptance to the Safety Aspects of Industrial Radiography (H-305) Course (STC-20-019). STC-20-019 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Safety Aspects of Industrial Radiography (H-305) course to be held May 11-15, 2020, in St. Rose, Louisiana.
05-MAY-20 STC-20-037 Information and Seminar Regarding Temporary Exemptions from Certain U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Materials Licensees Subject To 10 CFR Part 37 Regulations During The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (STC-20-037). STC-20-037 informs readers about: 1) NRC's consideration of temporary exemptions for materials licensees subject to Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 37; and 2) a May 5, 2020, public meeting to discuss how NRC licensees can request expedited temporary regulatory relief during the COVID-19 public health emergency through submission of certain exemption requests.
04-MAY-20 STC-20-017 Notification of Acceptance to Air Sampling for Radioactive Materials (H-119) Course (STC-20-017). STC-20-017 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Air Sampling for Radioactive Materials (H-119) course to be held 5/4-8/2020 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
04-MAY-20 STC-20-016 Notification of Acceptance to the Licensing Practices and Procedures (G-109) Course (STC-20-016). STC-20-016 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Licensing Practices and Procedures (G-109) course scheduled to be held 5/4-7/2020 in Chattanooga, TN.
27-APR-20 STC-20-015 Notification of Acceptance to the Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife and Other Uses (H-313) Course (STC-20-015). STC-20-015 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife and Other Uses (H-313) Course to be held 4/27-5/1/2020 in Houston, Texas.
27-APR-20 STC-20-014 Notification of Acceptance to the Safety Aspects of Well Logging (H-314) Course (STC-20-014). STC-20-014 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Safety Aspects of Well Logging (H-314) course to be held 4/27-5/1/2020 in Sugar Land, Texas.
27-APR-20 STC-20-013 Notification of Acceptance to the Inspection Procedures (G-108) Course (STC-20-013). STC-20-013 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Inspection Procedures (G-108) course to be held 4/27-5/1/2020 in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
27-APR-20 STC-20-012 Notification of Acceptance to Environmental Monitoring for Radioactivity (H-111) Course (STC-20-012). STC-20-012 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Environmental Monitoring for Radioactivity (H-111) course to be held 4/27-5/1/2020 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
23-APR-20 STC-20-033 Information and Seminar Regarding Temporary Exemptions from Certain U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Materials Licensees Subject to 10 CFR Parts 30 and 34 Regulations During The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (STC-20-033). STC-20-033 provides information about: 1) NRC's consideration of temporary exemptions for materials licensees subject to Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Parts 30 and 34, and 2) an April 23, 2020 seminar to discuss how NRC licensees can request temporary regulatory relief during the COVID-19 public health emergency through submission of certain exemption requests.
22-APR-20 STC-20-032 Seminar with Medical Licensees to Request Temporary Regulatory Relief During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (STC-20-032). STC-20-032 informs States and Indian Tribes that NRC is holding a seminar on April 22, 2020, to discuss how NRC medical licensees can request temporary regulatory relief during the COVID-19 public health emergency through submission of certain exemption requests.
20-APR-20 STC-20-023 Notification of Major Revision to Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2800, "Materials Inspection Program" and Canceling of IMC 1220, "Processing Of NRC Form 241, 'Report Of Proposed Activities In Non-Agreement States, Areas Of Exclusive Federal Jurisdiction, And Offshore Waters,' And Inspection Of Agreement State Licensees Operating Under 10 CFR 150.20" (STC-20-023). STC-20-023 informs States that a major revision to the NMSS Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2800, "Materials Inspection Program" was issued and became effective at the NRC on 03/02/2020. Additionally, IMC 1220, "Processing of NRC Form 241, 'Report of Proposed Activities in Non-Agreement States, Areas of Exclusive Federal Jurisdiction, and Offshore Waters,' and Inspection of Agreement State Licensees Operating Under 10 CFR 150.20" was cancelled on 03/02/2020. The Standing Committee for Compatibility will discuss the Phase 2 revisions at their 4/20/2020 meeting to determine the compatibility and implementation implications for the Agreement States.
20-APR-20 STC-20-010 Notification of Acceptance to the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (H-304) Course (STC-20-010). STC-20-010 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (H-304) Course to be held 4/20-24/2020 in Houston, TX.
20-APR-20 STC-20-009 Notification of Acceptance to the RESRAD Overview (H-408) Course (STC-20-009). STC-20-009 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's RESRAD Overview (H-408) course to be held 4/20-24/2020 in Chattanooga, TN.
06-APR-20 STC-20-011 Notice of Request for Comment: Retrospective Review of Administrative Requirements (STC-20-011). STC-20-011 notifies readers of NRC's request in the Federal Register for public comments on the retrospective review of administrative requirements initiative, due 04/06/2020.
01-APR-20 STC-20-005 Notification of the Issuance, and Opportunity to Comment on the Following Interim Procedures Related to the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) (STC-20-005): SA-105, Technical Quality of Incident and Allegation Activities, SA-106, Management Review Board, SA-108, Sealed Source and Device Evaluation Program, SA-110, Uranium Recovery Program. STC-20-005 informs the National Materials Program (NMP) community that NMSS State Agreements procedures SA105, SA 106, SA108, and SA-110 have been approved for use as interim procedures; and offers the NMP community an opportunity to comment on these interim procedures by 04/01/2020.
01-APR-20 STC-20-004 Notification of the Issuance, and Opportunity to Comment on the Following Interim Procedures Related to the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) (STC-20-004): SA-100, Implementation of Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) SA-104, Technical Quality of Licensing. STC-20-004 informs the National Materials, Program (NMP) community Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) State Agreements (SA) procedures SA-100 and SA-104 have been approved for use as interim procedures; and provides the NMP community an opportunity to comment on the these interim procedures.
01-APR-20 STC-19-079 Notification of the Issuance, and Opportunity to Comment on the Following Interim Procedures Related to the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) (STC-19-079): SA-101, Status of Materials Inspection Program; SA-102, Technical Quality of Inspections; SA-103, Technical Staffing and Training; SA-109, Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Program. STC-19-079 notifies the National Materials Program (NMP) community that NMSS SA procedures SA-101, SA-102, SA-103, and SA-109 have been revised and issued for use on an interim basis until July 31, 2020, to allow NRC and Agreement State staff in the NMP community to provide comments up to April 1, 2020.
01-APR-20 STC-19-078 Notification of the Issuance, and Opportunity to Comment on the Following Interim Procedures Related to the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) (STC-19-078): SA-107, Reviewing the Non-Common Performance Indicator: Legislation, Regulations, And Other Program Elements; SA-200, Compatibility Categories and Health and Safety Identification For NRC Regulations and Other Program Elements; and SA-201, Review Of State Regulatory Requirements. STC-19-078 informs the National Materials Program (NMP) community that NMSS State Agreements (SA) procedures SA-107, SA-200, and SA-201 have been approved for use as interim procedures; and offers the NMP community an opportunity to comment on the three interim procedures.
17-MAR-20 STC-20-002 Notification of Acceptance to the Root Cause Workshop (G-205) Course (STC-20-002). STC-20-002 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Root Cause Workshop (G-205) course to be held 3/17-20/2020, in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
16-MAR-20 STC-20-001 Acceptance to the Safety Aspects of Industrial Radiography (H-305) Course (STC-20-001). STC-20-001 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Safety Aspects of Industrial Radiography (H-305) course to be held 3/16-20/2020, in St. Rose, Louisiana.
18-FEB-20 STC-19-075 Opportunity to Comment on Draft NUREG-2155, Revision 2, "Implementation Guidance For 10 CFR Part 37, 'Physical Protection Of Category 1 And Category 2 Quantities Of Radioactive Material'" (STC-19-075). STC-19-075 provides Agreement States with the opportunity to comment on the NMSS draft NUREG-2155, Revision 2, "Implementation Guidance for 10 CFR Part 37, 'Physical Protection of Category 1 and Category 2 Quantities of Radioactive Material,'" up to 02/18/2020.
12-FEB-20 STC-19-065 Notification of the Fiscal Year 2020 Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program Team Member Training (STC-19-065). STC-19-065 informs States of the upcoming Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) team member training starting 2/12/2020 and solicits interested participants.
15-JAN-20 STC-19-070 Reminder to Share Information on Additional Protocol Forms with Licensees to Assist in Meeting International Atomic Energy Agency Treaty Obligations (STC-19-070). STC-19-070 (ADAMS ML19297E713) asks States to remind their licensees of the Additional Protocol (AP) forms which provide the Federal Government with information needed to meet its International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) treaty obligations. Submit AP forms by 01/31/2020 to Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). Submit reports of exports of nuclear facilities, equipment, and certain non-nuclear materials shipped by licensees under general license or specific license during the previous quarter, by 01/15/2020, 04/15/2020, 07/15/2020, and 10/15/2020, to BIS on DOC/NRC Forms AP-M or AP-13.
13-JAN-20 STC-19-072 Notification of Acceptance to the Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife and Other Uses (H-313) Course (STC-19-072). STC-19-072 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Brachytherapy, Gamma Knife and Other Uses (H-313) Course to be held January 13-17, 2020, in Houston, Texas.
05-JAN-20 STC-19-071 Notification of Acceptance to the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (H-304) Course (STC-19-071). STC-19-071 notifies States of students selected to attend NRC's Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine (H-304) Course to be held January 6-10, 2020, in Houston, Texas.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, April 11, 2024