Document Number |
Title |
Publish Date |
RIL–107 |
RELAP/MOD7 Computer Program |
12/16/1980 |
RIL–106 |
Racho Seco Building Wake Effects on Atmospheric Dispersion |
11/28/1980 |
RIL–105 |
Geophysical Correlations and Modeling of a Selected Area Across the Clinton-Newbury/Bloody Bluff Fault Zones in Northeastern Massachusetts |
09/19/1980 |
RIL–104 |
The Bioaccumulation Factor for Phophorus-32 in Edible Fish Tissue |
09/08/1980 |
RIL–103 |
Best Estimate-Evaluation Method (BE-EM) Applied Calculation of Three Dimensional Seismic Response |
09/13/1980 |
RIL–102 |
Structural Building Response Revise: Phase I of Project IV of the Seismic Safety Margins Research Program |
09/12/1980 |
RIL–101 |
Peripheral Shearing Strength of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements with Biaxial Reinforcing Subjected to Tension |
09/01/1980 |
RIL–100 |
The Visual Aesthetic Impact of Alternative Closed Cycle Cooling Systems |
08/25/1980 |
RIL–99 |
Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for External Exposure to Photon and Electron Radiation |
08/01/1980 |
RIL–98 |
Light Water Reactor Status Monitoring During Accident Conditions |
08/18/1980 |
RIL–97 |
An Econometric Study of Electricity Demand by Manufacturing Industries |
08/18/1980 |
RIL–96 |
Adequacy of Currently Utilized Radiation Test Sources to Simulate the Loss-of-Coolant Design Basis Accident |
08/08/1980 |
RIL–95 |
Positron Annihilation for Non-Destructive Examination |
08/05/1980 |
RIL–94 |
Transfer of Documentation for the Fixed-Site Neutralization Model |
08/05/1980 |
RIL–93 |
ISEM Adversary Sequence Evaluation Model |
08/05/1980 |
RIL–91 |
ACPR Experiments on Prompt-Burst Energetics with Fresh Uranium Carbide Fuel |
06/02/1980 |
RIL-90 |
RELAP-4/MOD 6 Assessment |
05/22/1980 |
RIL-89 |
Structural and Mechanical Component Test Techniques |
05/11/1980 |
RIL-88 |
Design Criteria for Closely-Spaced Nozzles in Pressure Vessels |
04/25/1980 |
RIL-87 |
Econometric Model for the Disaggregation of State-Level Electricity Demand Forecasts to the Service Area |
04/04/1980 |
RIL-86 |
A Gas Scintillation Proportional Counter for Measuring Plutonium in Humans and the Environment |
04/04/1980 |
RIL-85 |
An Integrated Geophysical and Geological Study of the Tectonic Framework of the 38th Parallel Lineament in the Vicinity of Its Intersection with the Extension of the New Madrid Fault Zone – Annual Progress Report Fiscal Year 1979 – Purdue University |
03/24/1980 |
RIL-84 |
Study of Liquefacation Resulting from Earthquake of February 4, 1976, Near Lake Amatitlan, Guatemala |
03/24/1980 |
RIL-83 |
Steam Generator Tube Integrity |
03/24/1980 |
RIL-82 |
Three Mile Island Telephone Survey: Preliminary Report on Procedures and Findings and the Social and Economical Effects of the Accident at Three Mile Island: Findings to Date |
02/29/1980 |
RIL-81 |
Irradiated-Fuel Disruption Under LOF Accident Conditions: Results of ACPR Test Series FD-1 and the FISGAS Code |
02/28/1980 |
RIL–80 |
Determining Effectiveness of ALARA Design and Operational Features |
01/15/1980 |