Research Information Letters – 1979

Document Number Title Publish Date
RIL-79 An Evaluation of Seismic Qualification Tests for Nuclear Power Plant Equipment's 12/28/1979
RIL-78 Vertical Loads in Mark I Containment Torus 12/28/1979
RIL-77 The Origin of Surface Lineaments in Nemaha County, Kansas 12/28/1979
RIL-76 Annealing of Irradiated Reactor Pressure Vessels 12/28/1979
RIL–75 Inventory, Detection, and Catalog of Oklahoma Earthquakes and Earthquake Map of Oklahoma 11/27/1979
RIL–74 The Steady-State Fuel Rod Behavior Code: FRAPCON-1 11/16/1979
RIL–73 In Vivo Counting as Selected Uranium Mills 11/16/1979
RIL-72 New England Seismotectonic Study Activities During Fiscal Years 1977 and 1978 11/16/1979
RIL-71 Regional Tectonics and Seismicity of Eastern Nebraska Annual Report June 1, 1977 – May 30, 1978 11/19/1979
RIL-70 Seismicity and Tectonic Relationships of the NEMAHA Uplift in Oklahoma, Part II, January 1979 11/19/1979
RIL-69 An Integrated Geophysical and Geological Study of the Tectonic Framework of the 38th Parallel Lineament in the Vicinity of its Intersection with the Extension of the New Madrid Fault Zone 11/19/1979
RIL-68 Structural Integrity of Weld Repaired Pressure Vessels 11/11/1979
RIL-67 Reflooding of Simulated PWR Cores at Low Flow Rates 11/06/1979
RIL-66 A Study of the Regional Tectonics and Seismicity of Eastern Kansas – Summary of Project Activities and Results to the End of the Second Year or September 30, 1978 11/06/1979
RIL-65 Reconnaissance Bedrock Geologic Map of the Marlborough Quadrangle, Massachusetts, and Reconnaissance Bedrock Geologic Map of the Shrewsbury Quadrangle, Massachusetts 11/05/1979
RIL-64 A Revised and Augmented List of Earthquake Intensities For Kansas, 1867-1977 11/01/1979
RIL-63 LOFT Reactor Safety Program Research Results From Nuclear Loss-Of-Coolant Experiments L2-2 and L-2-3 11/01/1979
RIL-62 New Madrid Seismotectonic Study 10/18/1979
RIL-61 Molten Sodium Interaction with Basalt Concrete 10/11/1979
RIL-58 Comparison of Simulation Models Used in Assessing the Effects of Power Plant Induced Mortality on Fish Populations 08/29/1979
RIL-57 Small Scale ECC Bypass Research Results 08/19/1979
RIL-56 Effects of Nuclear Power Plants on Community Growth and Residential Property Values 07/25/1979
RIL-55 The Concept Computer Code and Capital Costs for High and Low Sulfur Coal Plants – 1200 MWe 05/29/1979
RIL-54 The Set Equation Transformation System 05/15/1979
RIL-53 Debris-Bed Coolability Limits, Results From In-Core Test D-1, D-2, and D-3 05/10/1979
RIL-52 Earthquake Intensity Scale 04/23/1979
RIL-51 The Concept Computer Code and Capital Cost for Pressurized Water Reactor Plant 04/12/1979
RIL-50 Criticality Safety Guidance 04/06/1979
RIL-49 In Vitro Dissolution of Uranium Product Samples from Four Uranium Mills 04/04/1979
RIL-48 A Tectonic Overview of the Midcontinent 04/03/1979
RIL-47 Inrem II: A Computer Implementation of Recent Models for Estimating the Dose Equivalent to Organs of Man from an Inhaled or Ingested Radionuclide 03/19/1979
RIL-46 Effectiveness of Cable Tray Coating Materials and Barriers in Retarding the Combustion of Cable Trays Subjected to Exposure Fires and in Preventing Propagation Between Cable Trays (Horizontal Open Space Configuration) 02/12/1979
RIL-45 The Concept Computer Code and Capital Costs for Bowling Water Reactor Plants 02/11/1979
RIL-44 Radiation Dose to Construction Workers at Operating Nuclear Power Plant Sites 01/04/1979
RIL-43 The Super System Code, A Computer Program for Dynamic Simulation of LMFBR Power Plants 01/02/1979

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