Document Number |
Title |
Publish Date |
RIL-128 |
PWR Lower Plenum Refill Research Results |
12/08/1981 |
RIL-127 |
Heat Transfer and Hydraulics During a BWR Large-Break LOCA |
12/04/1981 |
RIL-126 |
BWR Small-Break Tests |
12/04/1981 |
RIL-125 |
TRAC-PD2 "An Advanced Best- Estimate Computer Program for PWR LOCA Analysis |
09/11/1981 |
RIL–124 |
Control Room Alarms and Annunciators |
10/20/1981 |
RIL–123 |
Performance of Electrical Terminal Blocks Exposed to a LOCA or Steam Environment |
07/02/1981 |
RIL–122 |
Impedance Testing at the Kuosheng Nuclear Power Station |
06/24/1981 |
RIL–121 |
CORCON–MOD1 an Improved Computer Model for the Interaction Behavior of Molten Core Materials with Concrete |
05/27/1981 |
RIL–120 |
Applications of the COMMIX 3-Dimensional Thermal Hydraulic Computer Codes |
04/13/1981 |
RIL–119 |
Development of Best-Estimate Component Code-K-Fix (3D, FLX) |
04/14/1981 |
RIL–118 |
Variation of the Resonance Component of the Doppler Coefficient with Depletion |
04/14/1981 |
RIL - 117 |
Probability of Large LOCA Induced by Earthquakes |
04/10/1981 |
RIL–116 |
Mathematical Phantoms Representing Children of Various Ages for Use in Estimates of Internal Dose |
03/02/1981 |
RIL–115 |
Independent Assessment of TRAC–PIA Computer Code |
02/25/1981 |
RIL–114 |
Piping Benchmark Problems |
02/18/1981 |
RIL–113 |
Reliability of Inservie Inspection for Primary Piping Systems |
01/29/1981 |
RIL–112 |
Health Status and Body Radioactivity of Form Thorium Workers |
01/29/1981 |
RIL–111 |
Acute Effects of Inhalation Exposure to Uranium Hexafluoride and Patterns of Deposition |
01/26/1981 |
RIL–110 |
Relative Hazard of Radioiodine as a Function of Quality and Age at Exposure |
01/16/1981 |
RIL–109 |
WRAP–BWR–EM (Water Reactor Analysis Package-Boiling Water Reactor – Evaluation Model) |
01/06/1981 |
RIL–108 |
WRAP–PWR–EM (Water Reactor Analysis Package-Pressurized Water Reactor – Evaluation Model) |
01/06/1981 |