Section |
Title |
Rev. |
Date Updated |
7.0 |
Instrumentation and Controls - Overview of Review Process |
Rev. 7 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 7 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 6 |
05/2010 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Appendix 7.0-A |
Review Process for Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
7.1 |
Instrumentation and Controls - Introduction |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 3 |
02/1984 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
7.1-T |
Table 7-1 Regulatory Requirements, Acceptance Criteria, and Guidelines for Instrumentation and Control Systems Important to Safety |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Second Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 3 |
02/1984 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
Appendix 7.1-A |
Acceptance Criteria and Guidelines for Instrumentation and Controls Systems Important to Safety |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Second Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 1 |
02/1984 |
Rev. 0 |
07/1981 |
Appendix 7.1-B |
Guidance for Evaluation of Conformance to IEEE Std 279 |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 0 |
07/1981 |
Appendix 7.1-C |
Guidance for Evaluation of Conformance to IEEE Std 603 |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Appendix 7.1-D |
Guidance for Evaluation of the Application of IEEE Std 7-4.3.2 |
Rev. 1 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 1 |
08/2015 |
Initial Issuance |
03/2007 |
7.2 |
Reactor Trip System |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
7.3 |
Engineered Safety Features Systems |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
7.4 |
Safe Shutdown Systems |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
7.5 |
Information Systems Important to Safety |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 3 |
02/1984 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
7.6 |
Interlock Systems Important to Safety |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
7.7 |
Control Systems |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 3 |
02/1984 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
7.8 |
Diverse Instrumentation and Control Systems |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
7.9 |
Data Communication Systems |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Appendix 7-A |
General Agenda, Station Site Visits
(formerly Appendix 7-B) |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
Appendix 7-B |
Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Glossary
(formerly Appendix 7-C) |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Branch Technical Positions (BTPs) |
Branch Technical Positions (BTPs) - Index |
"Former Appendix 7-A,
Branch Technical Positions (BTPs) has been separated into individual sections."
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
BTP 7-1 |
Guidance on Isolation of Low-Pressure Systems from the High-Pressure Reactor Coolant System |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
BTP 7-2 |
Guidance on Requirements of Motor-Operated Valves in the Emergency Core Cooling System Accumulator Lines |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
BTP 7-3 |
Guidance on Protection System Trip Point Changes for Operation with Reactor Coolant Pumps Out of Service |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
BTP 7-4 |
Guidance on Design Criteria for Auxiliary Feedwater Systems |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
BTP 7-5 |
Guidance on Spurious Withdrawals of Single Control Rods in Pressurized Water Reactors |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
BTP 7-6 |
Guidance on Design of Instrumentation and Controls Provided to Accomplish Changeover from Injection to Recirculation Mode |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
HICB-7, Not Used |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
BTP 7-8 |
Guidance for Application of Regulatory Guide 1.22 |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
BTP 7-9 |
Guidance on Requirements for Reactor Protection System Anticipatory Trips |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
BTP 7-10 |
Guidance on Application of Regulatory Guide 1.97 |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
BTP 7-11 |
Guidance on Application and Qualification of Isolation Devices |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
BTP 7-12 |
Guidance on Establishing and Maintaining Instrument Setpoints |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
BTP 7-13 |
Guidance on Cross-Calibration of Protection System Resistance Temperature Detectors |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
BTP 7-14 |
Guidance on Software Reviews for Digital Computer-Based Instrumentation and Control Systems |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
HICB-15, Not Used |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
HICB-16, Guidance on the Level of Detail Required for Design Certification Applications Under 10 CFR Part 52 (Information included in Regulatory Guide 1.206, “Combined License Applications for Nuclear Power Plants”) |
*Withdrawn Rev. 4 |
02/2007 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
BTP 7-17 |
Guidance on Self-Test and Surveillance Test Provisions |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
BTP 7-18 |
Guidance on the Use of Programmable Logic Controllers in Digital Computer-Based Instrumentation and Control Systems |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
BTP 7-19 |
Guidance for Evaluation of Defense in Depth and Diversity to Address Common-Cause-Failure Due to Latent Design Defects in Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems |
Rev. 9 |
05/2024 |
Rev. 8 |
01/2021 |
Rev. 7 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 7 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 6 |
07/2012 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
HICB-20, Not Used |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |
Rev. 2 |
07/1981 |
Rev. 1 |
07/1978 |
Rev. 0 |
11/1975 |
BTP 7-21 |
Guidance on Digital Computer Real-Time Performance |
Rev. 6 |
08/2016 |
Draft Rev. 6 |
08/2015 |
Rev. 5 |
03/2007 |
Rev. 4 |
06/1997 |