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Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition — Transient and Accident Analysis (NUREG-0800, Chapter 15)

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Section Title Rev. Date Updated
15.0 Introduction - Transient and Accident Analyses Draft Rev. 4 07/2023
Rev. 3 03/2007
Draft Rev. 3 06/1996
Rev. 2 07/1981
Rev. 1 08/1978
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.0.1 Radiological Consequence Analyses Using Alternative Source Terms Rev. 0 07/2000
15.0.2 Review of Transient and Accident Analysis Method Rev. 0 03/2007
Initial Issuance 12/2005
Draft Rev. 0 01/2003
15.0.3 Design Basis Accident Radiological Consequences of Analyses for Advanced Light Water Reactors Initial Issuance 03/2007
15.1.1 - 15.1.4 Decrease in Feedwater Temperature, Increase in Feedwater Flow, Increase in Steam Flow, and Inadvertent Opening of a Steam Generator Relief or Safety Valve Rev. 2 03/2007
Draft Rev. 2 06/1996
Rev. 1 07/1981
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.1.5 Steam System Piping Failures Inside and Outside of Containment (PWR) Rev. 3 03/2007
Draft Rev. 3 06/1996
Rev. 2 07/1981
Rev. 1 08/1978
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.1.5.A* Radiological Consequences of Main Steam Line Failures Outside Containment of a PWR
Rev. 2 07/1981
Rev. 1 08/1978
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.2.1 - 15.2.5 Loss of External Load; Turbine Trip; Loss of Condenser Vacuum; Closure of Main Steam Isolation Valve (BWR); and Steam Pressure Regulator Failure (Closed) Rev. 2 03/2007
Draft Rev. 2 06/1996
Rev. 1 07/1981
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.2.6 Loss of Nonemergency AC Power to the Station Auxiliaries Rev. 2 03/2007
Draft Rev. 2 06/1996
Rev. 1 07/1981
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.2.7 Loss of Normal Feedwater Flow Rev. 2 03/2007
Draft Rev. 2 06/1996
Rev. 1 07/1981
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.2.8 Feedwater System Pipe Breaks Inside and Outside Containment (PWR) Rev. 2 03/2007
Draft Rev. 2 06/1996
Rev. 1 07/1981
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.3.1 - 15.3.2 Loss of Forced Reactor Coolant Flow Including Trip of Pump Motor and Flow Controller Malfunctions Rev. 2 03/2007
Draft Rev. 2 06/1996
Rev. 1 07/1981
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.3.3 - 15.3.4 Reactor Coolant Pump Rotor Seizure and Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Break Rev. 3 03/2007
Draft Rev. 3 06/1996
Rev. 2 07/1981
Rev. 1 08/1978
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.4.1 Uncontrolled Control Rod Assembly Withdrawal from a Subcritical or Low Power Startup Condition Rev. 3 03/2007
Draft Rev. 3 06/1996
Rev. 2 07/1981
Rev. 1 04/1978
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.4.2 Uncontrolled Control Rod Assembly Withdrawal at Power Rev. 3 03/2007
Draft Rev. 3 06/1996
Rev. 2 07/1981
Rev. 1 04/1978
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.4.3 Control Rod Misoperation (System Malfunction or Operator Error) Rev. 3 03/2007
Draft Rev. 3 06/1996
Rev. 2 07/1981
Rev. 1 04/1978
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.4.4 - 15.4.5 Startup of an Inactive Loop or Recirculation Loop at an Incorrect Temperature, and Flow Controller Malfunction Causing an Increase in BWR Core Flow Rate Rev. 2 03/2007
Draft Rev. 2 06/1996
Rev. 1 07/1981
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.4.6 Inadvertent Decrease in Boron Concentration in the Reactor Coolant System (PWR) Rev. 2 03/2007
Draft Rev. 2 06/1996
Rev. 1 07/1981
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.4.7 Inadvertent Loading and Operation of a Fuel Assembly in an Improper Position Rev. 2 03/2007
Draft Rev. 2 06/1996
Rev. 1 07/1981
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.4.8 Spectrum of Rod Ejection Accidents (PWR) Rev. 3 03/2007
Draft Rev. 3 06/1996
Rev. 2 07/1981
Rev. 1 04/1978
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.4.8.A Radiological Consequences of a Control Rod Ejection Accident (PWR)
Rev. 1 07/1981
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.4.9 Spectrum of Rod Drop Accidents (BWR) Rev. 3 03/2007
Draft Rev. 3 06/1996
Rev. 2 07/1981
Rev. 1 04/1978
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.4.9.A* Radiological Consequences of Control Rod Drop Accident (BWR)
Rev. 2 07/1981
Rev. 1 04/1978
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.5.1 - 15.5.2 Inadvertent Operation of ECCS and Chemical and Volume Control System Malfunction that Increases Reactor Coolant Inventory Rev. 2 03/2007
Draft Rev. 2 06/1996
Rev. 1 07/1981
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.6.1 Inadvertent Opening of a PWR Pressurizer Pressure Relief Valve or a BWR Pressure Relief Valve Rev. 2 03/2007
Draft Rev. 2 04/1996
Rev. 1 07/1981
15.6.2* Radiological Consequences of the Failure of Small Lines Carrying Primary Coolant Outside Containment
Rev. 2 07/1981
Rev. 1 07/1978
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.6.3* Radiological Consequences of Steam Generator Tube Failure
Rev. 2 07/1981
Rev. 1 12/1978
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.6.4* Radiological Consequences of Main Steam Line Failure Outside Containment (BWR)
Rev. 2 07/1981
Rev. 1 07/1978
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.6.5 Loss-of-Coolant Accidents Resulting From Spectrum of Postulated Piping Breaks Within the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Rev. 3 03/2007
Draft Rev. 3 06/1996
Rev. 2 07/1981
Rev. 1 08/1978
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.6.5.A* Radiological Consequences of a Design Basis Loss-of-Coolant Accident Including Containment Leakage Contribution
Rev. 1 07/1981
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.6.5.B* Radiological Consequences of a Design Basis Loss-of-Coolant Accident: Leakage From Engineered Safety Feature Components Outside Containment Rev. 1 07/1981
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.6.5.D* Radiological Consequences of a Design Basis Loss-of-Coolant Accident: Leakage From Main Steam Isolation Valve Leakage Control System (BWR)
Rev. 1 07/1981
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.7.3** Postulated Radioactive Releases Due to Liquid-Containing Tank Failures
Rev. 2 07/1981
Rev. 1 07/1978
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.7.4* Radiological Consequences of Fuel Handling Accidents
Rev. 1 07/1981
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.7.5* Spent Fuel Cask Drop Accidents
Rev. 2 07/1981
Rev. 1 12/1978
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.8 Anticipated Transients Without Scram Rev. 2 03/2007
Rev. 1 07/1981
Rev. 0 11/1975
15.9 Boiling Water Reactor Stability Initial Issuance 03/2007

* For new license applications see SRP Section 15.0.3.
** The technical content has been relocated to Branch Technical position 11.6.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, October 3, 2023