Date |
Meeting Purpose |
NRC/DOE Agreements |
04/03-04/2008 |
NRC/DOE Technical Exchange on Total System Performance Assessment
N/A |
04/02/2008 |
NRC/DOE Technical Exchange on Infiltration
N/A |
09/13/2007 |
NRC/DOE Technical Exchange and Management Meeting on Licensing Process Topic
N/A |
08/16/2007 |
NRC/DOE Technical Exchange on Criticality
N/A |
06/28/2007 |
NRC/DOE Technical Exchange on Physical Protection, Material Control & Accounting, and Emergency Planning
N/A |
06/26/2007 |
NRC/DOE Technical Exchange on Quality Assurance
N/A |
05/30/2007 |
NRC/DOE Technical Exchange on Preclosure Facility Layout and Operations
N/A |
11/7-9/2006 |
NRC/DOE Technical Exchange on Preclosure Topics
N/A |
10/24-25/2006 |
NRC/DOE Technical Exchange on Total System Performance Assessment
N/A |
08/29/2006 |
NRC/DOE Technical Exchange on Design Changes Approved through DOE's Critical Decision-1 (CD-1) Process
N/A |
06/07/2006 |
NRC/DOE Technical Exchange and Management Meeting Seismic Design Methodology and Performance Demonstration
N/A |
05/16-17/2006 |
NRC/DOE Technical Exchange and Management Meeting on Preclosure Safety Analysis and Supporting Information
N/A |
07/20/2005 |
NRC/DOE Technical Exchange on Information to Support 10 CFR Part 63 Analyses
N/A |
06/01/2005 |
Interim Summary of the NRC/DOE Technical Exchange on Preclosure Interaction Plans and Aircraft Hazards (includes Agenda, Attendees, and Presentations)
N/A |
05/19/2005 |
Technical Exchange on Yucca Mountain Project Performance Indicators and Safety Conscious Work Environment
N/A |
02/10/2005 |
Discuss Quality Assurance Requirements and Description – Revision 17
N/A |
9/14-15/2004 |
To discuss the geologic repository operations area design and the preclosure safety analysis for surface and subsurface facilities
N/A |
05/12/2004 |
To discuss DOE's methodology for identifying structures, systems, and components (SSCs) Important to Safety
N/A |
05/05/2004 |
To discuss the results of NRC Staff Evaluation of DOE Analysis Model Reports, Process Controls, and Corrective Actions
N/A |
05/03/2004 |
To discuss DOE's Performance Indicator
N/A |
02/25/2004 |
To discuss NRC's requirements for physical protection and materials control and accounting for the proposed geologic high-level waste repository at Yucca Mountain
N/A |
02/03/2004 |
To discuss the content of DOE's proposed license application for a geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, and NRC's risk-informed approach for review of the license application
N/A |
09/30/2003 |
Discuss DOE's plan for the identification and estimation of aircraft hazards of the proposed license application for a high-level waste geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, NV
N/A |
09/23/2003 |
To discuss DOE's revised integrated and systematic strategy for resolution of KTI agreements
N/A |
07/01/2003 |
To discuss NRC's response to DOE's Igneous Consequences Peer Review Report
N/A |
06/04-05/2003 |
To discuss (1) the current scope of waste package design information in the license application, (2) application of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code to the waste package design, (3) status of ongoing work to resolve Key Technical Issues, and (4) an update on postclosure seismic evaluations as it applies to the proposed geological repository at Yucca Mountain
N/A |
05/15/2003 |
To discuss DOE's current approach on the use of risk information to resolve Key Technical Issue Agreements as it applies to the proposed geological repository at Yucca Mountain
N/A |
05/06-08/2003 |
1. To review and discuss the geological rock properties testing and modeling work conducted in the past year aimed at resolution of RDTME agreement items.
2. To receive NRC feedback on DOE's resolution strategy and adequacy of data and modeling conducted thus far.
3. To define the path forward on any remaining information needs prior to a License Application submittal.
03/05-06/2003 |
To discuss DOE's current approach to the disposal of the DOE owned spent nuclear fuel as it applies to the proposed geologic repository at Yucca Mountain
N/A |
02/26/2003 |
To discuss DOE's strategy to develop its Performance Confirmation Plan
N/A |
12/10/2002 |
To discuss electronic submissions related to the potential of proceedings for the proposed geologic repository at Yucca Mountain
N/A |
11/05-06/2002 |
To discuss a potential phased approach to the repository design, DOE document hierarchy, and license application design products
N/A |
07/23/2002 |
To discuss KTI agreements DOE plans to address FY 03-05 (All KTIs)
N/A |
06/25-26/2002 |
To discuss electronic submissions related to the potential of proceedings for the proposed geologic repository at Yucca Mountain
N/A |
04/25-26/2002 |
To discuss resolution of open issues related to Pre-Closure Safety
N/A |
04/15-16/2002 |
To discuss KTI agreements DOE plans to address in FY02 (All KTIs)
02/05/2002 |
To discuss future issue resolution meetings (All KTIs)
N/A |
09/18-19/2001 |
To discuss resolution of issues related to Range of Thermal Operating Temperatures (All KTIs)
09/05/2001 |
To discuss resolution of open issues related to Igneous Activity (KTI 1)
08/06-10/2001 |
To discuss resolution of open issues related to Total System Performance Assessment and Integration (KTI 9)
08/02/2001 |
To discuss resolution of issues related to Range of Thermal Operating Temperatures (All KTIs)
N/A |
07/24-26/2001 |
To discuss resolution of open issues related to Pre-Closure Safety
06/21-22/2001 |
To discuss resolution of open issues related to Igneous Activity (KTI 1)
05/15-17/2001 |
To discuss resolution of open issues related to Total System Performance Assessment and Integration (KTI 9)
02/06-08/2001 |
To discuss resolution of open issues related to Repository Design and Thermal-Mechanical Effects (KTI 6)
01/23/2001 |
To discuss DOE's results of its total system performance assessment
N/A |
01/09-12/2001 |
To discuss resolution of open issues related to the Evolution of the Near-Field Environment (KTI 3)
01/08-09/2001 |
To discuss resolution of open issues related to the Thermal Effects on Flow (KTI 5)
12/05-07/2000 |
To discuss resolution of open issues related to Radionuclide Transport (KTI 8)
10/31-11/02/2000 |
To discuss resolution of open issues relating to the saturated zone for the Unsaturated and Saturated Flow Under Isothermal Conditions (KTI 7)
10/23-24/2000 |
To discuss resolution of open issues related to the Criticality in the Container Life and Source Term, Evolution of the Near-Field Geochemical Environment, and Radionuclide Transport (KTI 3, 4, and 8)
10/11-13/2000 |
To discuss resolution of open issues related to the Structural Deformation and Seismicity (KTI 2)
09/12-13/2000 |
To discuss resolution of open issues related to the Container Life and Source Term (KTI 4)
08/29-31/2000 |
To discuss resolution of open issues related to the Igneous Activity (KTI 1)
08/16-17/2000 |
To discuss resolution of open issues relating to the unsaturated zone for the Unsaturated and Saturated Flow Under Isothermal Conditions (KTI 7)
06/06-07/2000 |
To discuss the integration of the individual process models within the Total System Performance Assessment (TSPA) and to discuss further the NRC's issues and resolution
N/A |