Date |
Title |
12/15/2000 |
Proposed Final Regulatory Guide DG-1053, "Calculational and Dosimetry Methods for Determining Pressure Vessel Neutron Fluence" |
12/14/2000 |
Proposed Revision to the Commission's Safety Goal Policy Statement for Reactors |
12/14/2000 |
Nuclear Energy Institute Draft Report, NEI 99-03, "Control Room Habitability Assessment Guidance" |
12/13/2000 |
South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 - Draft Safety Evaluation on Exemption Requests from Special Treatment Requirements of 10 CFR Parts 21, 50, and 100 |
12/21/2000 |
Proposed Framework for Risk-Informed Changes to the Technical Requirements of 10 CFR Part 50 |
11/20/2000 |
BWROG Proposal to Use Safety Relief Valves and Low Pressure Systems as a Redundant Safe Shutdown Path To Satisfy the Requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix R |
11/15/1999 |
License Renewal Guidance Documents |
11/13/2000 |
Draft Safety Evaluation Report Related to "Justification for Not Including Postulated Breaks in Large-Bore Reactor Coolant System Piping in the Licensing Basis for Existing and Replacement Once-Through Steam Generators" (BAW-2374, Rev. 0, July 2000) |
11/08/2000 |
Draft Final Technical Study of Spent Fuel Pool Accident Risk at Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants |
10/12/2000 |
Pressurized Thermal Shock Technical Basis Reevaluation Project |
10/11/2000 |
Proposed Revision to 10 CFR 73.55, "Requirements for Physical Protection of Licensed Activities in Nuclear Power Reactors Against Radiological Sabotage" |
10/11/2000 |
Union of Concerned Scientists Report, "Nuclear Plant Risk Studies: Failing the Grade" |
09/14/2000 |
Pre-Application Review of the AP1000 Standard Plant Design - Phase I |
09/13/2000 |
Proposed Risk-Informed Revisions to 10 CFR 50.44, "Standards for Combustible Gas Control System in Light-Water-Cooled Power Reactors" |
09/12/2000 |
Proposed Final Regulatory Guide DG-1093, "Guidance and Examples for Identifying 10 CFR 50.2 Design Bases" |
09/08/2000 |
Proposed High-Level Guidelines for Performance-Based Activities |
09/08/2000 |
Causes and Significance of Design Basis Issues at U.S. Nuclear Power Plants |
09/07/2000 |
Assessment of the Quality of Probabilistic Risk Assessments |
09/07/2000 |
Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1075, "Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Nuclear Power Reactors |
09/05/2000 |
Final Regulatory Guide 1.18x on 10 CFR 50.59, Changes, Tests, and Experiments |
07/27/2000 |
Assessment of the Quality of PRAs |
07/20/2000 |
Proposed Final ASME Standard for Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Nuclear Power Plant Applications |
07/20/2000 |
Nuclear Energy Institute Letter Dated January 19, 2000, Addressing NRC Plans for Risk-Informing the Technical Requirements in 10 CFR Part 50 |
07/20/2000 |
Proposed Final Regulatory Guidance Documents Regarding Use of Risk-Informed Decisionmaking in License Amendment Reviews |
07/18/2000 |
Proposed Revision 3 to Regulatory Guide 1.52, "Design, Inspection, and Testing Criteria for Air Filtration and Adsorption Units of Post-Accident Engineered-Safety-Feature Atmosphere Cleanup Systems in Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants" |
07/18/2000 |
Proposed Rule, 10 CFR Part 55, "Operator License Eligibility and Use of Simulation Facilities in Operator Licensing" |
07/14/2000 |
Topical Report BAW-2374, "Justification for Not Including Postulated Breaks in Large-Bore Reactor Coolant System Piping in the Licensing Basis for Existing and Replacement Once-Through Steam Generators" |
07/14/2000 |
Draft Regulatory Guides |
06/22/2000 |
Draft Report, "Regulatory Effectiveness of the Station Blackout Rule" |
06/21/2000 |
AP1000 Pre-Application Review |
06/20/2000 |
Proposed Final Regulatory Guide and Standard Review Plan Section Associated with the Alternative Source Term Rule |
06/20/2000 |
Proposed Resolution of Generic Safety Issue-173A, "Spent Fuel Storage Pool for Operating Facilities" |
06/12/2000 |
Industry Initiatives in the Regulatory Process |
05/25/2000 |
Use of Defense in Depth in Risk-Informing NMSS Activities |
05/23/2000 |
SECY-00-0053, "NRC Program on Human Performance in Nuclear Power Plant Safety" |
05/22/2000 |
Proposed Modifications to Regulatory Guidance Documents Regarding Use of Risk-Informed Decision Making in License Amendment Reviews |
05/22/2000 |
Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1096, "Transient and Accident Analysis Methods" and Standard Review Plan, Section 15.0.1, "Review of Analytical Computer Codes" |
05/19/2000 |
Proposed Final Revision 1 to Regulatory Guide 1.54, "Service Level I, II, and III Protective Coatings Applied to Nuclear Power Plants" (formerly DG-1076) |
04/18/2000 |
Proposed NRC Research Plan for Digital Instrumentation and Control |
04/17/2000 |
Reactor Safety Goal Policy Statement |
04/13/2000 |
NRC Program for Risk-Based Analysis of Reactor Operating Experience |
04/13/2000 |
Draft Final Technical Study of Spent Fuel Pool Accident Risk at Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants |
04/10/2000 |
SECY-00-0071, Draft Regulatory Guide (DG-1095), "Guidance for Implementation of 10 CFR 50.59 (Changes, Tests, And Experiments)" |
04/10/2000 |
SECY-00-0061, Proposed Revision to the Enforcement Policy to Address the Revised Reactor Oversight Process |
04/07/2000 |
Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1094, "Fire Protection for Operating Nuclear Power Plants" |
04/06/2000 |
Final Rule: "Elimination of the Requirement for Noncombustible Fire Barrier Penetration Seal Materials and Other Minor Changes" (10 CFR Part 50) |
03/15/2000 |
Revised Reactor Oversight Process |
03/13/2000 |
Proposed Final Amendment to 10 CFR 50.72, "Immediate Notification Requirements for Operating Nuclear Power Reactors," and 10 CFR 50.73, "Licensee Event Report System" |
03/13/2000 |
Proposed Resolution of Generic Issue B-17, "Criteria for Safety-Related Operator Actions," and Generic Issue 27, "Manual vs. Automated Actions" |
03/13/2000 |
SECY-00-0007, "Proposed Staff Plan for Low Power and Shutdown Risk Analysis Research to Support Risk-Informed Regulatory Decision Making" |
02/13/2000 |
Report on the Safety Aspects of the License Renewal Application for the Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 |
3/10/2000 |
Proposed Final Regulatory Guide, "Assessing and Managing Risk Before Maintenance Activities at Nuclear Power Plants" |
02/14/2000 |
Impediments to the Increased Use of Risk-informed Regulation |
02/11/2000 |
Revision of Appendix K, "ECCS Evaluation Models," to 10 CFR Part 50 |
02/11/2000 |
Importance Measures Derived from Probabilistic Risk Assessments |
02/08/2000 |
SECY-00-0011, "Evaluation of the Requirement for Licensees to Update Their Inservice Inspection and Inservice Testing Programs Every 120 Months" |