Tracking Number1 |
Requester's Name |
Requester's Organization |
Request Description |
Received Date |
FOIA-2023-000204 |
Pai, Arjun |
Trileaf |
Requester is seeking a digital copy of the following microform/microfiche documents: Accession Number: 8801130329 Docket Number: 03030096 Document Title: License 35-26889-01 for Haskell Lemon Const Co,authorizing use of 10 mCi Cs-137 & 50 mCi Am-241 in Troxler Model 3400 series moisture/density gauges to measure properties of matls & 330 mCi Am-241 in Troxler Model 3241. Accession Number: 9202140067 Docket Number: 03030096 Document Title: Matls licensing package for amend 1 to license 35-26889-01 for Haskell Lemon Const Co.Control:463880. Accession Number: 9306090538 Docket Number: 03030096 Document Title: Matls licensing package for amend 2 to license 35-26889-01 for Haskell Lemon Const Co.Control:464280. Accession Number: 9008150190 Docket Number: 03030096 Document Title: Matls licensing package for corrected License 35-26889-01 for Haskell Lemon Const Co. |
09/05/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000205 |
Lokvancic, Mak |
Requester is seeking to obtain plans, diagrams, sections, and details for the radioactive waste building, diesel generator building, and turbine building of the Columbia Generating Station, as available in the Final Safety Analysis Report. |
09/06/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000206 |
Trentham, Annie |
Henry L. Stimson Center |
Documents related to and associated with the dismissal, severance, or separation of Ashli Babbitt from the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant in 2017; documents related to and associated with any disciplinary or corrective action regarding Ashli Babbitt at the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant during her employment from 2015 to 2017. |
09/08/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000207 |
Brown, Ann |
Center for Biological Diversity |
Records from the NRC NMSS/REFS/ELRB from June 16, 2022 to the date that the search is conducted that document the consultation or reinitiated consultation under the ESA on the potential impacts to endangered and threatened species and their critical habitat for NRC's licensing renewal for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4. |
09/11/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000208 |
Miranda, Samuel |
n/a |
Requester is seeking that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) produce a copy of all the comments that the NRC’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) received regarding the audit report the OIG issued on August 12, 2022, entitled Audit of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Drop-In Meeting Policies and Procedures (OIG-22-A-12, ADAMS No. ML22266A058). These are comments that are submitted to OIG via a link, listed on the last page of OIG-22-A-12, to |
09/11/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000209 |
Miranda, Samuel |
n/a |
Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. § 552), requester is seeking the application(s) it received from Constellation and/or Exelon for authorization to raise the licensed power level of four of its nuclear power plants, all of which are sited in Illinois. This power uprating, amounting to about 135 Mwe, was announced on 22 February 2023 by Constellation (see Constellation claims that the increase in power could begin by 2026 and completed by 2029. The affected nuclear power plants are: 1. Byron Station, Unit 1, Renewed License No. NPF-37, Docket Number: 05000454 2. Byron Station, Unit 2, Renewed License No. NPF-66, Docket Number: 05000455 3. Braidwood Station, Unit 1, Renewed License No. NPF-72, Docket Number: 05000456 4. Braidwood Station, Unit 2, Renewed License No. NPF-77, Docket Number: 05000457 |
09/11/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000210 |
Ewing, Nikolai |
I would like to know the dollar amount of tax revenue generated by the Perry Nuclear Power Plant in the Calendar fiscal year 2019. News sources discussed how much the plant earned in earlier years but not in 2019. |
09/12/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000211 |
Marrero, Elliot |
Purdue University |
NUREG/CR-4880: Characterization of irradiated current-practice welds and A533 Grade B Class 1 plate for nuclear pressure vessel service: Volume 2 NUREG/CR-4086: Tensile Properties of Irradiated Nuclear Grade Pressure Vessel Welds for the Third HSST Irradiation Serie |
09/13/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000212 |
Emerson, Jasmyne |
Purdue University |
I am requesting access to NUREG/CR-1158: Tensile Properties of Irradiated and Unirradiated Welds of A533 Steel Plate and A508 Forgings. |
09/13/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000213 |
Emerson, Jasmyne |
Purdue University |
I am requesting access to NUREG/CR-3978: Tensile Properties of Irradiated Nuclear Grade Pressure Vessel Plate and Welds for the Fourth HSST Irradiation Series. |
09/13/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000214 |
Emerson, Jasmyne |
Purdue University |
I am requesting access to NUREG/CR-4880: Characterization of Irradiated Current-Practice Welds and A533 Grade B Class 1 Plate for Nuclear Pressure Vessel Service. |
09/13/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000215 |
Lauritzen, Kristen |
Holland and Hart |
Requester is seeking the following: (i) meetings referenced by Bill von Till, the Chief of the NRC’s Uranium Recovery and Materials Decommissioning Branch, in the New Mexico Legislature Radioactive and Hazardous Committee Meeting of November 14, 2022, regarding the Homestake Mining Company of California (Homestake) Grants, New Mexico former uranium processing facility (a.k.a., the Grants Reclamation Project and hereinafter “Grants”) and characterized as involving “community outreach;” (ii) any meetings or communications between any NRC personnel and the Bluewater Valley Downstream Alliance (BVDA), the Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment (MASE), or any of their members or representatives, in which Grants or Homestake were discussed and for which NRC did not provide public notice and/or an opportunity for the public to participate; or (iii) any non-public or closed meetings or communications between any NRC personnel and any third parties other than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), or New Mexico or its agencies or representatives, regarding Grants or Homestake. |
09/14/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000216 |
FOIA-2023-000216 |
Copies of all FOIA appeal logs by year (calendar years 2010 to present). Copies of all Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request and appeal logs by year (calendar years 2010 to present). A copy of all opened or closed Inspection General Investigations (OIG) for calendar years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. Copies of the Congressional Correspondence Control logs (or similar control logs containing logs of all Congressional correspondence) for calendar years 2010 to present |
09/15/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000217 |
Aamot, Colin |
Copies of all OGE Form 202 (Conflict of Interest Referral) generated within or by the agency or submitted to the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) from January 1, 2021 to present. Copies of all Copies of all OGE Form 278e (Public Financial Disclosures) or OGE Form 278-T (Periodic Transation Reports) generated within or by the agency or submitted to the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) from January 1, 2021 to present |
09/15/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000218 |
Aamot, Colin |
Records sufficient to identify all employees who entered into a position at the agency as a Political Appointee since January 20, 2021, to the date this records request is processed, and the title or position of each employee (to the extent that individuals have held multiple positions during this time period, identify each title or position and the time period it was held). Records sufficient to identify all career employees who, between January 20, 2021, and the date this records request is processed, have been detailed to 1) a position eligible to be filled by a Political Appointee, or 2) a new position through coordination or consultation with either the White House Liaison or Presidential Personnel Office; the title or position of each employee while on detail; and each employee’s originating agency or component, and prior title. For each individual identified in response to Requests 1 and 2 provide: 1. The resume provided by the individual to the agency in connection with determining the appropriate salary for the individual, or if that is not available, a recent resume contained within the agency’s records. I no objection to the redaction of employee’s contact information, such as email, address, phone numbers etc.; however, prior employment, education, and descriptions of such experiences are not exempt and should be produced. 2. Any waivers issued to the individual pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 208(b). 3. Any authorizations for the individual issued pursuant to 5 C.F.R. § 2635.502. 4. Any Ethics Pledge waivers, issued pursuant to Section 3 of Executive Order 13989 and Office of Government Ethics Legal Advisory 21-04, received by the individual. 5. Any ethics agreement executed by the individual; any Certification of Ethics Agreement Compliance; and any records relating to any violation by an individual of his or her ethics agreement. 6. Records reflecting any recusal determination made or issued for the individual. 7. Copies of any SF-50 forms for the individual reflecting any change in position, title, or salary, including when the employee starts or leaves a position. 8. Completed Ethics Pledge for each individual. Definitions For the purposes of this request, “Political Appointee” means any person who isemployed by the Department who is: 1) Presidentially Appointed and Senate Confirmed (PAS); 2) Presidentially Appointed (PA); 3) in a non-career Senior Executive Service (SES) position; 5) a career SES but has been detailed to a leadership or political position since January 20, 2021, 6) a Schedule C employee; 7) in an administratively determined position; 8) in a position that was filled by coordination with, or through, the White House Liaison or Presidential Personnel Office (PPO) or 9) a Special Government Employee (SGE). To the extent an SGE is not a Political Appointee or an actual employee any request or reference to a political appointee or employee should be read to mean “Political Appointee or SGE.” |
09/15/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000219 |
Aamot, Colin |
Documents and data sufficient to account for the monthly occupancy or vacancy rates for the agency's five largest buildings (measured by square footage) from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2022. A copy of all agencies telework policies or directives that were in place due to COVID-19 and/or the pandemic between 1 January 2020 and April 1, 2023. |
09/15/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000220 |
Aamot, Colin |
I request records and documents sufficient (list, spreadsheet, or database) to account for of all contracts or grants referred for investigation, review, inquiry, or Office of the Inspector General (OIG) scrutiny due to potential, alleged, or confirmed fraud, waste, or abuse (FWA) from 2017 to present, including company details, contract specifics, and documentation of the referral process. |
09/15/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000221 |
Aamot, Colin |
I respectfully request the following: A copy of all internal policy documents, memorandums or guidance pertaining to FOIA processing and procedures, FOIA Appeal processing and procedures, and Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) processing Policy and Procedures between 2018 and present. Please include any and all documents relating to steps the agency takes when processing or deconflicting with other agencies when processing FOIA requests, Appeals, or MDR requests. |
09/15/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000222 |
Aamot, Colin |
Personal Capacity as a Journalist |
Dear FOIA Officer, Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the implementing FOIA regulations of the agency, I respectfully request the following: I request documents sufficient to account for the agency's usage and retention policies or directives for official communications via Slack, Signal, Microsoft Teams, Lync, or any other internal messaging platforms from 2018 to present. I am amicable to a rolling production as records are available. |
09/18/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000223 |
Aamot, Colin |
Personal Capacity as a Journalist |
Dear FOIA Officer, Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the implementing FOIA regulations of the agency, I respectfully request the following: All manuals or documents relating or pertaining to e-discovery, e-discovery vendor manuals, or e-discovery internal processes or processing steps for e-discovery software currently used by the agency with regard to discovery during litigation, foia litigation, or any other litigation holds for 2021 to present. I am amicable to a rolling production as records are available. |
09/18/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000224 |
Haught, Tasha |
Modern Geosciences |
Requester is seeking the most recent reports (groundwater/soil data) for the site at 7851 FM 791 in Falls City, Karnes County, Texas. It is referred to as the Conquista Project (lat 28.90778, long -97.544458) where Uranium mining operations have taken place. (Historically was Continental Oil Co.) The project began in the 1970s and is still ongoing today. Additionally, the site was transferred to the DOE for long-term custody in 1998. |
09/19/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000225 |
Blanch, Paul |
Requester searched ADAMS and the internet for this document but could not locate it. Please consider this a formal FOIA request for the following document: Wilson, B. W., Dr., "Estimate of Tsunami Effect at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3," December 1972. |
09/19/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000226 |
Gray-Etherson, Lyla |
Property Solutions Inc. |
As part of the property assessment, we wish to determine whether the owner of Metrigen, Inc. is currently or ever licensed to utilize or store radioactive materials on the subject property. Please provide any documentation on what materials are, or have been utilized or stored at the property, as well as any compliance documentation. Institution code: 28383. Dock number: 3031155. License Number: 29-28383-01. |
09/19/2023 |
CON-2023-000008 |
Durden, Nate |
Office of Management and Budget |
The Office of Management and Budget received a FOIA request from Dana Hull of Bloomberg News. Our search identified records that contain equities of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (2 pages). Accordingly, we are forwarding this information to your Offices for consultation. |
09/21/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000227 |
Reichert, Kathy |
Aerotest Operations, Inc |
Requester is seeking quarterly case summaries and or reviews on NRC-IG’s investigation #C21-016 from 1/1/2021 to 9/20/23. (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/2021 To 9/20/2023) |
09/21/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000228 |
Vaughn Jr., Bobby |
Requester is seeking all records in all forms, including, but not limited to documents, notifications, memorandums, notes, photographs, e-mails, presentations, PowerPoint/keynote presentations, letters, etc. relating to NRC Allegations Specialist, Sara Bernal-Taylor, formerly known as Sara Bernel, regarding all communications between Ms. Taylor, her Allegations Committee and/or the NRC Office of Inspector General, to/from NRC Region 2 and/or the Department of Energy regarding HALEU (High-Assay Low Enriched Uranium). These records should also include licensure complaints, as well as any and all allegations regarding HALEU. (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/2020 To 9/20/2023) |
09/21/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000229 |
Sanchez, Olivette |
Banks Environmental Data, Inc |
Requestor is seeking to acquire a list of Historic Material Licensing Tracking System (MLTS) sites. This list will contain historic sites that have inactive licenses and/or removed from the Material Licensing Tracking System. Provide this list in excel or pdf format and delivered via email. |
09/21/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000230 |
Sanchez, Olivette |
Banks Environmental Data, Inc |
Requester is seeking to acquire a list of Material Licensing Tracking System (MLTS) sites. This list will contain sites that store radioactive material subject to the NRC licensing requirements. Please provide this list in excel or pdf format and delivered via email. |
09/21/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000231 |
Livermore, Daniel |
Please provide the total number of sick leave hours taken by agency employees in each of the following years: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. Any information so far, in 2023 would be helpful. This is just the total number of hours overall for the agency,not for an individual. For example: 10,000 hours in 2017, 11,000 hours in 2018, etc. |
09/22/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000232 |
Bobreski, James |
Requesting records concerning the use and sale of illegal substances and property stolen during the construction of the NM II Oswego Nuclear Plant during the period 1985-1989. Request searches in ADAMS to minimize costs. |
09/26/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000233 |
Lagura, Jordan |
Envirosite Corporation |
Requestor is seeking the updated electronic list and details for sites in possession/use of radioactive materials regulated by NRC. This includes all statuses. License Number, Date Org Lic, License Date, Expiration Date, Licensee, Licensee Line 2, License Contact Street 1, License Contact Street 2, License Contact Street 3, License Contact, City, State, License Contact Zip, Contact Full Name, Contact Phone, Status, Agency Code. Please send them in electronic format. |
09/27/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000234 |
Fletcher, Erica |
Rasmussen Dickey Moore |
Requester is seeking the following: 1. Request for any and all information relating to the manufacturer name of any of the valves in Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Plant and Millstone Nuclear Power Plant for the years of 1959-1993. 2. Request for any information relating to the presence of Schutte & Koerting6 valves (specifically what type of valves, how many valves, and where they are located) at either Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Plant or Millstone Nuclear Power Plant for the years of 1959-1993. 3. Request for any manual or instructions that govern the maintenance of valves (including gaskets and packing) at Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Plant and/or Millstone Nuclear Power Plant between the years of 1959-1993. |
09/28/2023 |
FOIA-2023-000235 |
Upchurch, Benjamin |
Nawah Energy Company |
Requester is seeking a copy of their License Termination Letter. |
09/28/2023 |