Recent FOIA Requests - October 2023

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during October 2023. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Tracking Number Requester's Name Requester's Organization Request Description Received Date
FOIA-2024-000001 Dinneen, James   Requester is seeking: Any documents, correspondence, and/or reports produced between 2010 and 2023 concerning the effects of extreme weather, higher water temperatures, and climate change on operations of US nuclear facilities. Any documents and/or correspondence produced between 2010 and 2023 discussing climate change in relation to “Beyond-Design-Basis” events at nuclear power plants produced between 2011 and 2022. 10/02/2023
FOIA-2024-000002 Dinneen, James   Requester is seeking any documents, correspondence, and/or reports produced between January 2011 and January 2017 related to the post-Fukushima work on flooding in which climate change is discussed, especially those related to the Japan Lessons Learned initiative. 10/02/2023
FOIA-2024-000003 Dinneen, James   Requester is seeking NRC’s complete response, including enclosed documents, to Senator Edward Markey’s October 19, 2015 letter to the NRC seeking information of effects of extreme weather and other phenomena on US nuclear plants. A copy of the response in question is provided here by NRC, but it does not include the enclosed documents: In addition, please include any documents related to the report submitted to Senator Markey since 2015, for instance, any updates to the compiled list of reactors shut down. 10/02/2023
FOIA-2024-000004 Dinneen, James   Requester is seeking any correspondence sent or received by the contemporaneous NRC commissioners between April 2016 and April 2019 in connection to the JAPAN LESSONS-LEARNED DIVISION JLD-ISG-2016-01 Guidance for Activities Related to Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1, Flooding Hazard Reevaluation; ( 10/02/2023
FOIA-2024-000005 Dinneen, James   Requester is seeking any correspondence related to the NRC’s proposed Draft Revision 2 to NUREG-1437, “Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants” (LR GEIS), in which the impact of climate change on US nuclear plants is discussed, and/or the impact of extreme weather or heat is discussed. 10/02/2023
FOIA-2024-000006 Vehafric, Noah   NUREG-0090-Vol.9-No.1, NUREG-0090-Vol.9-No.2, NUREG-0090-Vol.9-No.3, NUREG-0090-Vol.9-No.4 10/02/2023
FOIA-2024-000007 White, Patrick Nuclear Innovation Alliance Requester is seeking older NRC SECYs - specifically SECY-79-305 or SECY-79-473 that provides the NRC staff's analysis of CEQ’s NEPA regulations. The documents appeared to be unavailable on ADAMS in either the Public Library or Public Legacy Library. 10/05/2023
FOIA-2024-000008 Schwermer, Roger   Requester is seeking information related to listed individuals' certification, training, and related information as a nuclear reactor operator in the U.S. Navy. 10/06/2023
FOIA-2024-000009 Tarver, Julian   Requester is seeking staff roster, org chart of NRC Computer Security Office. Records showing the staff names and the dates that staff had their security clearance approved/removed/ revoked or terminated. Copy of the NRC internal procedure and desk guide for FOIA staff. (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/2022 To 10/6/2023) 10/06/2023
FOIA-2024-000010 Hussain, Saddam USA Inappropriate FOIA request. 10/10/2023
FOIA-2024-000011 Marini, Connie EDR LightBox Requester is seeking to obtain the most recent listing of companies that have been issued an NRC license and are included in the MLTS Database (active and retired licenses), for the entire United States, in Excel or another spreadsheet format. Docket number License Number Institution Code Date org license License Issue Date License Expiration Date Licensee Name Licensee line 2 Licensee Contact Street1 Licensee Contact Street2 Licensee Contact Street3 Licensee Contact City License Contact State License Contact Zip Abbreviation Licensee Contact full name Licensee Contact Suffix Licensee Contact Phone Auth States Approved For Storage Flag Approved For Redistrib Flag Approved For Incineration Approved For Burial Flag Date Of Last Inspection Rso First Name RSO Last Name Date of Next Inspection Status Agency Code Please include a record layout. 10/11/2023
FOIA-2024-000012 Wanner, Judd Intertek Requester is seeking an email response that demonstrates the current (present-day) NRC compliance or, alternatively, NRC non-compliance of the following entity & location: Historic Material Licensing Tracking System database entry for Bendix Corporation, 721 Springfield Street, Dayton, Ohio. Docket: 3008736. License No: 34-15208-01. 10/12/2023
FOIA-2024-000013 Rubin, Cailin Strategic Initiatives Global Partners, LLC. Requester is seeking copies of any and all contracts over the past ten-year period (2013-2023) to purchase natural, converted, or enriched uranium between any United States person and any public or private entity associated with countries of the European Union, the United Kingdom, Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, or Japan, as well as any records of import of the same, including, but not limited to, shipping manifests and licenses to import natural uranium, converted uranium, enriched uranium, or nuclear fuel. 10/13/2023
FOIA-2024-000014 Keys, Carla   A printed copy of the following published FOIA and the agency's response in FOIA-2023-000011 10/19/2023
FOIA-2024-000015 Keys, Carla   A printed copy of the NRC investigation case #1-2010-012. 10/19/2023
FOIA-2024-000016 Frank, Dana University of California, Santa Cruz Requester is seeking all information regarding an individual, who worked as a switchboard operator at the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory from roughly 1943 to 1955. Requester wants to know individual had a security clearance, and what materials might have survived from that process, and where. 10/20/2023
FOIA-2024-000017 Hawkins, Eric Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani Requester is seeking information and documents regarding the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Office of Investigations’ Report of Investigation into “Alleged Falsification of Quality Control Documents Relating to the Construction of Safety-Related HVAC Units by the Bahnson Company, Winston-Salem, N.C.” 10/20/2023
FOIA-2024-000018 Aamot, Colin   Dear FOIA Officer, Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the implementing FOIA regulations of the agency, I respectfully request the following: Documents sufficient to account for all lists, trackers, or summaries of: records or documents that have been requested three times or more under FOIA, or that have become or are likely to become the subject of subsequent request, in line with guidelines issued by the Attorney General on 15 March, 2022. 10/23/2023
FOIA-2024-000019 Aamot, Colin   Dear FOIA Officer, Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the implementing FOIA regulations of the agency, I respectfully request the following: Documents sufficient to account for all agency policies, memorandums, or directives pertaining to gender identity, or the implementation of Executive Order 1398: 'Preventing And Combating Discrimination On The Basis Of Gender Identity Or Sexual Orientation'. Please limit the timeframe of the search from January 20, 2021 to present. 10/23/2023
FOIA-2024-000020 Aamot, Colin   Dear FOIA Officer, Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the implementing FOIA regulations of the agency, I respectfully request the following: Documents sufficient to account for any documents, records, or inventories pertaining to Sensitive Case Reports (SCRs), or analogous document inventories, which encompass comprehensive details concerning subjects, keywords, or areas of sensitivity pertaining to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) requests, thereby facilitating the monitoring of FOIA or MDR requests that may be deemed sensitive or prone to garner media or congressional scrutiny. Please limit the timeframe of the search from January 20, 2021 to present. 10/23/2023
FOIA-2024-000021 Senrets, Sternes Pseudonyms for Dummies, LLC. The oldest Nuclear Regulatory Commission logo you have in the highest quality possible. 10/24/2023
FOIA-2024-000022 Criscione, Lawrence   Requester is seeking a copy of their email to Mirela Gavrilas and Craig Erlanger, along with the email's attachment. 10/24/2023
FOIA-2024-000023 Brown, Evan Lafayette College Records from 2004 to the present time pertaining to glitches or cybersecurity threats in the US advanced ICBM warning systems 10/24/2023
FOIA-2024-000024 Aamot, Colin   A copy of the NRC's Intranet home page, a copy of the NRC's Intranet sitemap page, and a copy of each page connected to and from the agency's Intranet homepage. (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/20/2021 To 10/25/2023) 10/25/2023
FOIA-2024-000025 Maxwell, Nicholas   Requester is seeking the following: 1. Recording of the Teams-based virtual meeting for the discussion of "the Licensee Topical Report on Risk Significance Methodology for the Holtec SMR-160 design," as scheduled on 10/25/23 from 1:30PM - 3:30PM ET, to include the video and audio of the open portion of the meeting. 10/26/2023
FOIA-2024-000026 Aamot, Colin   Documents to account for the total number of full time and part time employees or contractors assigned to the NRC's FOIA office, and the total number of employees employed by the NRC. (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/20/2023 To 10/27/2023) 10/30/2023
FOIA-2024-000027 Soliva, Mary Kate Guam Human Rights Initiative Dear FOIA Officer, Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the implementing FOIA regulations of the agency, I respectfully request the following: Documents sufficient to account for all agency policies, directives, standard operating procedures or orders regarding human trafficking or counter human trafficking. Please limit the time frame of the search from January 1, 2017, to present. Information Act on which the agency relies.  10/31/2023