The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is in the process of rescinding or revising guidance and policies posted on this webpage in accordance with Executive Order 14151 Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing, and Executive Order 14168 Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government. In the interim, any previously issued diversity, equity, inclusion, or gender-related guidance on this webpage should be considered rescinded that is inconsistent with these Executive Orders.

Recent FOIA Requests - December 2023

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during December 2023. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Tracking Number Requester's Name Requester's Organization Request Description Received Date
FOIA-2024-000042 Elliott, Gayle Framatome, Inc Requester hereby requests the following: -Technical Evaluation Report for ANP-10339P, Revision 0, “ARITA-ARTEMIS/RELAP Integrated Transient Analysis Methodology,” prepared by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), 2023 (draft and final) -Emails or other communications related to the Technical Evaluation Report, and any written summaries or comments on the Technical Evaluation Report 12/01/2023
FOIA-2024-000043 James, Robert -- Requester is seeking any FOIA requests submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) between January 1, 2020, and the present date that pertain to the following incidents or individuals: UAP Swarm Event Date: July 2019 Location: Off the coast of California Vessels involved: USS Omaha, USS Russell, USS Paul Hamilton Gimbal UAP Date: January 2015 Individuals involved: Lt. Ryan Graves, Lt. Danny Accoin GOFAST UAP Date: January 2015 FLIR1/Tic Tac UAP Date: November 2004 Individuals involved: Cmdr David Fravor, Lt. Chad Underwood, SCPO Kevin Day Vessel involved: USS Nimitz For each FOIA request that falls within this scope, I request the following information: Requester's name and contact information Date of FOIA request submission Wording of the FOIA request Description of the records requested Outcome of the FOIA request, including the number of documents, videos, audios, or other records released. 12/04/2023
FOIA-2024-000044 Bowen, Matt Columbia University Requester would like to obtain data on the NRC staff resources that were utilized as part of the 8 combined licenses (COLs) that have been issued. The 8 COLs are: South Texas 3 and 4, North Anna 3, William States Lee III 1 and 2, Virgil C. Summer 2 and 3, Vogtle 3 and 4, Levy 1 and 2, Fermi 3, and Turkey Point 6 and 7. Specifically, Requester would like to know how many NRC staff hours were used for the different components of the license review for each COL. From the way COL licensing is set up, I would expect that the categories would look something like the following: 1. Docketing/application acceptability review 2. Safety review 3. Environmental review 4. Financial/antitrust review 5. Contested proceedings 6. Mandatory hearing 7. (Other? Administrative?) 12/05/2023
FOIA-2024-000045 Cassingham, Colleen -- Requester is seeking all documents related to the following topics: 1. Communications between the NRC and Shoshone parties regarding the Yucca Mountain repository licensing process between 1980 - 2009. 2. Documents that mention the Western Shoshone Treaty of Ruby Valley in relation to the Yucca Mountain siting deliberations 3. Radionuclide release risk assessments in relation to the Western Shoshone 12/05/2023
FOIA-2024-000046 Root, Rebekah -- Requester is seeking the following: all correspondence with title: re matter discussed in encl WC Metzner ltr concerning NRC proposed rule on educational qualifications of senior reactor operators &/or supervisors at nuclear plants, be directed to DD Hansen. Responds to constituent M Metzner inquiry re proposed amend to regulations entitled, "Educ & Experience Requirements for Senior Reactor Operators & Supervisors at Nuclear Power Plants." FR pages on subj encl. Forwards WC Metzner ltr re proposed NRC rule concerning educational qualifications of senior operators & supervisors at nuclear power plants,for response. ML20247R892 ML20235Z158. 12/05/2023
FOIA-2024-000047 Reed, Jonathon   Requester is seeking any and all Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff communications related to "NUREG-1437 Supplement 5 Second Renewal" containing ANY of the following keyword strings: "Sea Level Rise", "Sea Level Rise Projections", "USGCRP", "USACE projections", "Bloomberg", "The New Republic" (Date Range for Record Search: From 04/18/2019 To 08/31/2023) 12/11/2023
FOIA-2024-000048 Reed, Jonathon   Requester is seeking staff communications related to "NUREG-1437 Supplement 5a Second Renewal" containing ANY of the following keyword strings: "Sea Level Rise", "Sea Level Rise Projections", "USGCRP", "USACE projections", "SLAT", "Sea Level Assessment Tool", "Bloomberg", "The New Republic" (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/01/2020 To 08/31/2023) 12/11/2023
FOIA-2024-000049 Triplett jr, Dwayne   Looking for grants and sponsorships and scholarships 12/11/2023
FOIA-2024-000050 Aamot, Colin   Requester is seeking copies of all implementing directives, orders, memorandums, policies, guidance, or memorandums of understanding (MOUs) pertaining to Executive Order 14052 (E.O. 14052): Implementation of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Subsequently (in relation to E.O. 14052), all directives, orders, memorandums, policies, guidance, or memorandums of understanding (MOUs), or contracts pertaining to the Infrastructure Implementation Task Force, Justice40 Initiative, or mentioning ‘environmental justice’. Please limit the timeframe of the search from November 15, 2021 to present.  12/11/2023
FOIA-2024-000051 Aamot, Colin   Requester is seeking copies of all implementing directives, orders, memorandums, policies, guidance, or memorandums of understanding (MOUs) pertaining to Executive Order 14008 or (E.O. 14008): Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad. Subsequently, all directives, orders, memorandums, policies, guidance, memorandums of understanding (MOUs), or agency implementing instructions pertaining to ‘climate change’, ‘climate risk’, ‘climate policy’, or ‘environmental justice’. Please limit the search from January 27, 2021 to present. 12/11/2023
FOIA-2024-000052 Triplett jr, Dwayne   Looking for grants and scholarships and sponsorships and grants funding resources and programs? 12/15/2023
FOIA-2024-000053 Sheehan, Laura   Requester is seeking the text of the Sep 26th, 1979 deposition of Edward Holcombe, comptroller of General Public Utilities Corporation. ML19305A666. 12/15/2023
FOIA-2024-000054 Spangenberg, Joel   Requester is seeking a record maintained by the Office of the Inspector General. It is for a report of investigation involving the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board that was completed / closed on 12/15/2023 and has the following case number: OIG I2200180. 12/18/2023
FOIA-2024-000055 Kliewer, Addison KOCO 5 News I am requesting any and all documentation of allegations, complaints and concerns relating to contamination, improper dumping, radiation exposure, threats and radioactive material at or near the Kerr McGee facilities in Oklahoma, as well as any and all responses, action or remediation done as a result of these since 1975 to 2023. I am attaching an NRC document that highlights some of these allegations if that is helpful. (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/20/1995 To 12/22/2023) 12/22/2023
FOIA-2024-000056 Lagura, Jordan Envirosite Corporation I am seeking the updated electronic list and details for sites in possession/use of radioactive materials regulated by NRC. I am seeking all statuses. Previously I received these fields: License Number, Date OrgLic, License Date, Expiration Date, Licensee, Licensee Line 2, License Contact Street 1, License Contact Street 2, License Contact Street 3, License Contact, City, State, License Contact Zip, Contact Full Name, Contact Phone, Status, Agency Code. 12/26/2023

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, January 3, 2024