Recent FOIA Requests - January 2023

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during January 2023. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Tracking Number Requester's Name Requester's Organization Request Description Received Date
2023-000049 Tarver, Julian -- Requester is seeking copies of initial FOIA request; to include all emails, related to, and all processing notes related to the following FOIAs: 2017-000234 2017-000643 2018-000039 2018-000109 2018-000817 01/03/2023
2023-000050 Tarver, Julian -- Requester is seeking all processing emails, notes, memos, FOIA database records the FOIA 2023-000024. 01/03/2023
2023-000051 Tarver, Julian -- Requester is seeking records that show all MOU/MCA with NRC and law enforcement that are public in ADAMS. Also seeking a copy of agreements with the following: FLETC and NRC DOD and NRC FBI and NRC Homeland Security and NRC 01/03/2023
2023-000052 Hariharan-Walsh, Emily Spar & Bernstein, P.C. Requester wishes to obtain a copy of listed individuals immigration files. Therefore, please find enclosed the following forms: 1. Form G-28, Notices of Entry of Appearance as Attorney; 2. Notarized authorization from said individual. 01/03/2023
APP[1]-2023-000004 Tarver, Julian -- Requester is appealing the search performed for the original request because he believes there is an inventory/index. 01/03/2023
FOIA-2023-000053 Miranda, Samuel -- Requester is seeking all briefing packages, written during calendar years 2018 through 2021, that members of the NRC’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) claims were evaluated for their audit. The audit report was issued on August 12, 2022 and entitled Audit of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Drop-In Meeting Policies and Procedures (OIG-22-A-12, ADAMS No. ML22266A058). Said briefing packages are to include the names and titles of all visiting licensee representatives, and participating NRC employees, as well as the listed topics of discussion. If any responsive record or portion thereof is claimed to be exempt from production under FOIA, sufficient identifying information (with respect to each allegedly exempt record or portion thereof) must be provided to allow the assessment of the propriety of the claimed exemption. Vaugh v. Rosen, 484 F.2d 820 (D.C. Cir 1973), cert denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974). Additionally, any reasonably segregable portion of a responsive record must be provided to me after redaction of any all allegedly exempt material, as the law requires. (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/2018 To 12/31/2021) 01/09/2023
FOIA-2023-000054 Ravnitzky, Michael -- Requester is seeking a copy of the list of investigations closed by the Nuclear Regulatory Agency Office of Inspector General during CY 2021 and CY 2022. (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/2022 To 12/31/2022) 01/09/2023
FOIA-2023-000055 Dolins, Sarah-Laura Research Institutes of Sweden Requester's father was an NRC employee and looking for project documents or a list of his colleagues at the time. Requester's family member is writing a biography and are looking for any information that can explain what listed individual's career at NRC was like. 01/10/2023
FOIA-2023-000040[2] Sederquest, Samantha Envirosite Corporation Requester is seeking the updated electronic list for sites in possession and or use of radioactive materials regulated by NRC. Requester is seeking all statuses. The fields requested are License Number, Date Org Lic, License Date, Expiration Date, Licensee, Licensee Line 2, License Contact Street 1, License Contact Street 2, License Contact Street 3, License Contact, City, State, License Contact Zip, Contact Full Name, Contact Phone, Status, Agency Code. Would like to receive in electronic format. 01/11/2023
FOIA-2023-000041 Yelon, William Ideal Source quality Assurance Please provide the Material Transfer Reports or otherwise titled reports that describe the release of irradiated gemstones under NRC license, for the years 2019-2021 (and for 2022 if and when available) for all licensees with exempt gemstone release licenses. These are required by The Nuclear Regulatory Commission in January immediately following the year in question. These should include, but not be limited to, reports submitted by International Isotopes and Gunther Melles (or its successors). It is not necessary to provide the reports for Ideal Source Quality Assurance, LLC. 01/11/2023
FOIA-2023-000056 Peterson, Kyle The Wall Street Journal Good afternoon, In June 2021, President Biden signed an executive order directing federal agencies to "increase the availability and use of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility training programs for employees, managers, and leadership." Under the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting copies of any training materials presented to employees, managers or leadership on the topic of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility. Please begin the search on Jan. 1, 2022 and end the search on the date that the request is fulfilled. Please include trainings regardless of whether they preexisted President Biden's executive order mentioned above. To the extent that participation in such trainings is statistically tracked, please provide that data as well. I am also requesting any vendor contracts, agreements or proposals related to the creation and/or presentation of those training materials. Please consider waiving fees, since the information is being sought in the public interest by a media organization. If there are fees for this request, please advise before it is fulfilled. If you deny any part of this request, please explain under what exemption the information is being withheld. Thanks--I appreciate your help. I'm at: 917-324-0842. best, Kyle -- Kyle Peterson The Wall Street Journal 01/12/2023
FOIA-2023-000057 Estes, Chase HKM Employment Attorneys LLP Requester is requesting copies of any and all contracts between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Richmond County Constructors, LLC 7828 River Rd. Waynesboro, Georgia 30830 concerning the construction of the construction of the Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant and/or Plant Vogtle Units 3 & 4 project, located in Waynesboro, Georgia. 01/12/2023
FOIA-2023-000058 Beck, Rhys -- I would like to receive any documentation relating to the deaths caused by the Therac-25 radiation therapy machine produced by AECL. 01/13/2023
FOIA-2023-000059 Marini, Connie EDR Lightbox Requester is seeking the most recent listing of companies that have been issued an NRC license and are included in the MLTS Database (active and retired licenses) , for the entire United States, in Excel or other spreadsheet format. Information needed is: Docket number, License Number, Institution Code, Date org license, License Issue Date, License Expiration Date, Licensee Name, Licensee line 2, Licensee Contact Street1, Licensee Contact Street2, Licensee Contact Street3, Licensee Contact City, License Contact State, License Contact Zip, Abbreviation, Licensee Contact full name, Licensee Contact Suffix, Licensee Contact Phone, Auth States, Approved For Storage Flag, Approved For Redistrib Flag, Approved For Incineration, Approved For Burial Flag, Date Of Last Inspection, Rso First Name, RSO Last Name, Date of Next Inspection, Status, Agency Code. Please include a record layout. 01/17/2023
FOIA-2023-000062 Thayer, Elizabeth Cohen, Placitella & Roth, P.C. The document is a Final Safety Assessment Report (FSAR) starting at Question 040.1. As you will see, the questions on page 5 and 8, asks for cable “used in [the] design” of the plant. There is no date on this document but on page 27 there is reference to projections in 1985, and page 26 discusses tests run in 1980 and 1982. We are guessing this was drafted sometime in the early 1980s, but we need confirmation of the date. Also there are differing fonts throughout the document which seem to suggest that different parts of the document may have been drafted on different dates. If you could clarify when the document was first drafted (or, better still, when each portion of the document was drafted), and when the document was first received would be most helpful. We also need the following: 1. The Final Safety Analysis Report, Question 040, Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1&2; and 2. All Revisions to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Question 040, Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1&2, submitted before 1999. 01/25/2023

[1] APP = Appeal

[2] FOIA case numbers, and the received date, are out of sequence due to test cases deleted in FOIAXpress this week. FOIAXpress re-uses case numbers that were previously deleted.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, August 15, 2023