The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is in the process of rescinding or revising guidance and policies posted on this webpage in accordance with Executive Order 14151 Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing, and Executive Order 14168 Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government. In the interim, any previously issued diversity, equity, inclusion, or gender-related guidance on this webpage should be considered rescinded that is inconsistent with these Executive Orders.

Recent FOIA Requests - November 2023

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during November 2023. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Tracking Number Requester's Name Requester's Organization Request Description Received Date
CON1-2024-000001 Ouimet, Jessica General Services Administration Consultation from GSA for NRC to review equities in Premium Class Travel and Senior Federal Travel for FY2020, FY2021, and FY2022 records. 11/02/2023
FOIA-2024-00002 Aamot, Colin   Dear FOIA Officer, Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, and the implementing FOIA regulations of the agency, I respectfully request the following: Documents sufficient to account for all sole sourced contracts issued by the agency under 5 million dollars (USD), and the relied upon documentation and supplemental materials in awarding the sole source contracts - including, but not limited to: sole source justifications, approval paperwork and designated approving authority, any supplemental documentation in support of a sole source determination. 11/06/2023
FOIA-2024-000031 Peterson, Thomas   Requester is seeking a list of all unresolved orphan source incidents investigated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission be furnished for public release. This refers to orphan source incidents investigated in which the radioactive source was ultimately not located. This request includes all incidents in which an investigation was initiated into a specific orphan source, which ultimately did not produce a culprit due to factors such as the source being lost somewhere over a large area (such as the caesium-137 capsule lost but ultimately found in Australia 2023), issues with retrieval such as the loss of the object into a body of water or underground location, or any other factors which prevented the recovery of the object. In addition to the Australian incident, a similar but unrelated occurrence would be the 1958 Tybee Island incident, which left radioactive materials in the water off the coast of Georgia but made these materials unrecoverable due to the size of the search area. The Tybee incident is used only to demonstrate an example of radioactive materials being deemed unrecoverable or lost. While the Tybee Island incident would be classified as a "broken arrow", this request refers only to incidents deemed by the NRC to be "orphan sources". The full list should include dates, locations, descriptions of materials lost, a summary of circumstances causing the incident, and reasons in which retrieval was not possible 11/06/2023
FOIA-2024-000032 Curran, Diane Harmon, Curran,Spielberg & Eisenberg LLP Requester is seeking NRC records related to statements made by NRC officials and officials of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) at a briefing on October 6, 2022. This FOIA request references a transcript of the briefing (hereinafter referred to as “Transcript”), available at This FOIA request covers records in the possession of both the NRC and the ACRS. 11/06/2023
FOIA-2024-000033 Lloyd, Marco   All communications between political appointees employed or assigned to the agency and the Partnership for Public Service (Email Domain All agency memorandums, memorandums for record (MFR’s), memorandums of understanding (MOU’s), policies, directives, event flyers or descriptions, grants or contracts between the agency and the Partnership for Public Service, including all supporting or supplemental documents. Please limit the timeframe of the search from January 20, 2021 to present. 11/10/2023
FOIA-2024-000034 Milov, Sarah   Requesting all materials relating to what Kerr-McGee, the AEC and its successor agency the NRC knew about Silkwood’s plutonium contamination. These materials were likely produced between 11/7/74 and 11/13/74 though they may not have been filed for several months. (Date Range for Record Search: From 11/7/1974 To 11/13/1974) 11/13/2023
FOIA-2024-000035 De los Reyes, Krystelle IRSC, Inc. Requester is seeking a current listing of all of the non-medical radioactive materials license data under NRC jurisdiction. Requesting the following data fields: COMPANY NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP, RADIATION SAFETY OFFICER, PHONE, EMAIL ADDRESS, AND NRC PROGRAM CODE. We request that this data be emailed to us in Microsoft Excel Format. 11/13/2023
FOPA-2024-000001 Tracy, Terrance   I am writing to request access to [an individual's] reactor qualification records; specifically, a letter confirming [the individual's] qualification to operate the University of Virginia 2 MW Research Reactor (UVAR). 11/14/2023
FOPA-2024-000002 Crouch, Donald   I am looking for a copy of [a named individual's] Senior Reactor Operator's license (when this individual was a shift supervisor at the Beaver Valley Power Station. 11/14/2023
FOIA-2024-000036 Butler, Darrin   Requester is seeking the dates of travel for govt business for “named individual” from June 2019 to the present date (Date Range for Record Search: From 6/1/2019 To 11/16/2023) 11/16/2023
FOIA-2024-000037 Tarver   Requestor would like copies of the 2012, 2013, and 2014 Annual Threat Review. 11/17/2023
FOIA-2024-000038 Hutchison, Joe   Records that list, for the Honeywell-Metropolis facility in Illinois, the General Counsel, all available telephone numbers listed to the executive office, a copy of all listed “Executive personnel ” and their contact info (email/Telephone number), and all “private/non Governmental” lawsuits filed against that facility. 11/20/2023
FOIA-2024-000040 Livermore, Daniel   NRC records that show the total number of NRC FTE from 2018 to 2022. NRC records that show the cumulative number of sick hours NRC FTE used in from 2018 to 2022. 11/28/2023
FOIA-2024-000041 Schluger, Jacqueline   I request copies of all correspondence outlined in detail below: • Any direct correspondence between your agency and: Congressman James Daniel (Dan) Bishop or the staff or representatives of James Daniel (Dan) Bishop, in his capacity as a United States Congressman, State Representative, or as a private citizen, (all dates-present). • Any Freedom of Information Act (or public records) requests filed regarding Congressman James Daniel (Dan) Bishop or the staff or representatives of James Daniel (Dan) Bishop, in his capacity as a United States Congressman, State Representative, or as a private citizen and responsive documents to those requests, (all dates-present). If any records are withheld or redacted, I request that you state the specific legal and factual grounds for withholding any documents or portions of documents, please identify each document that falls with scope of this request but is withheld from release. If requested documents are located in another installation or bureau, I request that you please refer this request or any relevant portion of this request to the appropriate installation or bureau. To the extent that the respondent records are available in electronic format, I would prefer to receive the information via email, particularly if providing the information reduces the time or expense involved. Otherwise, I will expect to receive the information in paper form. To help assess my status for copying and mailing fees, please note that I am gathering information for research purposes and not for commercial activities. I am willing to pay all reasonable costs incurred in locating and duplicating these materials. But please contact me prior to processing to approve any fees or charges incurred in excess of $100. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions about this request at Sincerely, Jacqueline Schluger 11/30/2023

1 CON – Consultation

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, December 6, 2023