Recent FOIA Requests - June 2023

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during June 2023. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Tracking Number Requester's Name Requester's Organization Request Description Received Date
FOIA-2023-000125 Shepard, Nathaniel - Requester is seeking records related to named individual who was the lead executive from Union Carbide on the Manhattan Project. See corresponding documentation. 06/01/2023
FOIA-2023-000126 Dargie, Daniel Nawah Energy Company Copy of February 28, 1983 NUREG/CR-2952; PNL-4468, "Engineering expertise on shift in nuclear power plants: the foreign experience" 06/01/2023
FOIA-2023-000127 Hartke, Ron Liona Enterprises First page, first 15 pages of the Performance Work Statement (PWS) or Statement of Work (SOW), PM/TM/POC, COR, CO/KO, CS (if applicable) of the current contract award 31310019D0003/31310019F0074. 06/05/2023
FOIA-2023-000128 Fields, Sarah Uranium Watch 1. NUREG-0556. Final Environmental Statement re Operation of White Mesa Uranium Project. December 31, 1978. Docket No. 40-8681 NRC Legacy Library Accession No. 7906050128. Physical File: PDR:NUREG//0556 R 790531. I believe that this NUREG was accessioned to the ADAMS Public Library. However, many documents for Docket No. 04008681 accessioned to the Public Library have been removed from ADAMS for further review. I have no idea when they will be returned to Public Library. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/01/1978 To 01/31/1979) 06/06/2023
FOIA-2023-000129 Downey, Caitlin August Mack Requester is seeking a copy of a document related to the former Atlantic Metals Corp. located at 2117 East York Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (license number STB-00913). Specifically looking for Domestic Licensing of Source Material docket number 40-7004, page 9. this document referenced in the NRC’s Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available, May 1-31, 1996, on the ADAMS database. Docket number 40-7004 was also mentioned in other Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available bulletins (NUREG-0540 vol. 9 no. 6 and NUREG-0540 vol. 19 no. 10), albeit with different page numbers (2, 7). Seeking copies of docket number 40-7004 pages 2 and 7 as well. I’ve included screenshots of the entries for Atlantic Metals Corp. in the Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available bulletins in case the information assists your staff in fulfilling my request. 06/06/2023
FOIA-2023-000130 Kane, Cecilia Colliers Colliers International Requester is seeking a copy of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s response to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability's letter, dated May 18, 2023, requesting documents and information on the agency's level of telework, how the agency has tracked its impact on performance, and what that impact has been. The agency's response was requested no later than June 1, 2023. (Date Range for Record Search: From 5/1/2023 To 6/6/2023) 06/06/2023
FOIA-2023-000131 King, Ryan   I am requesting the written Operating License Exam administered at James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant in August of 2021. 06/07/2023
FOIA-2023-000132 Power, John Aljazeera All correspondence sent and received by Eric Stahl, chief of the International Cooperation and Assistance Branch, between July 5 and July 7, 2023 on the topic of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station in Ukraine. 06/07/2023
FOIA-2023-000133 Keys, Clay   Requester is seeking a copy of all Inspector Newsletters (NRR) published in 2020. 06/08/2023
FOIA-2023-000134 Slaughter, David Aerotest Operations, Inc. Requester is seeking information on NRC-IG’s investigation #C21-012 memo's to file listed below. Memo’s to file 3/3/21 summary of site visit 5/27/22 all memos on this date (3) 6/20/22 all memos on this date (2) 6/23/22 all memos on this date (6) 6/27/22 all memos on this date (2) 06/08/2023
FOIA-2023-000135 Slaughter, David Aerotest Operations, Inc. Requester is looking for NRC-IG’s investigation #C21-012 draft memo to EDO with a due date to enter review process by July 31, 2022. 06/08/2023
FOIA-2023-000136 Slaughter, David Aerotest Operations, Inc. Requester is seeking NRC-IG’s investigation #C21-012 Case after the open case status update/status review on February 24, 2022 that includes any documents stating, "it was determined by OIG investigators senior managers that this investigation is to be disposition through closed to file and referred to audit." except case summary report for the period ending 03/31/22. Information on what was sent to audit and any audit case numbers. We need to know what "disposition through closed to file" means. 06/08/2023
FOIA-2023-000137 Triplett jr, Dwayne Myself Improper FOIA Request 06/12/2023
FOIA-2023-000138 Curran, Diane Harmon, Curran, Spielberg & Eisenberg, L.L.P. Westinghouse Technical Report WCAP-17299-NP, "Fast Neutron Fluence Update for Diablo Canyon Unit 1 and Unit 2 Pressure Vessels", Revision 0 (Feb. 2011) 06/12/2023
FOIA-2023-000139 Garde, Billie Clifford & Garde, LLP Westinghouse Technical Report WCAP-17299-NP, "Fast Neutron Fluence Update for Diablo Canyon Unit 1 and Unit 2 Pressure Vessels", Revision 0 (Feb. 2011) 06/12/2023
FOIA-2023-000140 Graham, Carolyn Democratic National Committee All correspondence, including – but not limited to – emails, letters, text messages and faxes, sent or received by the following Nuclear Regulatory Commission officials that include the keywords “Glenn Youngkin,” “Carlyle Group,” “Elgar Electronics," "Kinder Morgan," "Gibson Energy Holdings," "Cogentrix Energy," "NGP Energy Capital Management," or "Dresser Industries" in the “from,” “to,” “CC” or “BCC” fields or in the subject line or body of the correspondence:  Commissioner Kenneth C. Rogers, Commissioner Ivan Selin, Commissioner E. Gail de Planque, Commissioner Shirley A. Jackson, Commissioner Greta J. Dicus, Commissioner Nils J. Diaz, Commissioner Edward McGaffigan, Jr., Commissioner Jeffrey S. Merrifield, Commissioner Richard A. Meserve, Commissioner Gregory B. Jaczko, Commissioner Peter B. Lyons, Commissioner Dale E. Klein, Commissioner George Apostolakis, Commissioner William D. Magwood, IV, Commissioner William C. Ostendorff, Commissioner Allison M. Macfarlane, Commissioner Stephen G. Burns, Commissioner Kristine L. Svinicki, Commissioner Jeff Baran, Commissioner David A. Wright . (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/1995 To 12/31/2020) 06/12/2023
FOIA-2023-000141 Graham, Carolyn Democratic National Committee All correspondence, including – but not limited to – emails, letters, text messages and faxes, sent or received by the following Nuclear Regulatory Commission officials that include the keywords “Glenn Youngkin,” “Carlyle Group,” “Elgar Electronics," "Kinder Morgan," "Gibson Energy Holdings," "Cogentrix Energy," "NGP Energy Capital Management," or "Dresser Industries" in the “from,” “to,” “CC” or “BCC” fields or in the subject line or body of the correspondence: Any individual serving as the Executive Director for Operations, Any individual serving as Deputy Executive Director for Reactor and Preparedness Programs, Any individual serving as Regional Administrator Region I, Any individual serving as Regional Administrator Region II, Any individual serving as Regional Administrator Region III,  Any individual serving as Regional Administrator Region IV, Any individual serving as the Director off the Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, Any individual serving as the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Any individual serving as the Director of the Office of Enforcement, Any individual serving as the Director of the Office of Investigations (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/1995 To 12/31/2020) 06/12/2023
FOIA-2023-000142 Graham, Carolyn Democratic National Committee All publicly releasable investigations, audits and other enforcement actions that include any of the following keywords: Carlyle Group, Glenn Youngkin, Elgar Electronics, International Technology, Kuhlman Electric, Kinder Morgan, Stallion Oilfield, Cogentrix Energy, NGP Energy, Niska, 4Gas, Gibson Energy Holdings, NGP Energy Capital Management, Dresser Industries (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/1995 To 12/31/2020) 06/12/2023
FOIA-2023-000143 Criscione, Lawrence   Under the Freedom of Information Act I request a copy of the 2023-June-9 memo from Brooke Clark to Dan Dorman entitled "Staff Requirements -- COMAXC-23-0001 -- Enabling the Mission - A Measured Approach to the Future of Work." 06/13/2023
FOIA-2023-000144 Crouch, Donald   Personal history of a [named individual] with the NRC, including licensing and other documents. 06/12/2023
FOIA-2023-000145 Slaughter, David Aerotest Operations, Inc. All allegation and/or investigation numbers and their titles related to or involving Aerotest, including date initiated/opened, date closed, disposition, and any documentation relating to the closing (i.e., memorandum, report, entry/note in an allegation/investigation file, etc.) from January 1, 2000 to June 13, 2023. This request excludes the NRC-OIG's investigative report for C21-012. 06/14/2023
FOIA-2023-000146 Osborne, Kelsey Paine, Tarwater, and Bickers, LLP Records pertaining to the NRC, the AEC and any other relevant agency's turbine construction, installation, inspection, and maintenance documents, asbestos monitoring and control programs, insultation materials used, and work with the General Electric Co. ("GE") at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant and the Trojan Nuclear Plant facilities, as more specifically enumerated in the request letter. (Dates approximated by FOIA Specialist based on when the plants were first operational; only the ending date appears in the request) (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/1975 To 1/1/1985) 06/14/2023
FOIA-2023-000147 Harrison, Natasha   Requester is seeking records about [listed individual]. Further information is listed in the facsimile documentation. 06/15/2023
FOIA-2023-000148 Keys, Clay   Requester is seeking 1) FOIA logs for 2021 Fiscal Year; 2) A copy of the NRC Reporter Newsletter for months of January to April 2023. 06/16/2023
FOIA-2023-000149 Belliveau, Josie Leadership Connect A list of all current NRC appointees, including the following: Career Senior Executive Service, Non-Career Senior Executive Service, and Schedule C appointees Specifically, please provide the first and last name, title, start date, and office for each person. Please specify what type of political appointee each person is. Please provide this information in a machine-readable format such as excel or csv, not PDF. 06/16/2023
CON-2023-000006 Erdman, James Feds4MedFreedom This is a consultation from the GSA that includes NRC equities. 06/20/2023
FOIA-2023-000150 Cinq-Mars, Tom Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Susta Requester is seeking a copy of the following documents be provided to me for use in a classroom setting at Duke University: “Union of Concerned Scientists’ Petition for Decommissioning of Indian Point Unit 1 and Suspension of Operation of Units 2 & 3,” September 17, 1979, 7910180121, NRC Legacy Library, NRC Reference Librarians have confirmed that this document is currently unavailable in public ADAMS. 06/20/2023
FOIA-2023-000151 Slaughter, David Aerotest Operations, Inc. The following records are requested from the Office of the Inspector General: Quarterly Case Summaries and/or Reviews for C21-016. (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/1/2021 To 6/20/2023) 06/21/2023
FOIA-2023-000152 Slaughter, David Aerotest Operations, Inc. I'm requesting internal documents, reports, memorandums, notes, and emails from or to Miriam Zober Deputy General Counsel of NRC on the deliberations/investigation of David M Slaughters 3/29/23 (ML23094A070) request for the NRC to settle out of court for the damages caused by the NRC and Miriam Zober's denial of claim letter dated 5/4/23 (ML23124A084). Dates 3/29/23 to 5/4/23. 06/21/2023
FOIA-2023-000153 Chen, Emerson The Resume Place, Inc. I am writing to make a formal request under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, to obtain information regarding the hiring of military spouses under Executive Order 13473 within your agency or department. This executive order provides employment opportunities for qualified military spouses. I kindly request the following information: The number of military spouses hired by your agency or department under the authority of Executive Order 13473 from 2019 to present, broken down by year. To ensure the accuracy and completeness of this request, I kindly request that the information be provided in electronic format, preferably in a machine-readable format such as Excel or CSV. If that is not feasible, please provide the information in any other format available to your agency. Please acknowledge receipt of this request promptly and provide a tracking number for reference. 06/23/2023
FOIA-2023-000154 Resendez, Karen Aaron g. christensen, attorney Misdirected request that was intended for the National Records Center. 06/28/2023
FOIA-2023-000155 Techman, Jennifer Evert Weathersby Houff Attorneys at Law Request for records in relation to the following nuclear power plants (collectively, the “Subject Nuclear Facilities”): • McGuire Nuclear Station – Huntersville, NC; • Robinson Nuclear Plant – Hartsville, SC; • Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant – New Hill, NC; • Catawba Nuclear Station – York, SC; and • Oconee Nuclear Station – Seneca, SC. The requested records pertain to the NRC, AEC, and any other relevant agency’s nuclear reactor construction, installation, inspection, and maintenance documents, asbestos monitoring and control programs, insulation materials used, and work with Westinghouse Electric Company or its predecessors or successors (“Westinghouse”) at the Subject Nuclear Facilities. The enumerated sections below correspond to the requirements set forth in 10 C.F.R. § 9.23. Please provide a signed and notarized affidavit from the NRC’s records custodian with these documents that verifies the authenticity of each of the documents provided. 06/29/2023
FOIA-2023-000156 Kite, Susan The EI Group, Inc. I am reviewing a Historic Material Licensing Tracking System (HIST MLTS) database listing for Lockheed Martin Logistics MGMT., 1600 Pioneer, 7(f), Arlington, Texas 76010. Docket: 3031393 and License No: 42-27010-01. Is there any information available that would indicate whether the facility is still listed or if this facility is no longer listed due to being in an “Agreement State”? Please let me know if you need additional information. Thank You! Susan 06/29/2023
FOIA-2023-000157 McCabe, Jason Skelly and Loy, Inc Requester is seeking any documentation or files pertaining to License 37-19533-01 and/or Bushy Run Research Center. 06/30/2023

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, July 11, 2023