NRC Datasets

Title Dataset Last Updated Dataset
Advanced Reactor Integrated Schedule Data Source 11/08/2021 Dataset
Cancelled U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors – Part 50: Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities and Part 52 Licenses Certifications, and Approvals for Nuclear Power Plants 02/23/2023 Dataset
Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors – Operating Reactors 02/23/2023 Dataset
Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors by Parent Company 10/13/2020 Dataset
Commercial Nuclear Power Reactor Operating Licenses— Issued by Year 10/13/2020 Dataset
Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors – Operating Reactors Under Active Construction or Deferred Policy 02/23/2023 Dataset
Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors Undergoing Decommissioning and Permanently Shut Down Formerly Licensed to Operate 02/23/2023 Dataset
Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Licensing History 1955-2020 11/17/2021 Dataset
Dry Cask Spent Fuel Storage Licensees 02/23/2023 Dataset
Dry Spent Fuel Storage Designs: NRC-Approved for Use by General Licensees 02/23/2023 Dataset
International Activities: Conventions and Treaties Pertaining to Nuclear Safety, Security, and International Safeguards 11/17/2021 Dataset
International Activities: List of Multilateral Organizations, Committees, and Working Groups in Which the NRC Participates 11/17/2021 Dataset
Laws Governing the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11/17/2021 Dataset
List of Import and Export Licenses Issued – Appendix P to 10 CFR Part 110 Components Guide 02/23/2023 Dataset
List of Import and Export Licenses Issued – Non Appendix P Components guide 02/23/2023 Dataset
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Membership 02/23/2023 Dataset
Major U.S. Fuel Cycle Facility Sites 02/23/2023 Dataset
Material Licenses By State 02/23/2023 Dataset
Native American Reservations and Trust Lands within a 50-Mile Radius of a Nuclear Power Plant 02/23/2023 Dataset
New Nuclear Power Plant Licensing Applications 02/23/2023 Dataset
NRC-Regulated Complex Materials Sites Undergoing Decommissioning 02/23/2023 Dataset
Nuclear Research and Test Reactors under Decommissioning Regulated by the NRC 02/23/2023 Dataset
Operating U.S. Nuclear Research and Test Reactors – Regulated by the NRC 02/23/2023 Dataset
Radiation Doses and Regulatory Limits 11/17/2021 Dataset
Significant NRC Enforcement Actions 02/23/2023 Dataset

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, February 23, 2023