Document Number |
Description |
Date |
SECY-22-0112 |
Proposed Rule: Radioactive Source Security and Accountability (3150-AK83; NRC-2022-0103) |
03/08/2024 |
SECY-22-0109 |
Proposed Rule: Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review (RIN 3150-AK32; NRC-2018-0296) |
01/23/2023 |
SECY-22-0106 |
Xcel Energy Request for Emergency Operations Facility Consolidation and Relocation |
02/09/2023 |
SECY-22-0102 |
Request by Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC for Exemptions from Certain Emergency Planning Requirements for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 1, 2, and 3 |
10/24/2023 |
SECY-22-0100 |
Proposed Rule: Categorical Exclusions from Environmental Review |
06/10/2024 |
SECY-22-0098 |
Rulemaking Options for Revising Security Requirements for Facilities Storing Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste |
10/04/2023 |
SECY-22-0090 |
Duke Energy Request to Relocate the Emergency Operations Facility |
02/09/2023 |
SECY-22-0089 |
Recommendation for Enhancing the Emergency Preparedness Significance Determination Process for the Reactor Oversight Process |
02/09/2023 |
SECY-22-0087 |
Recommendation for Problem Identification and Resolution Team Inspection Frequency |
03/03/2023 |
SECY-22-0086 |
Recommendations for Revising the Reactor Oversight Process Assessment Program |
03/10/2023 |
SECY-22-0081 |
Management Review Board Recommendation for Probation of the Mississippi Agreement State Program |
09/22/2022 |
SECY-22-0076 |
Expansion of Current Policy on Potential Common-Cause Failures in Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems |
05/25/2023 |
SECY-22-0074 |
Petition for Rulemaking and Rulemaking Plan on Advance Tribal Notification of Certain Radioactive Material Shipments (PRM-37-2; NRC-2021-0051) |
10/17/2022 |
SECY-22-0072 |
Proposed Rule: Alternative Physical Security Requirements for Advanced Reactors (RIN 3150-AK19) |
06/18/2024 |
SECY-22-0059 |
Rulemaking on Industrial Radiographic Operations and Training (PRM-34-6; NRC-2017-0022) |
01/17/2023 |
SECY-22-0053 |
Recommendations for Modifying the Reactor Oversight Process Engineering Inspections Periodicity |
07/21/2022 |
SECY-22-0052 |
Proposed Rule: Alignment of Licensing Processes and Lessons Learned from New Reactor Licensing (RIN 3150 AI66) |
11/20/2024 |
SECY-22-0049 |
Denial of Petition for Rulemaking "Accident Source Term Methodologies and Corresponding Release Fractions" (PRM-50-122; NRC-2020-0150) |
07/06/2022 |
SECY-22-0046 |
Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences: Fiscal Year 2021 |
06/27/2022 |
SECY-22-0043 |
Petition for Rulemaking and Rulemaking Plan on Reporting Nuclear Medicine Injection Extravasations as Medical Events (PRM-35-22; NRC-2020-0141) |
12/12/2022 |
SECY-22-0036 |
Rulemaking Plan for Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses--10-year Environmental Regulatory Update (NRC-2022-0087) |
06/17/2022 |
SECY-22-0033 |
Proposed Rule - Alternatives to the Use of Credit Ratings (NRC-2017-0021; RIN 3150-AJ92) |
07/29/2022 |
SECY-22-0028 |
SRM-SECY-20-0008, SECY-22-0028, and SECY-23-0016 Related to NUREG/BR-0058 |
05/03/2024 |
SECY-22-0024 |
Rulemaking Plan for Renewing Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses - Environmental Review |
04/05/2022 |
SECY-22-0014 |
Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences: Fiscal Year 2021 |
04/29/2022 |
SECY-22-0009 |
Proposed Limited Revision to Policy Statement on Criteria for Reporting Abnormal Occurrences |
03/29/2023 |
SECY-22-0004 |
Proposed Rule: Items Containing Byproduct Material Incidental to Production (RIN 3150-AJ54; NRC-2015-0017) |
05/16/2022 |
SECY-22-0001 |
Rulemaking: Final Rule: Emergency Preparedness for Small Modular Reactors and Other New Technologies |
08/14/2023 |