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Staff Requirements Memoranda (SRM) for 2005

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Document number Description Date
SECY-05-0234 Adequacy of Medical Event Definitions in 10 CFR 35.3045, and Communicating Associated Risks to the Public 02/15/2006
SECY-05-0227 Final Rule — AP1000 Design Certification 12/30/2005
SECY-05-0219 Issuance of Nuclear Regulatory Commission Generic Letter 2005-XX, "Grid Reliability and the Impact on Plant Risk and the Operability of Offsite Power" 12/20/2005
SECY-05-0213 Policy Options and Recommendations for the Release of Reports Prepared by the Office of Investigations 01/05/2006
SECY-05-0212 Proposed Rulemaking - Clarification of NRC Civil Penalty Authority over Contractors and Subcontractors Who Discriminate Against Employees for Engaging in Protected Activities (RIN 3150-AH59) 12/23/2005
SECY-05-0203 Revised Proposed Rule to Update 10 CFR Part 52, "Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Nuclear Power Plants" 01/30/2006
SECY-05-0200 Efforts by Western Nuclear, Inc., to Acquire Off-Site Properties in Conjunction with Decommissioning its Uranium Recovery Site and the Need for Institutional Controls 11/28/2005
SECY-05-0197 Review of Operational Programs in a Combined License Application and Generic Emergency Planning Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria 02/22/2006
SECY-05-0187 Status of Safety Culture Initiatives and Schedule for Near-Term Deliverables 12/21/2005
SECY-05-0172 Duke Power Company’s Request to Incorporate the Oconee Emergency Operations Facility into the EOF Shared by Catawba and McGuire Nuclear Stations 11/02/2005
SECY-05-0170 Proposed Agreement Between the State of Minnesota and the Commission Pursuant to Section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as Amended 11/03/2005
SECY-05-0164 Annual Fee Calculation Method 10/11/2005
SECY-05-0160 Phase I Report and Recommendations on Congressional District Outreach Effort 10/07/2005
SECY-05-0156 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Participation in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Halden Reactor Project During 2006–2008 09/21/2005
SECY-05-0151 Proposed Rule: 10 CFR Parts 30, 31, 32, and 150 - Exemptions from Licensing, General Licenses, and Distribution of Byproduct Material: Licensing and Reporting Requirements (RIN 3150-AH41) 11/03/2005
SECY-05-0146 Proposed Reorganization of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 08/25/2005
SECY-05-0144 Proposed Rule; 10 CFR Part 63: "Implementation of a Dose Standard after 10,000 Years" (RIN 3150-AH68) 08/30/2005
SECY-05-0138 Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Alternatives to the Single-Failure Criterion 09/21/2005
SECY-05-0130 Policy Issues Related to New Plant Licensing and Status of the Technology-Neutral Framework for New Plant Licensing 09/14/2005
SECY-05-0126 Summary of Activities Related to Generic Safety Issues (WITS198300621) 08/31/2005
SECY-05-0121 Request to Consider Developing a Formal Tribal Consultation Protocol 08/04/2005
SECY-05-0120 Security Design Expectations for New Reactor Licensing Activities 09/09/2005
SECY-05-0113 Denial of a Petition for Rulemaking to Revise Appendix K to 10 CFR Part 50 and Associated Guidance Documents (PRM-50-76) 08/05/2005
SECY-05-0106 Proposed Rulemaking to Revise 10 CFR 73.1, Design Basis Threat (DBT) Requirements 10/27/2005
SECY-05-0104 Options and Recommendations for the Potential Role of the NRC During the Development of the DOE EIS on Disposal of Greater-Than-Class-C Radioactive Waste 06/30/2005
SECY-05-0097 Options for Permitting Visitors of Hospitalized Patients to Receive Doses in Excess of Currently Permitted Levels 06/24/2005
SECY-05-0092 Proposed Rule: National Source Tracking of Sealed Sources (RIN 3150-AH48) 06/30/2005
SECY-05-0091 Task Force Report on Public Disclosure of Security-Related Information 05/18/2005
SECY-05-0078 Staff Recommendations for Regulatory Improvements to the Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System Database 06/30/2005
SECY-05-0074 Proposed Rule to Amend the Fitness-For-Duty Requirements in 10 CFR Part 26 07/13/2005
SECY-05-0073 Implementation of New USNRC Responsibilities under the National Defense Authorization Act of 2005 in Reviewing Waste Determinations for the USDOE 06/30/2005
SECY-05-0061 Final Rule to Amend 10 CFR Part 9, Subpart A, "Freedom of Information Act Regulations," and Subpart B, "Privacy Act Regulations" 05/25/2005
SECY-05-0054 Proposed Rule: Radiological Criteria for Controlling the Disposition of Solid Materials (RIN 3150-AH18) 06/01/2005
SECY-05-0052 Proposed Rulemaking for "Risk-Informed Changes to Loss-of-Coolant Accident Technical Requirements" 07/29/2005
SECY-05-0051 Details and Projected Cost of a Demonstration Test Of a Full-Scale Spent Nuclear Fuel Rail Transportation Cask Under the Package Performance Study 06/09/2005
SECY-05-0048 Petition for Rulemaking on Protection of U.S. Nuclear Power Plants Against Radiological Sabotage (PRM-50-80) 06/28/2005
Amendment to Staff Requirements - SECY-05-0048 10/27/2005
SECY-05-0045 Denial of a Petition for Rulemaking to Revise 10 CFR Part 50 to Require Offsite Emergency Plans to Include Nursery Schools and Day Care Centers (PRM-50-79) 10/26/2005
SECY-05-0035 Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences: Fiscal Year 2004 03/29/2005
SECY-05-0029 Use of the NRC Public Web Site for Dissemination of the NRC Enforcement Policy 03/01/2005
SECY-05-0020 Final Rule: Medical Use of Byproduct Material - Recognition of Specialty Boards (RIN 3150-AH19) 03/07/2005
SECY-05-0019 Proposed Revision to NRC's Relocation Policy 02/16/2005
SECY-05-0017 Proposed Rule - AP1000 Design Certification 03/11/2005
SECY-05-0005 Options for Research Effectiveness Review Board 02/16/2005

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, March 13, 2020