Document number |
Description |
Date |
SECY-10-0161 |
Final Rule: Risk-Informed Changes to Loss-of-Coolant Accident Technical Requirements (10 CFR 50.46a) (RIN 3150-AH29) |
04/26/2012 |
SECY-10-0142 |
Proposed Rule: U.S. Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Aircraft Impact Design Certification Amendment (RIN 3150-AI84) |
12/15/2010 |
SECY-10-0140 |
Options for Revising the Construction Reactor Oversight Process Assessment Program |
03/21/2011 |
SECY-10-0137 |
Proposed Rule: Requirement for Access Authorization and Physical Protection During Nuclear Power Plant Construction (RIN 3150-AI65) |
03/30/2011 |
SECY-10-0128 |
Proposed Rule: Domestic Licensing of Source Material – Amendments/Integrated Safety Analysis (RIN 3150-AI50) |
11/30/2010 |
SECY-10-0121 |
Modifying the Risk-Informed Regulatory Guidance for New Reactors |
03/02/2011 |
SECY-10-0117 |
Proposed Rule: Requirements for Maintenance of Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (RIN 3150 AI77) |
02/04/2011 |
SECY-10-0114 |
Recommendation to Extend the Proposed Rulemaking on Security Requirements for Facilities Storing Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste |
11/16/2010 |
SECY-10-0113 |
Closure Options for Generic Safety Issue-191, Assessment of Debris Accumulation on Pressurized Water Reactor Sump Performance |
12/23/2010 |
SECY-10-0112 |
Report Regarding Encouraging States and Licensees to Complete National Source Tracking System Credentialing and to Use the System Electronically |
10/13/2010 |
SECY-10-0106 |
Proposed Rule – 10 CFR Parts 2, 51, and 54 "Amendments to Adjudicatory Process Rules and Related Requirements" (RIN-3150- AI43) |
01/12/2011 |
SECY-10-0105 |
Final Rule: Limiting the Quantity of Byproduct Material in a Generally Licensed Device (RIN 3150-A133) |
12/02/2010 |
SECY-10-0095 |
Proposed Rule: Advance Notification to Native American Tribes of Transport of Certain Types of Nuclear Waste (RIN 3150-AG41) |
10/06/2010 |
SECY-10-0082 |
Mandatory Hearing Process for Combined License Application Proceedings Under 10 C.F.R. Part 52 |
12/23/2010 |
SECY-10-0078 |
Centralized Emergency Operations Facilities and Combined License Applications |
09/07/2010 |
SECY-10-0085 |
Proposed Rule: Enhanced Weapons, Firearms Background Checks and Security Event Notifications (RIN: 3150-AI49) |
10/19/2010 |
SECY-10-0084 |
Explanation of Changes to Revision 2 to Regulatory Guide 1.159, "Assuring the Availability of Funds for Decommissioning Nuclear Reactors" |
10/25/2010 |
SECY-10-0074 |
David Geisen, NRC Staff Petition for Review of LBP-09-24 (Aug. 28, 2009) |
09/03/2010 |
SECY-10-0062 |
Reproposed Rule: Medical Use of Byproduct Material - Amendments/Medical Event Definitions (RIN 3150- AI26) |
08/10/2010 |
SECY-10-0056 |
Final Rule: 10 CFR Part 72 License and Certificate of Compliance Terms (RIN 3150-AI09) |
10/14/2010 |
SECY-10-0045 |
Proposed Rule: Requirements for Fingerprint-Based Criminal History Records Checks for Individuals Seeking Unescorted Access to Research or Test Reactors (RIN 3150-AI25) |
06/22/2010 |
SECY-10-0044 |
Review of Final Rule Package, Export and Import of Nuclear Equipment and Material; Updates and Clarifications (10 CFR Part 110, RIN 3150-AI16) |
06/09/2010 |
SECY-10-0043 |
Blending of Low-Level Radioactive Waste |
10/13/2010 |
SECY-10-0031 |
Revising the Fuel Cycle Oversight Process |
08/04/2010 |
SECY-10-0024 |
Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences Fiscal Year 2009 |
05/06/2010 |
SECY-10-0022 |
Proposed Rule: Domestic Licensing of Source Material - Amendments/Integrated Safety Analysis (RIN 3150-AI50) |
06/08/2010 |
SECY-10-0018 |
Proposed Rulemaking to Revise the Definition of Construction in 10 CFR Parts 30, 36, 39, 40, 51, 70, and 150 |
06/22/2010 |
SECY-10-0007 |
Denial of Petition for Rulemaking Requesting an Expedited Rulemaking to Revise the 10 CFR Section 73.55 Compliance Date (PRM-73-14) |
02/18/2010 |