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2009 Commission Speeches


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Date Document Number Description
12/15/2009 S-09-035 "Opening Address by the Conference President" Prepared Remarks of NRC Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko, IAEA Conference on Effective Nuclear Regulatory Systems, December 15, 2009, Cape Town, South Africa
Date Document Number Description
11/17/2009 S-09-034 "Keeping the Focus on Safety" Prepared Remarks of NRC Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko, American Nuclear Society, November, 16, 2009, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C.
11/17/2009 S-09-033 "Risk Management & Security – is it Time for a Recalibration?" - Remarks by NRC Commissioner Dale Klein, American Nuclear Society, November 16, 2009
11/05/2009 S-09-031 "A Regulator's Perspective on Safety and Security", Remarks for NRC Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko
Date Document Number Description
10/30/2009 S-09-032 Remarks by Commissioner Dale E. Klein, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, At the Spanish Nuclear Society Conference, Plenary Session on New Nuclear Programs
10/27/2009 S-09-030 "The Foundations of Nuclear Regulation in the 21ST Century: Safety, Security, and Global Communication", Remarks by Commissioner Dale E. Klein, October 27, 2009
10/22/2009 S-09-029 NEI International Uranium Fuel Seminar Austin, TX, October 19, 2009 - Prepared Remarks of NRC Commissioner Dale E. Klein
10/08/2009 S-09-028 "Moving Safety and Security to the Front Edge of Design," Remarks Prepared for NRC Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko
Date Document Number Description
09/29/2009 S-09-027 "Recent NRC Initiatives in Safety Culture," Remarks Prepared for NRC Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko
09/24/2009 S-09-026 "A Regulator's Perspective on New Nuclear Reactor License Applications", Remarks Prepared for NRC Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko
09/21/2009 S-09-025 "Achieving Closure in Fire Protection", Remarks Prepared for NRC Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko, September 21, 2009
09/10/2009 S-09-024 "A Regulator's Perspective on the Globalization of the Nuclear Industry", Prepared Remarks of Commissioner Dale Klein, World Nuclear Association, London, England
Date Document Number Description
08/31/2009 S-09-022 Remarks Prepared for NRC Commissioner Dale E. Klein, 14th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems
Date Document Number Description
08/14/2009 S-09-021 Prepared Remarks of NRC Commissioner Dale E. Klein, Federal Aviation Administration, Renaissance Washington Hotel
07/22/2009 S-09-020 Prepared Remarks of NRC Commissioner Kristine L. Svinicki, U.S. WIN and WIN Global 2009 Conference Washington, DC, July 22, 2009
07/15/2009 S-09-019 Prepared Remarks of Dr. Dale E. Klein, ICONE, Brussels, Belgium, July 13, 2009
07/13/2009 S-09-018 "Recent Developments at the NRC", Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko
07/07/2009 S-09-017 "A Decisive Regulator Built on a Firm Foundation" NRC Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko, the Heritage Foundation, July 7, 2009 - Video
Date Document Number Description
06/24/2009 S-09-015 "Always Ask the Tough Questions" Prepared Remarks for Gregory B. Jaczko, Chairman U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission at the Professional Reactor Operator Society (PROS)Greenville, SC, June 23, 2009
06/24/2009 S-09-014 Prepared Remarks of Comm. Dale E. Klein, Fuel Cycle Information Exchange, Washington, DC, June 24, 2009
06/15/2009 S-09-016 American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, Prepared Remarks of Dr. Dale Klein, Atlanta, GA, June 15, 2009
Date Document Number Description
05/18/2009 S-09-013 2009 North American Young Generation in Nuclear (NA-YGN) Annual Workshop, "A Day in the Life", Prepared Remarks for The Honorable Gregory B. Jaczko, Chairman
05/13/2009 S-09-012 Remarks of NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein Dry, Storage Information, Forum Bonita Springs, FL May 12, 2009
05/04/2009 S-09-011 "The Nuclear Renaissance in America" NRC Commissioner Kristine L. Svinicki, at the French Institute for International Relations
Date Document Number Description
04/29/2009 S-09-010 "The Role of a Nuclear Regulator", presented by NRC Commissioner Peter B. Lyons, Young Professionals in Energy, Columbia University, New York
04/22/2009 S-09-009 "University of Missouri Energy Summit", Prepared Remarks of NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein, Columbia, MO April 22, 2009
04/20/2009 S-09-008 "Views on the Future Role of Nuclear Power in the Global and U.S. Markets" - Deloitte's Annual Energy Conference, NRC Commissioner Kristine L. Svinicki, April 20, 2009, Washington, D.C.
04/09/2009 S-09-007 "A Regulatory Perspective of the Digital Evolution" Prepared Remarks by NRC Commissioner Peter B. Lyons, 6th American Nuclear Society International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Controls, and Human Machine Interface Technology, April 7, 2009
Date Document Number Description
03/11/2009 S-09-006 "Learning the Right Lessons" The Honorable Gregory B. Jaczko, Commissioner, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 21st Annual Regulatory Information Conference - Video
03/10/2009 S-09-005 Building for the Future in a Time of Change The Honorable Peter B. Lyons Commissioner U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 21st Annual Regulatory Information Conference March 10, 2009 - Video
03/10/2009 S-09-004 Prepared Remarks of NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein, 21st Annual Regulatory Information Conference, March 10, 2009 - Video
03/05/3009 S-09-003 "Public Confidence Needed for Successful Low-Level Waste Management" NRC Commissioner, Gregory B. Jaczko, 2009 Waste Management Conference, Phoenix, AZ, March 2, 2009
03/04/2009 S-09-002 "The Role of a Strong Regulator in Safe & Secure Nuclear Energy" NRC Commissioner Peter B. Lyons, Warren K. Sinclair Keynote Address 2009 NCRP Annual Meeting
Date Document Number Description
2/12/2009 S-09-001 "New Opportunities to Invest in Nuclear Safety", Gregory B. Jaczko, Commissioner, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 5th Annual Platts Nuclear Energy Conference Bethesda, MD, February 12, 2009
Date Document Number Description
There were no speeches for January.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 13, 2024