December |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
12/08/1997 |
S-97-026 |
Chairman Shirley Ann Jackson Keynote Address to the Plant Life Management and Plant Life Extension International Conference and Exhibition |
November |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
11/24/1997 |
S-98-002 |
Commissioner Nils J. Diaz before Sociedad Nuclear Mexicana, VIII Congreso, Guanajuato, Mexico |
11/17/1997 |
S-98-001 |
Commissioner Nils J. Diaz before the American Nuclear Society 1997 Winter Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico |
11/06/1997 |
S-97-024 |
"The Lighthouse: Regulatory Stability in a Time of Change," by Chairman Jackson |
11/07/1997 |
S-97-025 |
Is There a Crack in the Darkened Ceiling?" by Chairman Jackson |
11/03/1997 |
S-97-023 |
Chairman Jackson Talking Points for the NRC Management Development Conference |
October |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
10/30/1997 |
S-97-022 |
Chairman Jackson at the All Employees Meeting |
10/20/1997 |
S-97-020 |
Chairman Jackson at the 25th Annual Water Reactor Safety Meeting |
10/16/1997 |
S-97-019 |
Chairman Jackson at the Annual Meeting of the Organization of Agreement States |
10/02/1997 |
S-97-021 |
Chairman Jackson Address at IAEA |
September |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
09/05/1997 |
S-97-018 |
Chairman Speech to the Uranium Institute |
August |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
There were no speeches for August. |
July |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
07/21/1997 |
S-97-017 |
Chairman Jackson to Nuclear Power Reactor Safety Course at MIT |
June |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
06/17/1997 |
S-97-016 |
Chairman Jackson at Meeting of Nuclear Electric Insurance, Ltd. |
May |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
05/30/1997 |
S-97-014 |
Commissioner Diaz before the Nuclear Energy Institute |
05/22/1997 |
S-97-015 |
Chairman Jackson at Rutgers |
05/21/1997 |
S-97-012 |
Chairman Jackson at Design Certification Ceremony for ABB-Combustion Engineering |
April |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
04/22/1997 |
S-97-013 |
Commissioner Dicus at the 7th Annual National Radiological Emergency Preparedness Conference |
04/07/1997 |
S-97-009 |
Chairman Jackson Keynote Address to the Nuclear Energy Institute Fuel Cycle '97 Conference |
04/04/1997 |
S-97-010 |
Chairman Jackson at the Harvard Foundation's Fourth Annual Conference |
04/02/1997 |
S-97-011 |
Commissioner Nils J. Diaz at the Regulatory Information Conference |
04/02/1997 |
S-97-008 |
Commissioner Dicus at the Regulatory Information Conference |
04/01/1997 |
S-97-007 |
Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission before the Regulatory Information Conference |
March |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
03/24/1997 |
S-97-006 |
Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, before the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
February |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
02/28/1997 |
S-97-005 |
Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson Chairman, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission at Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
02/14/1997 |
S-97-003 |
Chairman Jackson Speech "Nuclear Regulation and Career Experience" |
January |
Date |
Document Number |
Description |
01/28/1997 |
S-97-002 |
Chairman Jackson's Speech to Virginia Power's 7th Annual Leadership Program |
01/23/1997 |
S-97-001 |
Chairman Speech to NARUC in Fort Myers, Florida |
01/16/1997 |
S-97-004 |
Commissioner Dicus - Presentation to American Nuclear Society |