T1 Celebrating 50 Years of the Resident Inspector Program |
T2 Minority Serving Institutions and Their Positive Impact on the Mission of the NRC |
T3 Non-Proliferation Considerations for the Export of Advanced Reactors |
T4 The Then, the Now, and the Potential Future Nuclear Fuel Cycle |
T5 Advancing Small Modular Reactor Safety through Global Collaboration: International Research and Regulatory Research |
T6 Cultivating the Creativity of Innovation |
T7 Is the Regulatory Landscape Changing in the Federal Courts? If so, How Can Litigants Adapt? |
T8 Two Decades of Nuclear Cybersecurity: What Does the Future Hold? |
W9 Use of Accident Tolerant Fuel to Safely Increase Reactor Output |
W10 Enjoy the View-Let Emergency Preparedness Be Your Guide |
W11 Human in the Loop: The Changing Role of Humans in New and Advanced Reactor Designs |
W12 Regional Session-Current Topics Involving the NRC's Inspection and Oversight Programs |
W13 Environmental Reviews: Increasing Efficiency and Transparency to Meet the Changing Landscape of the National Environmental Policy Act |
W14 Innovations in Advanced Reactor Construction Oversight |
W15 Leadership and Safety Culture: International Perspectives |
W16 The Future of Nuclear: Adapting to AI-Enabled Autonomy |
TH17 Exploring the Advantages of a Collaborative Full-Scale Exercise Engagement |
TH18 In RISK We TRUST-Enhancing Acceptance on Risk-Informed Decision-Making |
TH19 Long Term Operations: Meeting the Moment |
TH20 No Need to Reinvent the Wheel: How Countries are Considering Leveraging International Regulatory Experience in their Licensing Reviews |
TH21 Assembling the Pieces: Mobilizing Nuclear Energy with Factory-Fabricated and Transportable Micro-Reactors |
TH22 Nuke Kids on the Block |
TH23 Optimizing Pathways for Safe Nuclear Deployment: Innovation and Policy Alignment |
TH24 Navigating the Future of Fusion: Designing a Flexible, Resilient Regulatory Framework for Emerging Fusion Technologies |