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W10 Enjoy the View-Let Emergency Preparedness Be Your Guide

Landscapes are never constant; they change over time. The same is true for nuclear technologies, which means that radiological emergency preparedness (EP) must adapt as well. Last year, a final rule on EP for small modular reactors and other new technologies was just over the horizon. Now, the NRC has delivered on a final rule that brings the future of EP into view. The new regulations provide an alternative risk informed, performance based framework capable of adapting to new technologies. But how does this framework guide us through the changing nuclear landscape. This session will feature a panel of subject matter experts from the NRC, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and State government to discuss implementation of the new rule. Topics for discussion will include application of the established planning basis for EP, the NRC's graded approach to EP, the benefits of a performance based approach, and preparedness for the whole community.

  • Opening Remarks
    Todd Smith, Senior Level Advisor for Emergency Preparedness and Incident Response, Division of Preparedness and Response, NSIR/NRC

  • Eric Schrader, Senior Emergency Preparedness Specialist, Policy & Oversight Branch, Division of Preparedness and Response, NSIR/NRC
  • Edward Robinson, Senior Emergency Preparedness Specialist, Reactor Licensing Branch, Division of Preparedness and Response, NSIR/NRC
  • Janis McCarroll, Senior Public Health Advisor, U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • Ken Evans, CRCPD HS/ER-5 Committee Chair, Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors
  • Courtney Ekstein, Radiation Program Director, Indiana Department of Homeland Security


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, August 14, 2024