TH20 No Need to Reinvent the Wheel: How Countries are Considering Leveraging International Regulatory Experience in their Licensing Reviews

This panel will provide a forum for countries developing or expanding their nuclear power programs to share their vision, plans, or experience with licensing new reactor technologies. Specifically, the session will focus on how these regulators are ensuring consistency with their legal and regulatory frameworks while leveraging the work already done by other regulators. This panel will highlight areas in which regulatory bodies have found efficiencies in their reviews based on international collaboration, while also discussing their methodology for identifying those parts of applications they may review in more detail. The panel will also provide a forum for the IAEA to provide an update on the progress of Nuclear Safety and Harmonization Initiative Working Group 3.

  • Shannon Doane, International Relations Officer, International Cooperation & Assistance Branch, OIP/NRC e-mail:
  • Joshua Admire, International Relations Specialist, International Cooperation & Assistance Branch, OIP/NRC e-mail:

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, August 14, 2024