Andrej Glowacki
Andrzej Glowacki has been President of the National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA) since March 22, 2023. He has been working for the PAA for more than sixteen years. Since September 2020, he has served as Vice-President of the Agency. Previously, he held the position of Director of the Nuclear Safety and Security Department, responsible, inter alia, for overseeing the safety of the country's nuclear facilities, including the MARIA research reactor. At the PAA, Andrzej Glowacki also held the position of Director of the Supervision and Inspection Department, as well as Head of the Nuclear Installations Inspection Division.
Andrzej Glowacki holds a master's degree in physics. He graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Bialystok. He perfected his skills during post-graduate studies in nuclear energy at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology. He also completed a number of national and international trainings related to nuclear safety and radiation protection, including on-the-job training at the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US NRC) in the scope of conducting inspections at the construction site of the Vogtle nuclear power plant, as well as the commissioning of the Watts Bar 2 nuclear power plant in the United States. As an expert, he participated in the international IRRS mission to Canada. He is one of the authors of Handbook for Regulatory Inspectors of Nuclear Power Plants published by the IAEA.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, August 07, 2024