T4 The Then, the Now, and the Potential Future Nuclear Fuel Cycle

The potential need for new fuels is affecting both the front and back ends of the fuel cycle. These changes include new designs for light water reactor fuels, current activities for advanced reactor fuels, and what the future might look like as the industry moves forward. In this session, participants will get a flavor of the new fuels licensing landscape in terms of where we started, where we are now, and where we look to go in the future as the NRC prepares for new fuels while maintaining and building capabilities for risk informed regulation of fuel cycle facilities as well as storage and transportation packages. Attendees will hear from stakeholders in the NRC, industry, the DOE, and international counterparts.

  • Damaris Marcano, Chief, Containment, Thermal, Chemical, and Fire Branch, Division of Fuel Management, NMSS.NRC e-mail: Damaris.Marcano@jnrc.gov


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, August 14, 2024