Jason Piotter
Jason Piotter currently serves as the senior program manager for ATF and advanced reactor fuel activities in the Division of Fuel Management in NMSS and has been serving in that capacity since June 2021. He is also a Senior Mechanical Engineer and technical reviewer for the Containment, Structural, and Thermal Branch in the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards. In this capacity, Mr. Piotter conducts safety reviews of commercial transportation cask designs under 10 CFR Part 71 and spent fuel storage cask designs under 10 CFR Part 72. Mr. Piotter joined the NRC in 2004 and has held various technical positions within the agency including 9 years as a Structural Engineer, 8 years as a Senior Mechanical Engineer, and 2 years as an acting Branch Chief in the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards and the Office of Research. He received a B.S. degree in Civil Structural Engineering from the University of Iowa and an M.S. degree in Structural Engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, August 06, 2024