TH21 Assembling the Pieces: Mobilizing Nuclear Energy with Factory-Fabricated and Transportable Micro-Reactors

This panel session will focus on novel approaches to the licensing, design, and operation of factory fabricated micro-reactors. In coordination with the DOE and other organizations, micro-reactor developers are currently developing deployment models that call for the fueling and (in some cases) operational testing of reactors in a factory before transportation to the ultimate deployment site. The NRC staff will discuss licensing strategies associated with these deployment models, including approaches to increase review efficiency and regulatory predictability. External panelists will discuss proposed micro-reactor designs, deployment strategies, technology development, and related activities. Session attendees will gain insights into the current state of micro-reactor development, expected applications of the technology, and the NRC's innovative regulatory approaches.

  • Ossy Font, Project Manager (Non-Power), Advanced Reactor Policy Branch, Division of Advanced Reactors and Non-power Production and Utilization Facilities, NRR/NRC e-mail:

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, August 14, 2024