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The Open Government Directive defines high-value information as "information that can be used to increase agency accountability and responsiveness; improve public knowledge of the agency and its operations; further the core mission of the agency; create economic opportunity or respond to need and demand as identified through public consultation." As a regulatory agency whose processes and decisions are captured primarily in the form of documents, the NRC views its documents as its highest value data and has, up until now, focused the thrust of its public information dissemination program in this area. The agency has made its documents available in widely used format for the public's view.

NRC's High-Value Datasets

COVID-19 licensing requests that have been approved by the NRC for Power Reactors and Non-Power Reactors by docket number.

Power Reactor
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Non-Power Reactor
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Demographic data on U.S. commercial nuclear power reactors for which licensing activities have been canceled. The available data include plant name/unit number, utility, location, containment type, capacity, cancellation date, and current status.

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p>Membership on the governance boards strengthens the Chief Information Officer's accountability for the agency's IT cost, schedule, performance and security.

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CIO Governance Board Membership List (JSON)

A detailed listing of current active commercial contracts exceeding $100,000, including contract numbers, project titles, award dates, contractors, and other valuable data is located at
The data may be accessed by using the ‘Explore the Data’ menu, and selecting, “Agencies’.

A catalog of dry spent fuel storage designs that the NRC has approved for use by general licensees. The available data include vendor, docket number, and storage design model.

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Demographic data on spent fuel storage licensees, including: plant name/unit number, license type/date, vendor, storage design model, docket number, utility, and related notes

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A list of full-scale Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and NRC evaluated exercises required of nuclear facilities is provided. The list includes identification of the date and type of exercise (e.g., plume, ingestion, partial), and the participants. NRC Headquarters and Regional staff members typically participate in four full-scale emergency response plume exercises each year and also participate in select ingestion exposure exercises. Exercise participants may include licensee, State, county and local governmental and emergency response agencies, NRC, FEMA and other appropriate Federal agencies.

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A summary of findings from fire inspections conducted by the NRC. Available data include the plant name, cognizant NRC regional office, event date, type of finding that was issued to the licensee and the specific violation for which the finding was issued, report number and comments associated with each finding, year in which the finding was first observed, and type of report in which the finding was identified.

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A summary of fire-related events at operating nuclear power reactors since October 1998. Available data include the number of the specific Event Notification or Licensee Event Report (LER) in which the fire event was reported to the NRC, as well as the event date, operating mode and power reactor operating capacity at the time of the fire, the area of the plant where the fire occurred, the Event Notification, and whether an Alert or Notice of Unusual Event was declared as a result of the fire.

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A comprehensive record of the status of issues identified since 1978, which involve public health and safety, the common defense and security, or the environment, and which could affect multiple entities under NRC jurisdiction. Available information includes the issue number, title, description, issue revision number, multi-plant action number; responsible project manager and affiliation; date of identification and resolution; status/priority ranking; related technical area and facility types; resolution result and product category; related generic issues, generic communications, industry documents, and events; and additional information.

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This data set contains the licensed operator performance statistics in simulator training and experiments collected in the NRC's Scenario Authoring, Characterization and Debriefing Application (SACADA) database before April 2019. The data set includes five Excel files, each contains the performance statistics and corresponding contexts of a macrocognitive function. The context is characterized by a set of performance influencing factors. The quantification unit in SACADA is the Training Objective Element (TOE).


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Information about materials environmental reviews conducted by the NRC, as required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), to evaluate the environmental impacts of proposed licensing, decommissioning, and other actions. The available information includes the facility name, type, and location; application type; review type; and current status.

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Information about materials licensing actions received by the NRC, including the applicant/licensee name and location, license/docket numbers, date received, and type of action.

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The Chief Information Officer defines IT policies and processes for all capital planning, enterprise architecture, and project management and reporting for IT resources.

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A status summary for decommissioning of NRC-regulated complex materials sites in the United States. Available information includes site name, location, and State; current compliance criteria; whether the decommissioning plan (DP) has been submitted to the NRC and, if so, the original submission date; whether the NRC has approved the DP; and the estimated closure date. This information is current as of September 30, 2014, and summarizes the related information presented in the Status of the Decommissioning Program 2014 Annual Report.

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A summary of the number of scrams for operating power reactor scrams since 2011, compiled by NRC staff as events are reported. The data identifies each scram by year, sequential scram number in each year, reactor site, reactor unit, operating reactor docket, type of scram (automatic or manual), and type of reactor (boiling water reactor or pressurized water reactor). A column is included to identify scrams counted by NRC staff that may have been reported under other codes or retracted by the licensee and included in the NRC’s scram total count.

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Raw data for the Plant Performance Indicator (PI) values for each of the operating commercial nuclear power reactors in the United States.  Available data include the plant name, indicator code, year and month in which the PI was reported, and value of the PI based on its type.
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Demographic data on U.S. commercial nuclear power reactors, including: plant name/unit number, docket number, location, licensee, reactor/containment type, nuclear steam system supplier/design, architect-engineer, constructor, important dates, capacities, and links to plant-specific pages

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Demographic data on U.S. commercial nuclear power reactors that were formerly licensed to operate, but are now permanently shutdown. The available data include plant name/unit number, location, reactor type, nuclear steam supply system vendor, capacity, important dates, decommissioning alternative selected, current status, and related notes.

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A summary of event notification reports for the past month, as they relate to operating nuclear power reactors in the United States. This summary includes the event number, description, and date; site/licensee names and locations (City, State, County, NRC region); license/docket number; unit number; how/when the NRC was notified; and other details regarding the state of the plant at the time of the event.

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Information regarding inspection reports for the past year, as they relate to operating nuclear power reactors in the United States. This information includes the document title and date, associated docket number and plant name, number of pages, and the author's affiliation. Web links to the inspection reports are also provided for the viewer's convenience.

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Daily power reactor status for the past year, for each of the operating commercial nuclear power reactors in the United States

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Demographic data on U.S. research and test reactors, including: licensee, location, reactor type, power level, licensee/docket number, and license date

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Demographic data on U.S. research and test reactors that are currently under decommissioning. The available data include licensee, location, reactor type, decommissioning alternative selected, power level, license/shutdown dates, and current status.

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A comprehensive listing of significant ("escalated") enforcement actions that the NRC has issued to reactor licensees, materials licensees, fuel cycle facilities, non-licensees, and individuals. These actions include Notices of Violation for Severity Level I, II, or III violations; Notices of Violation associated with inspection findings that the Significance Determination Process categorizes as White, Yellow, or Red; Civil Penalties; and Orders. Available information includes action number, recipient's name, type, issue date, and summary.

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Demographic data on Tribal lands that are physically located within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant. The available data include the Tribal land, State, and plant site in proximity.

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A catalog of documents related to the NRC’s role in the disposal process for waste incidental to reprocessing (WIR), including the category, title, date, and accession number by which the document can be retrieved from the NRC’s Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS)

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Key Web Pages Describing the NRC's Information Dissemination Channels

For access to the NRC's vast array of information dissemination channels, see the following pages available on this site.

Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018

On January 14, 2019, the President signed in to law H.R. 4174, the "Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018" (Public Law 115-435) (the Act). The Act requires federal agencies to take various steps to enhance federal data and evidence-building functions. In support of its goals, the Act requires the designation of a Chief Data Officer (CDO), the Evaluation Officer (EO), and the Statistical Official (SO). Below are the designations of these key positions at the NRC.

Designated Senior Agency Officials:

Chief Data Officer (CDO)

NRC Position: Director, Data, Information Management, and Enterprise Governance Division, OCIO
Basia Sall

Evaluation Officer (EO)

NRC Position: Associate Director for Operations, OEDO
Jody Martin

Statistical Official (SO)

NRC Position: Deputy Associate Director for Operations, OEDO
Matthew Meyer

In September 2019, the NRC established a Data Governance Board (DGB) that is comprised of senior-level staff to ensure that the NRC is setting priorities for managing data as a strategic asset in service to the agency's mission. The DGB is chaired by the NRC's CDO and meets on a quarterly basis or as often as necessary. Additional information can be found in the charter established for the DGB.

NRC Data Strategy

The management and use of data are the collective responsibility of all agency staff in carrying out a wide range of programs and functions. Though data may be captured and created locally, its value to the agency can be derived in innumerable ways through data analytics, data science, and data-driven methodologies. It is therefore the vision of the NRC that "data empowers the enterprise" in that it provides the means and the opportunities to execute the agency's mission and to enable continuous improvement along the way.

Read the NRC Data Strategy

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, October 01, 2024